import asyncio import click import logging import os import random import sys from functools import wraps from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple from toot import App, User, __version__, config from toot.asynch import api from toot.asynch.entities import Account, InstanceV2, Status, from_dict, from_response from toot.output import echo, print_out from toot.utils import EOF_KEY, editor_input, multiline_input # Allow overriding options using environment variables # # Tweak the Click context # CONTEXT = dict( # Enable using environment variables to set options auto_envvar_prefix='TOOT', # Add shorthand -h for invoking help help_option_names=['-h', '--help'], # Give help some more room (default is 80) max_content_width=100, # Always show default values for options show_default=True, ) def async_command(f): # Integrating click with asyncio: # @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs)) return wrapper def validate_language(ctx, param, value: str) -> str: if value and len(value) != 3: raise click.BadParameter( "Expected a 3 letter abbreviation according to ISO 639-2 standard." ) return value # Data object to add to Click context class Obj(NamedTuple): app: Optional[App] user: Optional[User] color: bool debug: bool json: bool quiet: bool @click.option("--debug/--no-debug", default=False, help="Log debug info to stderr") @click.option("--color/--no-color", default=sys.stdout.isatty(), help="Use ANSI color in output") @click.option("--quiet/--no-quiet", default=False, help="Don't print anything to stdout") @click.option("--json/--no-json", default=False, help="Print data as JSON rather than human readable textv") @click.version_option(version=__version__, prog_name="toot") @click.pass_context def cli(ctx, debug: bool, color: bool, quiet: bool, json: bool): user, app = config.get_active_user_app() ctx.color = color ctx.obj = Obj(app, user, color, debug, json, quiet) if debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) @cli.command() @click.argument("url", required=False) @click.pass_context @async_command async def instance(ctx, url: Optional[str]): base_url = url or response = await api.instance_v2(base_url) if ctx.obj.json: click.echo(response.body) else: instance = from_response(InstanceV2, response) click.secho(instance.title, fg="green") click.secho(url, fg="blue") click.echo(f"Running Mastodon {instance.version}") @cli.command() @click.pass_context @async_command async def whoami(ctx): response = await api.verify_credentials(, ctx.obj.user) if ctx.obj.json: click.echo(response.body) else: account = from_response(Account, response) click.echo(, fg="green", bold=True)) click.echo(, fg="yellow")) click.echo(account.note_plaintext) @cli.command() @click.pass_context @async_command async def timeline(ctx): response = await api.timeline(, ctx.obj.user) if ctx.obj.json: click.echo(response.body) else: timeline = [from_dict(Status, s) for s in response.json()] for status in timeline: click.echo() click.echo(status.original.account.username) click.echo(status.original.content) @cli.command() @click.argument("text", required=False) @click.option( "-e", "--editor", is_flag=True, flag_value=os.environ.get("EDITOR"), show_default=os.environ.get("EDITOR"), help="""Use an editor to compose your toot, defaults to editor defined in the $EDITOR environment variable.""" ) @click.option( "-m", "--media", multiple=True, help="""Path to a media file to attach (specify multiple times to attach up to 4 files)""", ) @click.option( "-d", "--description", multiple=True, help="""Plain-text description of the media for accessibility purposes, one per attached media""", ) @click.option( "-l", "--language", help="ISO 639-2 language code of the toot, to skip automatic detection", callback=validate_language ) def post( text: str, editor: str, media: Tuple[str, ...], description: Tuple[str, ...], language: Optional[str], ): if editor and not sys.stdin.isatty(): raise click.UsageError("Cannot run editor if not in tty.") if media and len(media) > 4: raise click.UsageError("Cannot attach more than 4 files.") echo("unstyled posting dim underline bold unstlyed") echo("Bold bold and italic italic") echo("foobar") echo("\\foobar") echo("plain blue blue and underline blue plain") # echo("Done") # media_ids = _upload_media(app, user, args) # status_text = _get_status_text(text, editor) # if not status_text and not media_ids: # raise click.UsageError("You must specify either text or media to post.") # response = api.post_status( # app, user, status_text, # visibility=args.visibility, # media_ids=media_ids, # sensitive=args.sensitive, # spoiler_text=args.spoiler_text, # in_reply_to_id=args.reply_to, # language=args.language, # scheduled_at=args.scheduled_at, # content_type=args.content_type # ) # if "scheduled_at" in response: # print_out("Toot scheduled for: {}".format(response["scheduled_at"])) # else: # print_out("Toot posted: {}".format(response.get('url'))) def _get_status_text(text, editor): isatty = sys.stdin.isatty() if not text and not isatty: text = if isatty: if editor: text = editor_input(editor, text) elif not text: print_out("Write or paste your toot. Press {} to post it.".format(EOF_KEY)) text = multiline_input() return text def _upload_media(app, user, args): # Match media to corresponding description and upload media = or [] descriptions = args.description or [] uploaded_media = [] for idx, file in enumerate(media): description = descriptions[idx].strip() if idx < len(descriptions) else None result = _do_upload(app, user, file, description) uploaded_media.append(result) return [m["id"] for m in uploaded_media] def _do_upload(app, user, file: str, description: Optional[str]): print("Faking upload:", file, description) id = random.randint(1, 99999) return {"id": id, "text_url": f"{id}"}