Let <Esc> move back to "home" timeline

When not in overlay mode, we handle <Esc> key press to get back to the
"home" timeline. This allows to navigate quickly from another timeline
to the home one, without getting through the "go to" menu.
Denis Laxalde 2020-01-26 22:20:03 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez Ivan Habunek
rodzic 69f110b474
commit 4d1fa837a1
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@ -519,6 +519,11 @@ class TUI(urwid.Frame):
elif key == 'esc':
if self.overlay:
elif self.timeline.name != "home":
# similar to goto_home_timeline() but without handling overlay (absent here)
self.timeline_generator = api.home_timeline_generator(
self.app, self.user, limit=40)
self.async_load_timeline(is_initial=True, timeline_name="home")
elif key in ('q', 'Q'):
if self.overlay: