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Helium Mapper build for LilyGo TTGO T-Beam v0.7, v1.0, and v1.1 boards.
Copyright (C) 2021 by Max-Plastix
This is a development fork by Max-Plastix hosted here:
This code comes from a number of developers and earlier efforts, visible in the
lineage on Github and prior comments below. GPL makes this all possible --
continue to modify, extend, and share!
This module and those attached with it have been modified for the Helium
Network by Fizzy. The following has been changed from the original
modifications for Helium, by longfi-arduino:
- Added Helium Startup Logo
- Changed App Name and Version of device to reflect more of a device name and
number scheme.
- Enabled long press middle button to Discard Prefs by default for future
troubleshooting on device.
- Changed Text output to reflect Helium, and not TTL (Code referances ttn,
just to prevent brakes in this awesome code)
- Changed credentials file to use OTAA by default.
- Changed GPS metric output text "Error", to "Accuracy/HDOP".
Main module
# Modified by Kyle T. Gabriel to fix issue with incorrect GPS data for
Copyright (C) 2018 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Preferences.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <axp20x.h>
#include <lmic.h>
#include "configuration.h"
#include "gps.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "sleep.h"
#include "ttn.h"
// Defined in ttn.ino
void ttn_register(void (*callback)(uint8_t message));
bool justSendNow = true; // Start by sending
unsigned long int last_send_millis = 0;
unsigned long int last_moved_millis = 0;
float last_send_lat = 0;
float last_send_lon = 0;
float dist_moved = 0;
// Deadzone (no uplink) location and radius
float deadzone_lat = DEADZONE_LAT;
float deadzone_lon = DEADZONE_LON;
float deadzone_radius_m = DEADZONE_RADIUS_M;
boolean in_deadzone = false;
/* Defaults that can be overwritten by downlink messages */
/* 32-bit int seconds is 50 days maximum */
unsigned int rest_wait_s; // prefs REST_WAIT
unsigned int rest_tx_interval_s; // prefs REST_TX_INTERVAL
unsigned int stationary_tx_interval_s; // prefs STATIONARY_TX_INTERVAL
unsigned int tx_interval_s;
float battery_low_voltage = BATTERY_LOW_VOLTAGE;
float min_dist_moved = MIN_DIST;
AXP20X_Class axp;
bool pmu_irq = false;
bool ssd1306_found = false;
bool axp192_found = false;
// bool packetSent;
bool packetQueued;
bool isJoined = false;
// Buffer for Payload frame
static uint8_t txBuffer[11];
// deep sleep support
RTC_DATA_ATTR int bootCount = 0;
esp_sleep_source_t wakeCause; // the reason we booted this time
char buffer[40]; // Screen buffer
dr_t lorawan_sf; // prefs LORAWAN_SF
char sf_name[40];
unsigned long int ack_req = 0;
unsigned long int ack_rx = 0;
// Same format as CubeCell mappers
void buildPacket(uint8_t txBuffer[]) {
uint32_t LatitudeBinary;
uint32_t LongitudeBinary;
uint16_t altitudeGps;
// uint8_t hdopGps;
uint8_t sats;
uint16_t speed;
LatitudeBinary = ((gps_latitude() + 90) / 180.0) * 16777215;
LongitudeBinary = ((gps_longitude() + 180) / 360.0) * 16777215;
altitudeGps = (uint16_t)gps_altitude();
speed = (uint16_t)gps_speed(); // convert from float
sats = gps_sats();
sprintf(buffer, "Lat: %f, ", gps_latitude());
sprintf(buffer, "Long: %f, ", gps_longitude());
sprintf(buffer, "Alt: %f, ", gps_altitude());
sprintf(buffer, "Sats: %d", sats);
txBuffer[0] = (LatitudeBinary >> 16) & 0xFF;
txBuffer[1] = (LatitudeBinary >> 8) & 0xFF;
txBuffer[2] = LatitudeBinary & 0xFF;
txBuffer[3] = (LongitudeBinary >> 16) & 0xFF;
txBuffer[4] = (LongitudeBinary >> 8) & 0xFF;
txBuffer[5] = LongitudeBinary & 0xFF;
txBuffer[6] = (altitudeGps >> 8) & 0xFF;
txBuffer[7] = altitudeGps & 0xFF;
txBuffer[8] = ((unsigned char *)(&speed))[0];
uint16_t batteryVoltage = ((float_t)((float_t)(axp.getBattVoltage()) / 10.0) + .5);
txBuffer[9] = (uint8_t)((batteryVoltage - 200) & 0xFF);
txBuffer[10] = sats & 0xFF;
// Send a packet, if one is warranted
bool trySend() {
float now_lat = gps_latitude();
float now_long = gps_longitude();
unsigned long int now_millis = millis();
// Here we try to filter out bogus GPS readings.
// It's not correct, and there should be a better indication from GPS that the
// fix is invalid
if (gps_hdop() <= 0 || gps_hdop() > 50 || now_lat == 0.0 // Not fair to the whole equator
|| now_lat > 90.0 || now_lat < -90.0 || now_long == 0.0 // Not fair to King George
|| now_long < -180.0 || now_long > 180.0 || gps_altitude() == 0.0 // Not fair to the ocean
|| gps_sats() < 4)
return false; // Rejected as bogus GPS reading.
// Don't attempt to send or update until we join Helium
if (!isJoined)
return false;
// LoRa is not ready for a new packet, maybe still sending the last one.
if (!LMIC_queryTxReady())
return false;
// Check if there is not a current TX/RX job running
if (LMIC.opmode & OP_TXRXPEND)
return false;
// distance from last transmitted location
float dist_moved = gps_distanceBetween(last_send_lat, last_send_lon, now_lat, now_long);
float deadzone_dist = gps_distanceBetween(deadzone_lat, deadzone_lon, now_lat, now_long);
in_deadzone = (deadzone_dist <= deadzone_radius_m);
Serial.printf("[Time %lu / %us, Moved %dm in %lus %c]\n", (now_millis - last_send_millis) / 1000, tx_interval_s, (int32_t)dist_moved,
(now_millis - last_moved_millis) / 1000, in_deadzone ? 'D' : '-');
// Deadzone means we don't send unless asked
if (in_deadzone && !justSendNow)
return false;
char because = '?';
if (justSendNow) {
justSendNow = false;
Serial.println("** JUST_SEND_NOW");
because = '>';
} else if (dist_moved > min_dist_moved) {
Serial.println("** MOVING");
last_moved_millis = now_millis;
because = 'D';
} else if (now_millis - last_send_millis > tx_interval_s * 1000) {
Serial.println("** TIME");
because = 'T';
} else {
return false; // Nothing to do, go home early
// SEND a Packet!
// digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW);
// The first distance-moved is crazy, since has no origin.. don't put it on
// screen.
if (dist_moved > 1000000)
dist_moved = 0;
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\n%d %c %4lus %4.0fm ", ttn_get_count(), because, (now_millis - last_send_millis) / 1000, dist_moved);
// prepare the LoRa frame
// Want an ACK on this one?
bool confirmed = (LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_EVERY > 0) && (ttn_get_count() % LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_EVERY == 0);
if (confirmed) {
Serial.println("ACK requested");
screen_print("? ");
digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW); // Light LED
// send it!
packetQueued = true;
if (!ttn_send(txBuffer, sizeof(txBuffer), LORAWAN_PORT, confirmed)) {
Serial.println("Surprise send failure!");
return false;
last_send_millis = now_millis;
last_send_lat = now_lat;
last_send_lon = now_long;
return true; // We did it!
Mapper namespace
mapper {
void mapper_restore_prefs(void) {
Preferences p;
if (p.begin("mapper", true)) // Read-only
min_dist_moved = p.getFloat("min_dist", MIN_DIST);
rest_wait_s = p.getUInt("rest_wait", REST_WAIT);
rest_tx_interval_s = p.getUInt("rest_tx", REST_TX_INTERVAL);
stationary_tx_interval_s = p.getUInt("tx_interval", STATIONARY_TX_INTERVAL);
if (sizeof(lorawan_sf) != sizeof(unsigned char))
Serial.println("Error! size mismatch for sf");
lorawan_sf = p.getUChar("sf", LORAWAN_SF);
// Close the Preferences
} else {
Serial.println("No Mapper prefs -- using defaults.");
min_dist_moved = MIN_DIST;
rest_wait_s = REST_WAIT;
rest_tx_interval_s = REST_TX_INTERVAL;
stationary_tx_interval_s = STATIONARY_TX_INTERVAL;
lorawan_sf = LORAWAN_SF;
tx_interval_s = stationary_tx_interval_s;
void mapper_save_prefs(void) {
Preferences p;
Serial.println("Saving prefs.");
if (p.begin("mapper", false)) {
p.putFloat("min_dist", min_dist_moved);
p.putUInt("rest_wait", rest_wait_s);
p.putUInt("rest_tx", rest_tx_interval_s);
p.putUInt("tx_interval", stationary_tx_interval_s);
p.putUChar("sf", lorawan_sf);
void mapper_erase_prefs(void) {
#if 0
nvs_flash_erase(); // erase the NVS partition and...
nvs_flash_init(); // initialize the NVS partition.
Preferences p;
if (p.begin("mapper", false)) {
#if 0
void doDeepSleep(uint64_t msecToWake)
Serial.printf("Entering deep sleep for %llu seconds\n", msecToWake / 1000);
// not using wifi yet, but once we are this is needed to shutoff the radio hw
// esp_wifi_stop();
screen_off(); // datasheet says this will draw only 10ua
LMIC_shutdown(); // cleanly shutdown the radio
if (axp192_found) {
// turn on after initial testing with real hardware
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_OFF); // LORA radio
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_OFF); // GPS main power
// FIXME - use an external 10k pulldown so we can leave the RTC peripherals powered off
// until then we need the following lines
// Only GPIOs which are have RTC functionality can be used in this bit map: 0,2,4,12-15,25-27,32-39.
uint64_t gpioMask = (1ULL << MIDDLE_BUTTON_PIN);
// FIXME change polarity so we can wake on ANY_HIGH instead - that would allow us to use all three buttons (instead of just the first)
gpio_pullup_en((gpio_num_t) MIDDLE_BUTTON_PIN);
esp_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(gpioMask, ESP_EXT1_WAKEUP_ALL_LOW);
esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(msecToWake * 1000ULL); // call expects usecs
esp_deep_sleep_start(); // TBD mA sleep current (battery)
// LoRa message event callback
void lora_msg_callback(uint8_t message) {
static boolean seen_joined = false, seen_joining = false;
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "## MSG %d\n", message);
if (EV_JOIN_TXCOMPLETE == message)
Serial.println("# JOIN_TXCOMPLETE");
if (EV_TXCOMPLETE == message)
Serial.println("# TXCOMPLETE");
if (EV_RXCOMPLETE == message)
Serial.println("# RXCOMPLETE");
if (EV_RXSTART == message)
Serial.println("# RXSTART");
if (EV_TXCANCELED == message)
Serial.println("# TXCANCELED");
if (EV_TXSTART == message)
Serial.println("# TXSTART");
if (EV_JOINING == message)
Serial.println("# JOINING");
if (EV_JOINED == message)
Serial.println("# JOINED");
if (EV_JOIN_FAILED == message)
Serial.println("# JOIN_FAILED");
if (EV_REJOIN_FAILED == message)
Serial.println("# REJOIN_FAILED");
if (EV_RESET == message)
Serial.println("# RESET");
if (EV_LINK_DEAD == message)
Serial.println("# LINK_DEAD");
if (EV_ACK == message)
Serial.println("# ACK");
if (EV_PENDING == message)
Serial.println("# PENDING");
if (EV_QUEUED == message)
Serial.println("# QUEUED");
/* This is confusing because JOINED is sometimes spoofed and comes early */
if (EV_JOINED == message)
seen_joined = true;
if (EV_JOINING == message)
seen_joining = true;
if (!isJoined && seen_joined && seen_joining) {
isJoined = true;
screen_print("Joined Helium!\n");
ttn_set_sf(lorawan_sf); // Joining seems to leave it at SF10?
ttn_get_sf_name(sf_name, sizeof(sf_name));
justSendNow = true;
if (EV_TXSTART == message) {
// We only want to say 'packetSent' for our packets (not packets needed for
// joining)
if (EV_TXCOMPLETE == message && packetQueued) {
// screen_print("sent.\n");
packetQueued = false;
if (axp192_found)
if (EV_ACK == message) {
digitalWrite(RED_LED, HIGH);
Serial.printf("ACK! %lu / %lu\n", ack_rx, ack_req);
screen_print("! ");
if (EV_RXCOMPLETE == message || EV_RESPONSE == message) {
size_t len = ttn_response_len();
uint8_t data[len];
uint8_t port;
ttn_response(&port, data, len);
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\nRx: %d on P%d\n", len, port);
Serial.printf("Downlink on port: %d = ", port);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (data[i] < 16)
Serial.print(data[i], HEX);
* Downlink format: FPort 1
* 2 Bytes: Minimum Distance (1 to 65535) meters, or 0 no-change
* 2 Bytes: Minimum Time (1 to 65535) seconds (18.2 hours) between pings, or
* 0 no-change, or 0xFFFF to use default 1 Byte: Battery voltage (2.0
* to 4.5) for auto-shutoff, or 0 no-change
if (port == 1 && len == 5) {
float new_distance = (float)(data[0] << 8 | data[1]);
if (new_distance > 0.0) {
min_dist_moved = new_distance;
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\nNew Dist: %.0fm\n", new_distance);
unsigned long int new_interval = data[2] << 8 | data[3];
if (new_interval) {
if (new_interval == 0xFFFF) {
stationary_tx_interval_s = STATIONARY_TX_INTERVAL;
} else {
stationary_tx_interval_s = new_interval;
tx_interval_s = stationary_tx_interval_s;
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\nNew Time: %.0lus\n", new_interval);
if (data[4]) {
float new_low_voltage = data[4] / 100.00 + 2.00;
battery_low_voltage = new_low_voltage;
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\nNew LowBat: %.2fv\n", new_low_voltage);
void scanI2Cdevice(void) {
byte err, addr;
int nDevices = 0;
for (addr = 1; addr < 127; addr++) {
err = Wire.endTransmission();
if (err == 0) {
#if 0
Serial.print("I2C device found at address 0x");
if (addr < 16)
Serial.print(addr, HEX);
Serial.println(" !");
if (addr == SSD1306_ADDRESS) {
ssd1306_found = true;
Serial.println("SSD1306 OLED display");
if (addr == AXP192_SLAVE_ADDRESS) {
axp192_found = true;
Serial.println("AXP192 PMU");
} else if (err == 4) {
Serial.print("Unknow i2c device at 0x");
if (addr < 16)
Serial.println(addr, HEX);
if (nDevices == 0)
Serial.println("No I2C devices found!\n");
/* else Serial.println("done\n"); */
Init the power manager chip
axp192 power
DCDC1 0.7-3.5V @ 1200mA max -> OLED // If you turn this off you'll lose comms
to the axp192 because the OLED and the axp192 share the same i2c bus use
ssd1306 sleep mode instead DCDC2 -> unused DCDC3 0.7-3.5V @ 700mA max -> ESP32
(keep this on!) LDO1 30mA -> "VCC_RTC" charges GPS backup battery // charges
the tiny J13 battery by the GPS to power the GPS ram (for a couple of days),
can not be turned off LDO2 200mA -> "LORA_VCC" LDO3 200mA -> "GPS_VCC"
void axp192Init() {
if (axp192_found) {
if (!axp.begin(Wire, AXP192_SLAVE_ADDRESS)) {
// Serial.println("AXP192 Begin PASS");
} else {
Serial.println("axp.begin() FAIL");
axp192_found = false;
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_ON); // LORA radio
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_ON); // GPS main power
axp.setLDO3Voltage(3300); // For GPS Power. Can run on 2.7v to 3.6v
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_DCDC1, AXP202_ON); // OLED power
axp.setDCDC1Voltage(3300); // for the OLED power
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_DCDC2, AXP202_OFF); // Unconnected
AXP202_OFF); // "EXTEN" pin, normally unused
// Flash the Blue LED until our first packet is transmitted
// axp.setChgLEDMode(AXP20X_LED_OFF);
#if 0
Serial.printf("DCDC1: %s\n", axp.isDCDC1Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
Serial.printf("DCDC2: %s\n", axp.isDCDC2Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
Serial.printf("DCDC3: %s\n", axp.isDCDC3Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
//Serial.printf("LDO1: %s\n", axp.isLDO1Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
Serial.printf("LDO2: %s\n", axp.isLDO2Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
Serial.printf("LDO3: %s\n", axp.isLDO3Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
Serial.printf("Exten: %s\n", axp.isExtenEnable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
PMU_IRQ, [] { pmu_irq = true; }, FALLING);
// Configure REG 36H: PEK press key parameter set. Index values for
// argument!
axp.setStartupTime(2); // "Power on time": 512mS
axp.setlongPressTime(2); // "Long time key press time": 2S
axp.setShutdownTime(2); // "Power off time" = 8S
axp.setTimeOutShutdown(1); // "When key press time is longer than power off
// time, auto power off"
// Serial.printf("AC IN: %fv\n", axp.getAcinVoltage());
// Serial.printf("Vbus: %fv\n", axp.getVbusVoltage());
Serial.printf("PMIC Temp %0.2f°C\n", axp.getTemp());
// Serial.printf("TSTemp %f°C\n", axp.getTSTemp());
// Serial.printf("GPIO0 %fv\n", axp.getGPIO0Voltage());
// Serial.printf("GPIO1 %fv\n", axp.getGPIO1Voltage());
// Serial.printf("Batt In: %fmW\n", axp.getBattInpower());
Serial.printf("Batt: %0.3fv\n", axp.getBattVoltage() / 1000.0);
Serial.printf("SysIPSOut: %0.3fv\n", axp.getSysIPSOUTVoltage() / 1000.0);
Serial.printf("isVBUSPlug? %s\n", axp.isVBUSPlug() ? "Yes" : "No");
Serial.printf("isChargingEnable? %s\n", axp.isChargeingEnable() ? "Yes" : "No");
Serial.printf("ChargeCurrent: %.2fmA\n", axp.getSettingChargeCurrent());
Serial.printf("ChargeControlCurrent: %d\n", axp.getChargeControlCur());
Serial.printf("Charge: %d%%\n", axp.getBattPercentage());
Serial.printf("WarningLevel1: %d mV\n", axp.getVWarningLevel1());
Serial.printf("WarningLevel2: %d mV\n", axp.getVWarningLevel2());
Serial.printf("PowerDown: %d mV\n", axp.getPowerDownVoltage());
Serial.printf("DCDC1Voltage: %d mV\n", axp.getDCDC1Voltage());
Serial.printf("DCDC2Voltage: %d mV\n", axp.getDCDC2Voltage());
Serial.printf("DCDC3Voltage: %d mV\n", axp.getDCDC3Voltage());
Serial.printf("LDO2: %d mV\n", axp.getLDO2Voltage());
Serial.printf("LDO3: %d mV\n", axp.getLDO3Voltage());
Serial.printf("LDO4: %d mV\n", axp.getLDO4Voltage());
// Enable battery current measurements
axp.adc1Enable(AXP202_BATT_CUR_ADC1, 1);
axp.enableIRQ(0xFFFFFFFFFF, 1); // Give me ALL the interrupts you have.
// @Kenny_PDY discovered that low-battery voltage inhibits detecting the menu button.
// I don't know why, but might be a persistent interrupt that blocks the button?
} else {
Serial.println("AXP192 not found!");
// Perform power on init that we do on each wake from deep sleep
void wakeup() {
wakeCause = esp_sleep_get_wakeup_cause();
Not using yet because we are using wake on all buttons being low
wakeButtons = esp_sleep_get_ext1_wakeup_status(); // If one of these
buttons is set it was the reason we woke if (wakeCause ==
ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_EXT1 && !wakeButtons) // we must have been using the 'all
buttons rule for waking' to support busted boards, assume button one was
pressed wakeButtons = ((uint64_t)1) << buttons.gpios[0];
Serial.printf("BOOT #%d! cause:%d ext1:%08llx\n", bootCount, wakeCause, esp_sleep_get_ext1_wakeup_status());
void setup() {
// Debug
Wire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
// GPS sometimes gets wedged with no satellites in view and only a power-cycle
// saves it. Here we turn off power and the delay in screen setup is enough
// time to bonk the GPS
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_OFF); // GPS power off
// Buttons & LED
digitalWrite(RED_LED, HIGH); // Off
// Hello
mapper_restore_prefs(); // Fetch saved settings
// Don't init display if we don't have one or we are waking headless due to a
// timer event
if (0 && wakeCause == ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_TIMER)
ssd1306_found = false; // forget we even have the hardware
if (ssd1306_found)
// GPS power on, so it has time to setttle.
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_ON);
// Show logo on first boot after removing battery
if (bootCount <= 1)
screen_print(APP_NAME " " APP_VERSION, 0, 0); // Above the Logo
screen_print(APP_NAME " " APP_VERSION "\n"); // Add it to the log too
// Helium setup
if (!ttn_setup()) {
screen_print("[ERR] Radio module not found!\n");
} else {
// Might have to add a longer delay here
gps_setup(); // Init GPS baudrate and messages
// Power OFF -- does not return
void clean_shutdown(void) {
LMIC_shutdown(); // cleanly shutdown the radio
if (axp192_found) {
axp.setChgLEDMode(AXP20X_LED_OFF); // Surprisingly sticky if you don't set it
axp.shutdown(); // PMIC power off
} else {
while (1)
; // ?? What to do here
void update_activity() {
float bat_volts = axp.getBattVoltage() / 1000;
float charge_ma = axp.getBattChargeCurrent();
// float discharge_ma = axp.getBatChargeCurrent();
if (axp192_found && axp.isBatteryConnect() && bat_volts < battery_low_voltage && charge_ma < 99.0) {
Serial.println("Low Battery OFF");
screen_print("\nLow Battery OFF\n");
delay(4999); // Give some time to read the screen
if (millis() - last_moved_millis > rest_wait_s * 1000)
tx_interval_s = rest_tx_interval_s;
tx_interval_s = stationary_tx_interval_s;
/* I must know what that interrupt was for! */
const char *find_irq_name(void) {
const char *irq_name = "MysteryIRQ";
if (axp.isAcinOverVoltageIRQ())
irq_name = "AcinOverVoltage";
else if (axp.isAcinPlugInIRQ())
irq_name = "AcinPlugIn";
else if (axp.isAcinRemoveIRQ())
irq_name = "AcinRemove";
else if (axp.isVbusOverVoltageIRQ())
irq_name = "VbusOverVoltage";
else if (axp.isVbusPlugInIRQ())
irq_name = "VbusPlugIn";
else if (axp.isVbusRemoveIRQ())
irq_name = "VbusRemove";
else if (axp.isVbusLowVHOLDIRQ())
irq_name = "VbusLowVHOLD";
else if (axp.isBattPlugInIRQ())
irq_name = "BattPlugIn";
else if (axp.isBattRemoveIRQ())
irq_name = "BattRemove";
else if (axp.isBattEnterActivateIRQ())
irq_name = "BattEnterActivate";
else if (axp.isBattExitActivateIRQ())
irq_name = "BattExitActivate";
else if (axp.isChargingIRQ())
irq_name = "Charging";
else if (axp.isChargingDoneIRQ())
irq_name = "ChargingDone";
else if (axp.isBattTempLowIRQ())
irq_name = "BattTempLow";
else if (axp.isBattTempHighIRQ())
irq_name = "BattTempHigh";
else if (axp.isChipOvertemperatureIRQ())
irq_name = "ChipOvertemperature";
else if (axp.isChargingCurrentLessIRQ())
irq_name = "ChargingCurrentLess";
else if (axp.isDC2VoltageLessIRQ())
irq_name = "DC2VoltageLess";
else if (axp.isDC3VoltageLessIRQ())
irq_name = "DC3VoltageLess";
else if (axp.isLDO3VoltageLessIRQ())
irq_name = "LDO3VoltageLess";
else if (axp.isPEKShortPressIRQ())
irq_name = "PEKShortPress";
else if (axp.isPEKLongtPressIRQ())
irq_name = "PEKLongtPress";
else if (axp.isNOEPowerOnIRQ())
irq_name = "NOEPowerOn";
else if (axp.isNOEPowerDownIRQ())
irq_name = "NOEPowerDown";
else if (axp.isVBUSEffectiveIRQ())
irq_name = "VBUSEffective";
else if (axp.isVBUSInvalidIRQ())
irq_name = "VBUSInvalid";
else if (axp.isVUBSSessionIRQ())
irq_name = "VUBSSession";
else if (axp.isVUBSSessionEndIRQ())
irq_name = "VUBSSessionEnd";
else if (axp.isLowVoltageLevel1IRQ())
irq_name = "LowVoltageLevel1";
else if (axp.isLowVoltageLevel2IRQ())
irq_name = "LowVoltageLevel2";
else if (axp.isTimerTimeoutIRQ())
irq_name = "TimerTimeout";
else if (axp.isPEKRisingEdgeIRQ())
irq_name = "PEKRisingEdge";
else if (axp.isPEKFallingEdgeIRQ())
irq_name = "PEKFallingEdge";
else if (axp.isGPIO3InputEdgeTriggerIRQ())
irq_name = "GPIO3InputEdgeTrigger";
else if (axp.isGPIO2InputEdgeTriggerIRQ())
irq_name = "GPIO2InputEdgeTrigger";
else if (axp.isGPIO1InputEdgeTriggerIRQ())
irq_name = "GPIO1InputEdgeTrigger";
else if (axp.isGPIO0InputEdgeTriggerIRQ())
irq_name = "GPIO0InputEdgeTrigger";
return irq_name;
struct menu_entry {
const char *name;
void (*func)(void);
void menu_send_now(void) {
justSendNow = true;
void menu_power_off(void) {
screen_print("\nPOWER OFF...\n");
delay(4000); // Give some time to read the screen
void menu_flush_prefs(void) {
screen_print("\nFlushing Prefs!\n");
delay(5000); // Give some time to read the screen
void menu_distance_plus(void) {
min_dist_moved += 5;
void menu_distance_minus(void) {
min_dist_moved -= 5;
if (min_dist_moved < 10)
min_dist_moved = 10;
void menu_time_plus(void) {
stationary_tx_interval_s += 10;
void menu_time_minus(void) {
stationary_tx_interval_s -= 10;
if (stationary_tx_interval_s < 10)
stationary_tx_interval_s = 10;
void menu_gps_passthrough(void) {
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_OFF); // Kill LORA radio
// Does not return.
void menu_experiment(void) {
static boolean power_toggle = true;
Serial.printf("%f mA %f mW\n", axp.getBattChargeCurrent() - axp.getBattDischargeCurrent(), axp.getBattInpower());
power_toggle ? AXP202_ON : AXP202_OFF); // GPS main power
power_toggle = !power_toggle;
void menu_deadzone_here(void) {
deadzone_lat = gps_latitude();
deadzone_lon = gps_longitude();
dr_t sf_list[] = {DR_SF7, DR_SF8, DR_SF9, DR_SF10};
#define SF_ENTRIES (sizeof(sf_list) / sizeof(sf_list[0]))
uint8_t sf_index = 0;
void menu_change_sf(void) {
if (sf_index >= SF_ENTRIES)
sf_index = 0;
lorawan_sf = sf_list[sf_index];
ttn_get_sf_name(sf_name, sizeof(sf_name));
Serial.printf("New SF: %s\n", sf_name);
struct menu_entry menu[] = {{"Send Now", menu_send_now}, {"Power Off", menu_power_off}, {"Distance +", menu_distance_plus},
{"Distance -", menu_distance_minus}, {"Time +", menu_time_plus}, {"Time -", menu_time_minus},
{"Change SF", menu_change_sf}, {"Flush Prefs", menu_flush_prefs}, {"USB GPS", menu_gps_passthrough},
{"Deadzone Here", menu_deadzone_here}, {"Danger", menu_experiment}};
#define MENU_ENTRIES (sizeof(menu) / sizeof(menu[0]))
const char *menu_prev;
const char *menu_cur;
const char *menu_next;
boolean in_menu = false;
boolean is_highlighted = false;
int menu_entry = 0;
static uint32_t menu_idle_start = 0; // what tick should we call this press long enough
void menu_press(void) {
if (in_menu)
menu_entry = (menu_entry + 1) % MENU_ENTRIES;
in_menu = true;
menu_prev = menu[(menu_entry - 1) % MENU_ENTRIES].name;
menu_cur = menu[menu_entry].name;
menu_next = menu[(menu_entry + 1) % MENU_ENTRIES].name;
menu_idle_start = millis();
void menu_selected(void) {
menu_idle_start = millis();
void loop() {
if (in_menu && millis() - menu_idle_start > (5 * 1000))
in_menu = false;
screen_loop(tx_interval_s, min_dist_moved, sf_name, gps_sats(), in_menu, menu_prev, menu_cur, menu_next, is_highlighted, in_deadzone);
if (packetSent) {
packetSent = false;
} */
// If any interrupts on PMIC, report the name
if (axp192_found && pmu_irq) {
const char *irq_name;
pmu_irq = false;
irq_name = find_irq_name();
if (axp.isPEKShortPressIRQ())
else if (axp.isPEKLongtPressIRQ()) // They want to turn OFF
else {
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\n* %s ", irq_name);
static uint32_t pressTime = 0;
if (!digitalRead(MIDDLE_BUTTON_PIN)) {
// Pressure is on
if (!pressTime) { // just started a new press
pressTime = millis();
is_highlighted = true;
} else if (pressTime) {
// we just did a release
if (in_menu)
else {
screen_print("\nSend! ");
justSendNow = true;
is_highlighted = false;
if (millis() - pressTime > 1000) {
// Was a long press
} else {
// Was a short press
pressTime = 0; // Released
if (trySend()) {
// Good send
if (axp192_found)
} else {
// Nothing sent.
// Do NOT delay() here.. the LoRa receiver and join housekeeping also needs to run!