
197 wiersze
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package main
import (
// #include <wiringPi.h>
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lwiringPi
import "C"
const (
// CPU temperature target, degrees C
defaultTempTarget = 50.
hysteresis = float32(1.)
pwmClockDivisor = 100
/* Minimum duty cycle is the point below which the fan does
/* not spin. This depends on both your fan and the switching
/* transistor used. */
defaultPwmDutyMin = 1
pwmDutyMax = 10
// Temperature at which we give up attempting active fan speed control and set it to full speed.
failsafeTemp = 65
// how often to update
delaySeconds = 30
// GPIO-1/BCM "18"/Pin 12 on a Raspberry Pi 3
defaultPin = 1
// name of the service
name = "fancontrol"
description = "cooling fan speed control based on CPU temperature"
// Address on which daemon should be listen.
addr = ":9977"
type FanControl struct {
TempTarget float32
TempCurrent float32
PWMDutyMin int
PWMDutyMax int
PWMDutyCurrent int
PWMPin int
var myFanControl FanControl
var stdlog, errlog *log.Logger
func fanControl() {
cPin :=
// Power on "test". Allows the user to verify that their fan is working.
C.pinMode(cPin, C.OUTPUT)
C.digitalWrite(cPin, C.HIGH)
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
C.digitalWrite(cPin, C.LOW)
C.pinMode(cPin, C.PWM_OUTPUT)
myFanControl.TempCurrent = 0
go cpuTempMonitor(func(cpuTemp float32) {
if isCPUTempValid(cpuTemp) {
myFanControl.TempCurrent = cpuTemp
myFanControl.PWMDutyCurrent = 0
delay := time.NewTicker(delaySeconds * time.Second)
for {
if myFanControl.TempCurrent > (myFanControl.TempTarget + hysteresis) {
myFanControl.PWMDutyCurrent = iMax(iMin(myFanControl.PWMDutyMax, myFanControl.PWMDutyCurrent+1), myFanControl.PWMDutyMin)
} else if myFanControl.TempCurrent < (myFanControl.TempTarget - hysteresis) {
myFanControl.PWMDutyCurrent = iMax(myFanControl.PWMDutyCurrent-1, 0)
if myFanControl.PWMDutyCurrent < myFanControl.PWMDutyMin {
myFanControl.PWMDutyCurrent = 0
//log.Println(myFanControl.TempCurrent, " ", myFanControl.PWMDutyCurrent)
if myFanControl.PWMDutyCurrent == myFanControl.PWMDutyMax && myFanControl.TempCurrent >= failsafeTemp {
// Reached the maximum temperature. We stop using PWM control and set the fan to "on" permanently.
// Default to "ON".
C.pinMode(cPin, C.OUTPUT)
C.digitalWrite(cPin, C.HIGH)
// Service has embedded daemon
type Service struct {
// Manage by daemon commands or run the daemon
func (service *Service) Manage() (string, error) {
tempTarget := flag.Float64("temp", defaultTempTarget, "Target CPU Temperature, degrees C")
pwmDutyMin := flag.Int("minduty", defaultPwmDutyMin, "Minimum PWM duty cycle")
pin := flag.Int("pin", defaultPin, "PWM pin (wiringPi numbering)")
usage := "Usage: " + name + " install | remove | start | stop | status"
// if received any kind of command, do it
if flag.NArg() > 0 {
command := os.Args[flag.NFlag()+1]
switch command {
case "install":
return service.Install()
case "remove":
return service.Remove()
case "start":
return service.Start()
case "stop":
return service.Stop()
case "status":
return service.Status()
return usage, nil
myFanControl.TempTarget = float32(*tempTarget)
myFanControl.PWMDutyMin = *pwmDutyMin
myFanControl.PWMDutyMax = pwmDutyMax
myFanControl.PWMPin = *pin
go fanControl()
// Set up channel on which to send signal notifications.
// We must use a buffered channel or risk missing the signal
// if we're not ready to receive when the signal is sent.
interrupt := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(interrupt, os.Interrupt, os.Kill, syscall.SIGTERM)
http.HandleFunc("/", handleStatusRequest)
http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil)
// interrupt by system signal
for {
killSignal := <-interrupt
stdlog.Println("Got signal:", killSignal)
if killSignal == os.Interrupt {
return "Daemon was interrupted by system signal", nil
return "Daemon was killed", nil
func handleStatusRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
statusJSON, _ := json.Marshal(&myFanControl)
func init() {
stdlog = log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
errlog = log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0)
func main() {
srv, err := daemon.New(name, description, []string{}...)
if err != nil {
errlog.Println("Error: ", err)
service := &Service{srv}
status, err := service.Manage()
if err != nil {
errlog.Println(status, "\nError: ", err)