const reconnect = require('reconnect-net'); const wsManager = require('./ws-manager'); const carrier = require('carrier'); const config = require('./config'); const db = require('./db'); const utils = require('./utils'); const rbnSpotRegex = /^DX de (\S+):\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+dB\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+(CQ|DX)\s+(\d+)Z$/; class RbnReceiver { start() { this.restartConnection(); wsManager.on('message', (ws, message) => { if (message.rbnFilter !== undefined) { console.log("Set RBN filter to " + JSON.stringify(message.rbnFilter)); ws.rbnFilter = message.rbnFilter; this.sendSpotHistory(ws) } }); } restartConnection() { if (; this.resetTimer(); = reconnect((stream) => { console.log("Connected to RBN"); stream.write(config.rbn.login + "\r\n"); if (config.rbn.server.commands) { config.rbn.server.commands.forEach(command => { stream.write(command + "\r\n"); }); } carrier.carry(stream, (line) => { this.handleLine(line); }); });'error', (err) => { console.error(`RBN connection error: ${err}`); });; } resetTimer() { if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); } this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { console.error("RBN: timeout, reconnecting"); this.restartConnection(); }, config.rbn.timeout); } handleLine(line) { this.resetTimer(); let matches = rbnSpotRegex.exec(line); if (matches) { let spot = { timeStamp: new Date(), callsign: matches[3], homeCallsign: this.homeCallsign(matches[3]), spotter: matches[1].replace("-#", ""), frequency: parseFloat((matches[2]/1000).toFixed(4)), mode: matches[4], snr: parseInt(matches[5]), speed: parseInt(matches[6]) }; // Check if this is a known SOTA activator db.getDb().collection('activators').countDocuments({callsign: { $in: utils.makeCallsignVariations(spot.homeCallsign) }}, (error, result) => { if (result > 0) { spot.isActivator = true; } db.getDb().collection('rbnspots').insertOne(spot, (error, result) => { // _id has now been added, but not in our preferred format spot._id = spot._id.toHexString() wsManager.broadcast({'rbnSpot': spot}, (ws) => { if (!ws.rbnFilter) { return false; } if (ws.rbnFilter.homeCallsign && ws.rbnFilter.homeCallsign.includes(spot.homeCallsign)) { return true; } if (ws.rbnFilter.isActivator && spot.isActivator) { return true; } return false; }); }); }); } } sendSpotHistory(ws) { // Send the spot history for the currently defined RBN filter if (!ws.rbnFilter.homeCallsign && !ws.rbnFilter.isActivator) { return; } let query = {}; if (ws.rbnFilter.homeCallsign) { query.homeCallsign = ws.rbnFilter.homeCallsign; } if (ws.rbnFilter.isActivator) { query.isActivator = true; } let maxAge = parseInt(ws.rbnFilter.maxAge) || 3600000; query.timeStamp = {$gte: new Date(new Date().getTime() - maxAge)}; db.getDb().collection('rbnspots').find(query).sort({timeStamp: -1}).limit(config.rbn.maxSpotHistory).toArray((err, rbnSpots) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return; } rbnSpots.forEach(spot => { spot._id = spot._id.toHexString(); }); let response = {rbnSpotHistory: rbnSpots}; if (ws.rbnFilter.viewId) { response.viewId = ws.rbnFilter.viewId; } wsManager.unicast(response, ws); }); } homeCallsign(callsign) { let parts = callsign.split('/'); let longestPart = ''; parts.forEach(part => { if (part.length > longestPart.length) { longestPart = part; } }) // For UK callsigns, normalize them all to 2E/G/M for the sake of comparison let matches = longestPart.match(/^(2[DEIJMUW]|G[DIJMUW]?|M[DIJMUW]?)(\d[A-Z]{2,3})$/) if (matches) { longestPart = matches[1].replace(/^2./, '2E').replace(/^G[DIJMUW]/, 'G').replace(/^M[DIJMUW]/, 'M') + matches[2] } return longestPart; } } module.exports = RbnReceiver;