
27 wiersze
960 B

* Use a generator so we can iterate and possibly break early.
* @example
* // to operate like a regular array. This kinda nullifies generator benefits, but worth knowing if you need the whole array.
* const allActiveElements = [...activeElements()]
* // Early return
* for (const activeElement of activeElements()) {
* if (<cond>) {
* break; // Break the loop, dont need to iterate over the whole array or store an array in memory!
* }
* }
export function* activeElements(activeElement: Element | null = document.activeElement): Generator<Element> {
if (activeElement === null || activeElement === undefined) return;
yield activeElement;
if ('shadowRoot' in activeElement && activeElement.shadowRoot && activeElement.shadowRoot.mode !== 'closed') {
yield* activeElements(activeElement.shadowRoot.activeElement);
export function getDeepestActiveElement() {
return [...activeElements()].pop();