find_package(Qt5Core REQUIRED) get_target_property(_qmake_executable Qt5::qmake IMPORTED_LOCATION) get_filename_component(_qt_bin_dir "${_qmake_executable}" DIRECTORY) find_program(WINDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE windeployqt HINTS "${_qt_bin_dir}") if(WIN32 AND NOT WINDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "windeployqt not found") endif() # Add commands that copy the required Qt files to ${bindir} as well as including # them in final installation (by first copying them to a winqt subdir) # We need to specify ${bindir} as we run this on plugins as well as the main .exe # Preferably, it would be nicer to skip the extra copy to winqt subdir, but how? # Also, we should possibly only call install once, after all deployments are made function(windeployqt target bindir qmldir) # Run windeployqt after build # First deploy in to bin directory, so we can run from the build bin directory add_custom_command(TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E env PATH="${_qt_bin_dir}" "${WINDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE}" --verbose 1 --no-compiler-runtime --dir "${bindir}" --qmldir "${qmldir}" --multimedia --websockets --opengl \"$\" COMMENT "Deploying Qt..." ) # Then, deploy again in to separate directory for install to pick up add_custom_command(TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E env PATH="${_qt_bin_dir}" "${WINDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE}" --verbose 1 --no-compiler-runtime --dir "${bindir}/winqt" --qmldir "${qmldir}" --multimedia --websockets --opengl \"$\" COMMENT "Deploying Qt..." ) install(DIRECTORY "${bindir}/winqt/" DESTINATION .) endfunction() mark_as_advanced(WINDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE)