WelcomeDialog 0 0 360 390 Liberation Sans 9 Welcome to SDRangel QLayout::SetFixedSize 48 48 :/sdrangel_icon.png true <html><head/><body><p>SDRangel is the software frontend of a SDR (Software Defined Radio). When combined with any of the following SDR hardware via USB OTG, it can be used to visualise and demodulate received radio signals as well as transmit (depending on the SDR hardware).</p><p>- RTL SDR<br/>- Airspy<br/>- Airspy HF<br/>- LimeSDR (not the mini)<br/>- SDRplay (via <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sdrplay.driver"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">SDRplay Driver</span></a>)<br/>- HackRF (via <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=marto.rtl_tcp_andro"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">SDR Driver</span></a>)</p><p>SDRangel can also receive and transmit IQ data from/to a remote PC via TCP or UDP.</p><p>SDRangel was designed as a desktop application, and so will work best on tablets with large screens and a mouse or stylus. Touch gestures can be used in the spectrum window: Use two fingers swiping right or left to change frequency up or down and pinch to zoom. Tap and hold dials to use a popup slider.</p></body></html> Qt::RichText true true Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Ok buttonBox accepted() WelcomeDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() WelcomeDialog reject() 316 260 286 274