Satellite and Star tracker plugins: added dark theme option for the charts

f4exb 2021-04-20 02:27:43 +02:00
rodzic 6f4e596cca
commit b23b33bdc4
23 zmienionych plików z 83 dodań i 5 usunięć

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@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ Pass charts can be plotted showing the azimuth and elevation of the target satel
The arrows next to the chart combobox, allow the pass number to be selected. Pass 0 is the next pass, with higher numbered passes occurring later in time.
The amount of passes is determined by the prediction period, which can be set in the Settings dialog.
click on this icon ![Star Tracker Chart theme](../../../doc/img/StarTracker_chart_theme.png) to switch between light and dark themes for the charts.
<h2>Satellite Data</h2>
The satellite data table displays calculated data about the selected satellites.

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@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ void SatelliteTrackerGUI::displaySettings()
@ -649,6 +650,13 @@ void SatelliteTrackerGUI::on_prevPass_clicked()
void SatelliteTrackerGUI::on_darkTheme_clicked(bool checked)
m_settings.m_chartsDarkTheme = checked;
void SatelliteTrackerGUI::on_chartSelect_currentIndexChanged(int index)
(void) index;
@ -689,6 +697,7 @@ void SatelliteTrackerGUI::plotPolarChart()
// Always create a new chart, otherwise sometimes they aren't drawn properly
m_polarChart = new QPolarChart();
m_polarChart->setTheme(m_settings.m_chartsDarkTheme ? QChart::ChartThemeDark : QChart::ChartThemeLight);
QValueAxis *angularAxis = new QValueAxis();
QCategoryAxis *radialAxis = new QCategoryAxis();
@ -892,6 +901,7 @@ void SatelliteTrackerGUI::plotAzElChart()
// Always create a new chart, otherwise sometimes they aren't drawn properly
m_lineChart = new QChart();
m_lineChart->setTheme(m_settings.m_chartsDarkTheme ? QChart::ChartThemeDark : QChart::ChartThemeLight);
QDateTimeAxis *xAxis = new QDateTimeAxis();
QValueAxis *yLeftAxis = new QValueAxis();
QValueAxis *yRightAxis = new QValueAxis();

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@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ private slots:
void on_chartSelect_currentIndexChanged(int index);
void on_nextPass_clicked();
void on_prevPass_clicked();
void on_darkTheme_clicked(bool checked);
void on_satTable_cellDoubleClicked(int row, int column);
void satTable_sectionMoved(int logicalIndex, int oldVisualIndex, int newVisualIndex);
void satTable_sectionResized(int logicalIndex, int oldSize, int newSize);

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@ -482,6 +482,24 @@
<widget class="QToolButton" name="darkTheme">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>Choose between light and dark themes</string>
<property name="text">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../../sdrgui/resources/res.qrc">
<property name="checkable">

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@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ void SatelliteTrackerSettings::resetToDefaults()
m_reverseAPIPort = 8888;
m_reverseAPIFeatureSetIndex = 0;
m_reverseAPIFeatureIndex = 0;
m_chartsDarkTheme = false;
for (int i = 0; i < SAT_COL_COLUMNS; i++)
m_columnIndexes[i] = i;
@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ QByteArray SatelliteTrackerSettings::serialize() const
s.writeU32(33, m_reverseAPIPort);
s.writeU32(34, m_reverseAPIFeatureSetIndex);
s.writeU32(35, m_reverseAPIFeatureIndex);
s.writeBool(36, m_chartsDarkTheme);
for (int i = 0; i < SAT_COL_COLUMNS; i++)
s.writeS32(100 + i, m_columnIndexes[i]);
@ -194,6 +196,7 @@ bool SatelliteTrackerSettings::deserialize(const QByteArray& data)
m_reverseAPIFeatureSetIndex = utmp > 99 ? 99 : utmp;
d.readU32(35, &utmp, 0);
m_reverseAPIFeatureIndex = utmp > 99 ? 99 : utmp;
d.readBool(36, &m_chartsDarkTheme, false);
for (int i = 0; i < SAT_COL_COLUMNS; i++)
d.readS32(100 + i, &m_columnIndexes[i], i);

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@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ struct SatelliteTrackerSettings
QString m_losSpeech; //!< Text to say on LOS
QString m_aosCommand; //!< Command/script to execute on AOS
QString m_losCommand; //!< Command/script to execute on LOS
bool m_chartsDarkTheme; //!< Set dark theme for charts (effective for GUI only)
QHash<QString, QList<SatelliteDeviceSettings *> *> m_deviceSettings; //!< Settings for each device set for each satellite
int m_columnIndexes[SAT_COL_COLUMNS];//!< How the columns are ordered in the table

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@ -120,6 +120,10 @@ Displays the calculated elevation (angle in degrees - 0 to horizon and 90 to zen
<h3>Light or dark theme</h3>
click on this icon ![Star Tracker Chart theme](../../../doc/img/StarTracker_chart_theme.png) to switch between light and dark themes for the charts.
<h3>Elevation vs time</h3>
![Star Tracker Elevation vs Time](../../../doc/img/StarTracker_elevationvstime.png)
@ -137,11 +141,11 @@ The Solar flux vs frequency plot, shows the solar flux density data from the Lea
![Star Tracker sky temperature](../../../doc/img/StarTracker_skytemp.png)
Background sky temperature maps are available for display at 150MHz, 408MHz and 1420MHz, in both equatorial and galactic coordinates.
For these first six temperature maps, the temperature reported, which is in Kelvin, is for the single pixel corresponding to the target coordinates.
This temperature is therefore valid for a beamwidth of less than 1 degree.
Background sky temperature maps are available for display at 150MHz, 408MHz and 1420MHz, in both equatorial and galactic coordinates.
For these first six temperature maps, the temperature reported, which is in Kelvin, is for the single pixel corresponding to the target coordinates.
This temperature is therefore valid for a beamwidth of less than 1 degree.
The Star Tracker plugin can also estimate a sky temperature based on the user entered observation frequency and beamwidth.
The Star Tracker plugin can also estimate a sky temperature based on the user entered observation frequency and beamwidth.
To see this figure, which will be typically lower than the above, select one of the last two temperature maps from the right hand combo box.

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@ -304,6 +304,9 @@ void StarTrackerGUI::displaySettings()
m_solarFluxChart.setTheme(m_settings.m_chartsDarkTheme ? QChart::ChartThemeDark : QChart::ChartThemeLight);
m_chart.setTheme(m_settings.m_chartsDarkTheme ? QChart::ChartThemeDark : QChart::ChartThemeLight);
@ -944,6 +947,7 @@ void StarTrackerGUI::plotElevationLineChart()
QChart *oldChart = m_azElLineChart;
m_azElLineChart = new QChart();
m_azElLineChart->setTheme(m_settings.m_chartsDarkTheme ? QChart::ChartThemeDark : QChart::ChartThemeLight);
QDateTimeAxis *xAxis = new QDateTimeAxis();
QValueAxis *yLeftAxis = new QValueAxis();
QValueAxis *yRightAxis = new QValueAxis();
@ -1060,6 +1064,7 @@ void StarTrackerGUI::plotElevationPolarChart()
QChart *oldChart = m_azElPolarChart;
m_azElPolarChart = new QPolarChart();
m_azElPolarChart->setTheme(m_settings.m_chartsDarkTheme ? QChart::ChartThemeDark : QChart::ChartThemeLight);
QValueAxis *angularAxis = new QValueAxis();
QCategoryAxis *radialAxis = new QCategoryAxis();
@ -1453,7 +1458,7 @@ void StarTrackerGUI::updateSolarFlux(bool all)
QString solarFluxFile = getSolarFluxFilename();
if (m_dlm.confirmDownload(solarFluxFile, nullptr, 1))
QString urlString = QString(" Data Centre/Data Display and Download/Solar Radio/station/learmonth/SRD/%1/L%2.SRD")
QString urlString = QString(" Data Centre/Data Display and Download/Solar Radio/station/learmonth/SRD/%1/L%2.SRD")
.arg(today.year()).arg(today.toString("yyMMdd"));, solarFluxFile, this);
@ -1475,6 +1480,15 @@ void StarTrackerGUI::on_downloadSolarFlux_clicked()
void StarTrackerGUI::on_darkTheme_clicked(bool checked)
m_settings.m_chartsDarkTheme = checked;
m_solarFluxChart.setTheme(m_settings.m_chartsDarkTheme ? QChart::ChartThemeDark : QChart::ChartThemeLight);
m_chart.setTheme(m_settings.m_chartsDarkTheme ? QChart::ChartThemeDark : QChart::ChartThemeLight);
void StarTrackerGUI::downloadFinished(const QString& filename, bool success)
(void) filename;

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@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ private slots:
void plotAreaChanged(const QRectF &plotArea);
void autoUpdateSolarFlux();
void on_downloadSolarFlux_clicked();
void on_darkTheme_clicked(bool checked);
void networkManagerFinished(QNetworkReply *reply);
void downloadFinished(const QString& filename, bool success);

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@ -563,6 +563,24 @@ This can be specified as a decimal (E.g. 12.23) or in hours, minutes and seconds
<widget class="QComboBox" name="chartSubSelect"/>
<widget class="QToolButton" name="darkTheme">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>Choose between light and dark themes</string>
<property name="text">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../../sdrgui/resources/res.qrc">
<property name="checkable">

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@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ void StarTrackerSettings::resetToDefaults()
m_drawSunOnMap = true;
m_drawMoonOnMap = true;
m_drawStarOnMap = true;
m_chartsDarkTheme = false;
m_title = "Star Tracker";
m_rgbColor = QColor(225, 25, 99).rgb();
m_useReverseAPI = false;
@ -98,6 +99,7 @@ QByteArray StarTrackerSettings::serialize() const
s.writeU32(29, m_solarFluxUnits);
s.writeDouble(30, m_beamwidth);
s.writeU32(31, m_solarFluxData);
s.writeBool(32, m_chartsDarkTheme);
@ -165,6 +167,7 @@ bool StarTrackerSettings::deserialize(const QByteArray& data)
d.readU32(29, (quint32 *)&m_solarFluxUnits, SFU);
d.readDouble(30, &m_beamwidth, 25.0);
d.readU32(31, (quint32 *)&m_solarFluxData, DRAO_2800);
d.readBool(32, &m_chartsDarkTheme, false);
return true;

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@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ struct StarTrackerSettings
bool m_drawSunOnMap;
bool m_drawMoonOnMap;
bool m_drawStarOnMap;
bool m_chartsDarkTheme; // Dark theme for charts
QString m_title;
quint32 m_rgbColor;

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<qresource prefix="/">