--- # Feel free to add content and custom Front Matter to this file. # To modify the layout, see https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/#overriding-theme-defaults layout: default title: Scoppy --- [![](/wiki/assets/img/ad-banner-1.jpg)](https://store.fhdm.xyz/home) # Scoppy [Installation & Getting Started](./wiki/Installation-&-Getting-Started) * Instructions for installing the Android app and Pico firmware, connecting the Pico to your Android device and connecting the Scoppy oscilloscope to your signal source [Wi-Fi](../wiki/Getting-started-with-the-Pico-W) * [Getting started with Scoppy and the Pico W](../wiki/Getting-started-with-the-Pico-W) * [Wi-Fi Troubleshooting](../wiki/WiFi-Troubleshooting) * [Wi-Fi How-To and FAQ](../wiki/WiFi-How-To) * [Wi-Fi Connection Settings](../app-help/WiFi-Connection-Settings) * [Scoppy Firmware Settings](../app-help/Firmware-Settings) [Using the app](./app-help) * How to use the Scoppy Android app [Pico GPIOs](./wiki/GPIOs) * Listing of the GPIOs used by the scoppy-pico firmware and a description of their functions [Analog Front-End](./wiki/Analog-Front-End) * Design and build an Analog front-end to your Scoppy Oscilloscope so that you can measure different voltage ranges (ie. different to the 0-3.3V range of the RPI Pico ADC inputs). * [FSCOPE-500K](https://store.fhdm.xyz/fscope-500k) analog front end [assembly instructions](wiki/fscope-500k) * [FSCOPE-500K](https://store.fhdm.xyz/fscope-500k) & [DSO-500K](https://store.fhdm.xyz/dso-500k) [usage instructions](wiki/fscope-dso-500k-v2-usage) [Scoppy on GitHub](https://github.com/fhdm-dev/scoppy) * The Scoppy GitHub repository. [Scoppy Experiments, Examples and Tutorials](https://github.com/fhdm-dev/scoppy-experiments) * Experiments, tutorials and examples using Scoppy [Release Notes](./wiki/ReleaseNotes) ## BUY Scoppy powered oscilloscopes are available for purchase at the [FHDM Store](https://store.fhdm.xyz/), [Tindie](https://www.tindie.com/stores/fhdm_tech/) and [Elecrow](https://www.elecrow.com/dso-500k-oscilloscope.html) [![](https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1IPGzMUU3RqUHuc7IbmUrThvmboMmp53e)](https://store.fhdm.xyz/dso-500k)
### See Also {% include scoppy-links.md %}