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<title>Version Control</title>
<h2><a name="s4.1">4.1 Version Control</a></h2>
<p>The SANE standard is expected to evolve over time. Whenever a change
to the SANE standard is made that may render an existing frontend or
backend incompatible with the new standard, the major version number
must be increased. Thus, any frontend/backend pair is compatible
provided the major version number of the SANE standard they implement
is the same. A frontend may implement backwards compatiblity by
allowing major numbers that are smaller than the expected major number
(provided the frontend really can cope with the older version). In
contrast, a backend always provides support for one and only one
version of the standard. If a specific application does require that
two different versions of the same backend are accessible at the same
time, it is possible to do so by installing the two versions under
different names.
<p>SANE version control also includes a minor version number and a build
revision. While control of these numbers remains with the implementor
of a backend, the recommended use is as follows. The minor version is
incremented with each official release of a backend. The build
revision is increased with each build of a backend.
<p>The SANE API provides the following five macros to manage version
<dt><tt>SANE_CURRENT_MAJOR<a name="i11"></tt>:<dd> The value of this macro is the
number of the SANE standard that the interface implements.
<p> <dt><tt>SANE_VERSION_CODE<a name="i12">(<i>maj</i>,<i>min</i>,<i>bld</i>)</tt>:<dd>
This macro can be used to build a monotonically increasing version
code. A SANE version code consists of the SANE standard major
version number (<i>maj</i>), the minor version number <i>min</i>,
and the build revision of a backend (<i>bld</i>). The major and
minor version numbers must be in the range 0...255 and the
build revision must be in the range 0...65535.
<p> Version codes are monotonic in the sense that it is possible to
apply relational operators (e.g., equality or less-than test)
directly on the version code rather than individually on the three
components of the version code.
<p> Note that the major version number alone determines whether a
frontend/backend pair is compatible. The minor version and the
build revision are used for informational and bug-fixing purposes
<dt><tt>SANE_VERSION_MAJOR<a name="i13">(<i>vc</i>)</tt>:<dd> This macro returns the
major version number component of the version code passed in
argument <i>vc</i>.
<dt><tt>SANE_VERSION_MINOR(<i>vc</i>)</tt>:<dd> This macro returns the
minor version number component of the version code passed in
argument <i>vc</i>.
<dt><tt>SANE_VERSION_BUILD(<i>vc</i>)</tt>:<dd> This macro returns the
build revision component of the version code passed in argument
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