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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Microtek, Net, NetBSD</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Aristide Aragon (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Microtek, Net, NetBSD">
<H1>Re: Microtek, Net, NetBSD</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Aristide Aragon (<A HREF=",%20Net,%20NetBSD&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Mon May 28 2001 - 15:23:12 PDT
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I don't know why, but in debug mode saned work correctly, and even scanned up to the same point scanimage did (the first pass and then aborted)
<P>The output of saned after the first pass is this:
[microtek] sane_read...
[microtek] pack_into_dest...
[microtek] pack_into_dest: rl: 2034 sz: 32300 hc: 24316
[microtek] sane_read...
[microtek] end_scan...
[microtek] .stop_scan...
SPS:1b 0 0 0 0 0
[microtek] end_scan: OY! on stop_scan
[microtek] sane_start...
[microtek] sane_get_parameters...
[microtek] sane_get_parameters: regular 3-pass color
[microtek] sane_get_parameters: res_code = 33 (21)
[microtek] sane_get_parameters: dots_per_mm: 3.937008
[microtek] sane_get_parameters: units_per_mm: 11.811024
[microtek] WIDTHPIX: before exp: 850
[microtek] sane_get_parameters: lines: 1400 ppl: 850 bpl: 850
[microtek] set_pass_parameters: three-pass, on 2
[microtek] sane_start: open of /dev/ss0 failed: Invalid argument
[microtek] end_scan...
[microtek] sane_cancel...
[microtek] end_scan...
[microtek] sane_close...
[microtek] sane_exit...
[microtek] sane_exit: MICROTEK says goodbye.
<P>Can someone tell me what's wrong with my scanner/my sane?
It worked fine under Linux with my PC, same cable, same terminator...
Again, my compute is a SPARStation IPC from sun and I?m using the built in SCSI adapter.
<P>Aristide Aragon
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