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<TITLE>sane-devel: HP5300 - lamp moves without reading</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Vojtech Zachar (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="HP5300 - lamp moves without reading">
<H1>HP5300 - lamp moves without reading</H1>
<!-- received="Tue May 15 05:37:46 2001" -->
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<!-- subject="HP5300 - lamp moves without reading" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Vojtech Zachar (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Tue May 15 2001 - 05:55:48 PDT
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<EM>&gt; In mustang mail-archive for sane-devel I have read that you have
<EM>&gt; HP5300C working.
<EM>&gt; I can not make it work after 2 weeks of trying.
<EM>&gt; Could you please send me information about versions of thease
<EM>&gt; programs you run it on?
<EM>&gt; kernel
<EM>&gt; sane-backend (which driver?)
<EM>&gt; sane-frontend
<EM>&gt; Did you applyied any uncommon patches?
<EM>&gt; Which modules (drivers) you use? (As for me: usb-uhci, sg, hp5300) In
<EM>&gt; which order you load them? Or you made them as a part of kernel?
<EM>&gt; I can only see ma HP5300C (find-scanner). scanimage looks like
<EM>&gt; communicating with scanner, and after passing it commands, moves the
<EM>&gt; lamp, but reads no data.
<EM>&gt; After scanimage command, avision-backend writes:
<EM>&gt; sence_handler: got unknown sence code 00
<EM>&gt; ...
<EM>&gt; reader_process: read_data failed with status=9
<EM>&gt; I recognized, that the program finished (wrote debugging messages
<EM>&gt; above and returned to the shell prompt) before the lamp movement
<EM>&gt; finished.
<EM>&gt; I use 32KB buffer.
<EM>&gt; Vojto
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