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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: ./configure xsane is failing?</TITLE>
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<H1>Re: ./configure xsane is failing?</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> scc (<A HREF=";01042102555000.00623@horche&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Fri Apr 20 2001 - 17:55:50 PDT
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Hi Henning Hi everyone.
<P>Thanks for your time. I'll correct the errors right away.
<P>The only reason that we used source is that we can keep up to date easier.
With xsane and previously the gimp 1.1 series there were many updates and it
was important for us in our changeover from crashintosh's that we had the
very best that was available. All we can say is that the method we use works
for us and our friends and that we have never had any niggles with it that
many other users seem to have.
<P>The only bit we don't understand is the bit about the /etc/ We
have never touched this file before. Where does it fit in?
<P>Best wishes from all at FeF, Spain.
<P><P>On Friday 20 April 2001 22:47, you wrote:
<EM>&gt; Hi,
<EM>&gt; On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 07:05:44AM +0200, scc wrote:
<EM>&gt; &gt; We put together a step by step guide for sane specifically for stuff like
<EM>&gt; &gt; this at:
<EM>&gt; &gt;
<EM>&gt; &gt;
<EM>&gt; &gt;
<EM>&gt; &gt; it has been tested with Mandrake too and it works but it would mean you
<EM>&gt; &gt; having to start over again with the installation.
<EM>&gt; You are asking for suggestions on your page so here they are: :-)
<EM>&gt; * Maybe add a paragraph about why going through all the hassle of
<EM>&gt; installing everything from source. Some distributions (e.g. SuSE
<EM>&gt; 7.1) come with current packages of SANE so I would only recommend to
<EM>&gt; compile SANE if something doesn't work. Same goes for gtk and gimp,
<EM>&gt; I would only download and compile them if the installed binaries are
<EM>&gt; too old to compile xsane.
<EM>&gt; You write that glib and gtk that comes with the distribution
<EM>&gt; should be removed. This will cause trouble with programs that came
<EM>&gt; with the distribution and that are linked against gtk. I wouldn't
<EM>&gt; recommend to do it if you aren't really shure what you are doing.
<EM>&gt; In my experience the most problems of beginners when compiling
<EM>&gt; SANE and a frontend are: Headers of X, gtk, gimp not installed.
<EM>&gt; /usr/local/lib not in /etc/ /usr/local/lib/sane in
<EM>&gt; /etc/ by mistake. /usr/local/bin not in $PATH.
<EM>&gt; Maybe I missed something but you don't mention the /etc/
<EM>&gt; thing. However, I'm pretty sure that at least for Debian potato this
<EM>&gt; entry is absolutely necessary. Compiling xsane won't work without it.
<EM>&gt; * I would be very careful with copying kernel headers to glibc
<EM>&gt; directories. This may work for SANE but may break compilation of
<EM>&gt; other programs using SCSI. And you probably won't remember that you
<EM>&gt; changed /usr/include/scsi if these problems occur.
<EM>&gt; Because this is for beginners, I would add that you
<EM>&gt; need to have installed the kernel source or at least the kernel
<EM>&gt; headers.
<EM>&gt; What I did when having problems with different sg.h files in
<EM>&gt; /usr/include and /usr/src/linux was to just rename sg.h to something
<EM>&gt; else. Then the file in /usr/src/linux was used automatically.
<EM>&gt; * Better write down that the permissions of /dev/sg0 must be rw for
<EM>&gt; &quot;other&quot;. At least I can't read the text in your file manager. If
<EM>&gt; more than one person uses the system, I wouldn't do that however.
<EM>&gt; Better set /dev/sg0 to rw for a group (e.g. &quot;scanner&quot;) and add all
<EM>&gt; the users that are allowed to scan to that group.
<EM>&gt; * Why do you make the link to xsane (in the users ~/.gimp directory) as
<EM>&gt; root? And be sure to mention that gimp shouldn't be run as root.
<EM>&gt; * The &quot;Special note: USB scanners&quot; contains some unclear points and
<EM>&gt; some mistakes in my opinion: The second sentence says to include the
<EM>&gt; following line into modules.conf. The following line is &quot;Model :
<EM>&gt; Vendor ID : Product ID&quot; :-).
<EM>&gt; You are asking for vendor/product ids of other scanners. Maybe you
<EM>&gt; want to link to <A HREF=""></A>, they have a list of such
<EM>&gt; ids.
<EM>&gt; You write that it's necessary to add &quot;modprobe scanner vendor=&lt;your
<EM>&gt; vendor ID&gt; product=&lt;your product ID&gt;&quot; to modules.conf. However,
<EM>&gt; modules.conf contains the options of the modules, not the modprobe
<EM>&gt; itsself. So something like &quot;options scanner vendor=&lt;your vendor ID&gt;
<EM>&gt; product=&lt;your product ID&gt;&quot; should work. By the way: In principle
<EM>&gt; scanners should work without manually adding the ids, if they don't
<EM>&gt; please send the necessary ids and the name of the scanner to the
<EM>&gt; author of the scanner module for inclusion.
<EM>&gt; Better add a warning that at least for Debian &quot;modules.conf&quot; shouldn't
<EM>&gt; be changed manually. As the comment in this file says:
<EM>&gt; # Please do not edit this file directly. If you want to change or add
<EM>&gt; # anything please take a look at the files in /etc/modutils and read
<EM>&gt; # the manpage for update-modules.
<EM>&gt; Concerning *.conf when you don't use the epson backend: I'm not sure
<EM>&gt; if every backend uses the &quot;usb /dev/something&quot; entry for *.conf. So
<EM>&gt; better point to the documentation.
<EM>&gt; After the paragraph about epson.conf you write &quot;Mine looks like
<EM>&gt; this: modprobe scanner vendor=0x04b8 product=ox010c&quot;. This should be
<EM>&gt; moved to the paragraph about modules.conf (and exchange &quot;modprobe&quot; by
<EM>&gt; &quot;options&quot;). The hex codes must start with 0x not ox.
<EM>&gt; I would *not* add the link from /dev/usbscanner to /dev/scanner.
<EM>&gt; /dev/scanner is used by all the SCSI backends and looking at USB
<EM>&gt; device files as a SCSI generic file may cause havoc.
<EM>&gt; Generally: For all things you need to do as root I would recommend to
<EM>&gt; use something like 'su -c &quot;make install&quot;'. This way there is no risk to
<EM>&gt; forget to &quot;exit&quot; the su shell.
<EM>&gt; Bye,
<EM>&gt; Henning
<EM>&gt; --
<EM>&gt; Source code, list archive, and docs: <A HREF=""></A>
<EM>&gt; To unsubscribe: echo unsubscribe sane-devel | mail <A HREF=";01042102555000.00623@horche&gt;"></A>
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