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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Who removes subscribers from the list??</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="David Mosberger-Tang (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Who removes subscribers from the list??">
<H1>Re: Who removes subscribers from the list??</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> David Mosberger-Tang (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Thu Apr 19 2001 - 10:29:18 PDT
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<LI><STRONG>In reply to:</STRONG> <A HREF="0175.html">Jaeger, Gerhard: "Who removes subscribers from the list??"</A>
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<EM>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; On Thu, 19 Apr 2001 09:03:05 +0200, &quot;Jaeger, Gerhard&quot; &lt;<A HREF=";;"></A>&gt; said:
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;Gerhard&gt; I've written two statements within the last two weeks from
&nbsp;&nbsp;Gerhard&gt; my private account at home and at buisness. The result was:
&nbsp;&nbsp;Gerhard&gt; I've been removed from the list.
<P>That should only happen when the mail bounces for a prolongued period
of time (say &gt; 5 days) or when the mailer reports &quot;unknown user&quot;. I
currently have to do this manually (yes, that's a lot of wading
through bounced messages!), but newer mailing list managers such as
Mailman will do this automatically. In other words: if mail bounces,
you'll eventually get unsubscribed no matter what system is in use.
<P>I don't recall your specific case. I'll try to keep an eye open to
see if/when mails to your address start bouncing again.
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<LI><STRONG>In reply to:</STRONG> <A HREF="0175.html">Jaeger, Gerhard: "Who removes subscribers from the list??"</A>
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