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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Newbie - Question on SANE</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Oliver Schwartz (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Newbie - Question on SANE">
<H1>Re: Newbie - Question on SANE</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Oliver Schwartz (<A HREF=";01040520195800.00720@oliverspc&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Thu Apr 05 2001 - 11:19:58 PDT
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<P>the transparency unit should be supported by newer versions of the snapscan
backend. The latest version can be found at <A HREF=""></A>.
You'll probably need to upgrade your sane package as well, if you're using
the one that came with SuSE 6.4. (Get it from <A HREF=""></A>)
<P>With the new backend you will get an option to select the transparency unit
in both xscanimage and xsane.
<P>Good luck,
<P><P>Am Donnerstag, 5. April 2001 16:35 schrieben Sie:
<EM>&gt; Hello, all!
<EM>&gt; First I want to tell you that SANE on my SuSE 6.4 works basically fine
<EM>&gt; since I replaced the ACARD controller, which was included at my Acer Prisa
<EM>&gt; 620ST, by an Adaptec 2904 controller. -- I use the Snapscan driver.
<EM>&gt; I also made a lot of scans of pictures meanwhile and I got familiar with
<EM>&gt; xscanimage. -- Really a great thing!
<EM>&gt; What I do not know, is how to use the scanner's transparency feature. The
<EM>&gt; 620ST is the same as the 620S, but it has an additional light in the cover
<EM>&gt; to scan dias, but this light is OFF and I find no option to switch from
<EM>&gt; normal mode to transparency mode.
<EM>&gt; Is there a way to scan transparent images, too? I would like to trow
<EM>&gt; Windows out completely, but currently I have to start Windows for scanning
<EM>&gt; transparently!
<EM>&gt; Please, leave me a note.
<EM>&gt; Thanks in advance,
<EM>&gt; Ing. Rainer Hantsch
<EM>&gt; \\|// Ing. Rainer HANTSCH - Hardware + Software
<EM>&gt; (o o) Your Partner - Your Supplier - Your Friend!
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<EM>&gt; A-1030 Vienna | Tel. : ++43 - 1 - 7988538 0
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<EM>&gt; --
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<EM>&gt; To unsubscribe: echo unsubscribe sane-devel | mail <A HREF=";01040520195800.00720@oliverspc&gt;"></A>
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