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<TITLE>sane-devel: The calibration function for CanoScanFB620S</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Mitsuru Okaniwa (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="The calibration function for CanoScanFB620S">
<H1>The calibration function for CanoScanFB620S</H1>
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<!-- subject="The calibration function for CanoScanFB620S" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Mitsuru Okaniwa (<A HREF=";007501c060cb$44d4d3c0$6425530a@necpcuser&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Thu Dec 07 2000 - 19:58:10 PST
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I tried to write the Calibration function as follows.
Are they correct ?
And I have to put them in the canon.c, canon-sane.c, canon-scsi.c and so on.
But I don't know where I should put them in the canon backend files.
Would anybody teach me about this ?
<P>for canon-scsi.c
static SANE_Status
reset_scanner (int fd)
&nbsp;&nbsp;static u_char cmd[10];
&nbsp;&nbsp;int status;
&nbsp;&nbsp;DBG (31, &quot;&gt;&gt; reset_scanner\n&quot;);
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;memset (cmd, 0, sizeof (cmd));
&nbsp;&nbsp;cmd[0] = 0xc1;
&nbsp;&nbsp;status = sanei_scsi_cmd (fd, cmd, sizeof (cmd), 0, 0);
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;DBG (31, &quot;&lt;&lt; reset_scanner\n&quot;);
&nbsp;&nbsp;return (status);
<P><P>static SANE_Status
execute_calibration (int fd)
&nbsp;&nbsp;static u_char cmd[6 + 2];
&nbsp;&nbsp;int status;
&nbsp;&nbsp;DBG (31, &quot;&gt;&gt; execute_calibration\n&quot;);
&nbsp;&nbsp;memset (cmd, 0, sizeof (cmd));
&nbsp;&nbsp;cmd[0] = 0xc2;
&nbsp;&nbsp;cmd[4] = 2;
&nbsp;&nbsp;status = sanei_scsi_cmd (fd, cmd, sizeof (cmd), 0, 0);
&nbsp;&nbsp;DBG (31, &quot;&lt;&lt; execute_calibration\n&quot;);
&nbsp;&nbsp;return (status);
<P><P>static SANE_Status
get_calibration_status (int fd, void *buf, size_t *buf_size)
&nbsp;&nbsp;static u_char cmd[6];
&nbsp;&nbsp;int status;
&nbsp;&nbsp;DBG (31, &quot;&gt;&gt; get_calibration_status\n&quot;);
&nbsp;&nbsp;memset (cmd, 0, sizeof (cmd));
&nbsp;&nbsp;cmd[0] = 0xc3;
&nbsp;&nbsp;cmd[4] = 2;
&nbsp;&nbsp;status = sanei_scsi_cmd (fd, cmd, sizeof (cmd), buf, buf_size);
&nbsp;&nbsp;DBG (31, &quot;&lt;&lt; get_calibration_status\n&quot;);
&nbsp;&nbsp;return (status);
<P><P>static SANE_Status
get_switch_status (int fd, void *buf, size_t *buf_size)
&nbsp;&nbsp;static u_char cmd[6];
&nbsp;&nbsp;int status;
&nbsp;&nbsp;DBG (31, &quot;&gt;&gt; get_switch_status\n&quot;);
&nbsp;&nbsp;memset (cmd, 0, sizeof (cmd));
&nbsp;&nbsp;cmd[0] = 0xc4;
&nbsp;&nbsp;cmd[4] = 2;
&nbsp;&nbsp;status = sanei_scsi_cmd (fd, cmd, sizeof (cmd), buf, buf_size);
&nbsp;&nbsp;DBG (31, &quot;&lt;&lt; get_switch_status\n&quot;);
&nbsp;&nbsp;return (status);
<P>for canon.c or canon-sane.c
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;status = reset_scanner(s-&gt;fd);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DBG (1, &quot;attach: RESET SCANNER failed\n&quot;);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sanei_scsi_close (s-&gt;fd);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;s-&gt;fd = -1;
<P><P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;status = execute_calibration(s-&gt;fd);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DBG (1, &quot;attach: EXECUTE CALIBRATION failed\n&quot;);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sanei_scsi_close (s-&gt;fd);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;s-&gt;fd = -1;
<P><P><P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DBG (3, &quot;sane_start: sending GET CALIBRATION STATUS\n&quot;);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;memset (ebuf, 0, sizeof (ebuf));
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;buf_size = sizeof (ebuf);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;status = get_calibration_status (s-&gt;fd, ebuf, &amp;buf_size);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DBG (1, &quot;sane_start: GET CALIBRATION STATUS failed\n&quot;);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sanei_scsi_close (s-&gt;fd);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return (SANE_STATUS_INVAL);
<P><P><P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DBG (3, &quot;sane_start: sending GET SWITCH STATUS\n&quot;);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;memset (ebuf, 0, sizeof (ebuf));
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;buf_size = sizeof (ebuf);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;status = get_switch_status (s-&gt;fd, ebuf, &amp;buf_size);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DBG (1, &quot;sane_start: GET SWITCH STATUS failed\n&quot;);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sanei_scsi_close (s-&gt;fd);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return (SANE_STATUS_INVAL);
Should I write the other code in anywhere ?
<P>And how would I write the code to make the button of calibration in the
xscanimage and to show the message &quot;running calibration&quot; during the
calibration in xscanimage ?
Mitsuru Okaniwa
email : <A HREF=";007501c060cb$44d4d3c0$6425530a@necpcuser&gt;"></A>
tel : (Japan)0566-26-6105
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