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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: (bit off topic) Re: Lineart with xsane/mustek</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Peck Dickens (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: (bit off topic) Re: Lineart with xsane/mustek">
<H1>Re: (bit off topic) Re: Lineart with xsane/mustek</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Peck Dickens (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sat Oct 07 2000 - 14:46:28 PDT
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<LI><STRONG>In reply to:</STRONG> <A HREF="0064.html">Nick Lamb: "Re: (bit off topic) Re: Lineart with xsane/mustek"</A>
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On Fri, 06 Oct 2000, you wrote:
<EM>&gt; On Fri, Oct 06, 2000 at 04:51:08AM -0400, Peck Dickens wrote:
<EM>&gt; &gt; ImageMagick is the best even though it does not have a graphical front end.
<EM>&gt; Actually it does. Type &quot;display&quot;. It's just a totally different kind of
<EM>&gt; tool from Gimp, and one better suited to the task of making small black
<EM>&gt; and white PNMs than Gimp is or likely wants to be. Thanks for mentioning it.
<P>I like ImageMagick more than any of the other graphic manipulation packages
available. Display is a unique command (For that matter, a lot of what is in
imageMagick is unique). Further, you are right, display provides a GUI... I
Forgot about that. The only time I use display is to create visual directories
of images. All of the other things I do with ImageMagic are driven by scripts I
have written through the years.
<P>Also, I've got a distributed environment that I use to process thousands of images
that utilizes ImageMagick. I've recently been looking into the feasibility to a
small beowulf cluster as an upgrade to the distributed environment I've had for
years. That would be hoot: process a couple of thousand images in under 30
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<LI><STRONG>Previous message:</STRONG> <A HREF="0067.html">Sebastien Sable: "[SnapScan] Acer 300 (310/... ??) bug correction"</A>
<LI><STRONG>In reply to:</STRONG> <A HREF="0064.html">Nick Lamb: "Re: (bit off topic) Re: Lineart with xsane/mustek"</A>
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