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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Code freeze for 1.0.3</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Henning Meier-Geinitz (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Code freeze for 1.0.3">
<H1>Re: Code freeze for 1.0.3</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Henning Meier-Geinitz (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Fri Aug 04 2000 - 09:39:44 PDT
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<P>On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 10:10:15AM +0200, Oliver Rauch wrote:
<EM>&gt; If we use desc files from backends that are not part of the package
<P>We already do this at the moment (e.g. lhii, nec).
<P><EM>&gt; we should add a field to the desc files that indicates if a backend is
<EM>&gt; included in the package!!!
<P>Look at the brackets in the version number field.
<P><EM>&gt; But if I want to start a project I look what is in the sane-package
<EM>&gt; and take a look at the PROJECTS file. I do not take a look at the
<EM>&gt; hompage. So we should add all projects that are not in the sane-package
<EM>&gt; to the PROJECTS file, not only via desc-files to the homepage.
<P>I wanted to do exactly this.
<P><EM>&gt; Don`t know, who removed the file?
<P>That was me. They support the same scanner(s).
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