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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: quick note from the TWAIN/SANE meeting at OLS</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Oliver Rauch (oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE)">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: quick note from the TWAIN/SANE meeting at OLS">
<H1>Re: quick note from the TWAIN/SANE meeting at OLS</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Oliver Rauch (<A HREF="mailto:oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE?Subject=Re:%20quick%20note%20from%20the%20TWAIN/SANE%20meeting%20at%20OLS&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"><EM>oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE</EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Fri Aug 04 2000 - 02:00:39 PDT
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Hi David,
<P>at first let me say thanks that you found the time for the meeting with the
TWAIN people and for representing the SANE project.
<P><P><P><EM>&gt; ---there will need
<EM>&gt; to be one GUI frontend for each major toolkit in use (Motif, GTK, Qt,
<EM>&gt; Win32 come to mind). If TWAIN-on-SANE is done properly, it should be
<EM>&gt; possible to &quot;plug in&quot; a different GUI frontend relatively easily
<EM>&gt; (perhaps not on the fly, but at least through simple recompilation).
<P>I agree. I don`t see any problems if we have a gtk, a qt, a motif ---
or should be we better talk about windows systems: a X11, a WIN32, a GGI
and a text based frontend.
<P>A lot can be covered by qt and gtk wich run on X11 and WIN32.
<P>Like xsane already shows it is no great problem to port a frontend
written for unix/X11+gtk to run on Windows+gtk.
<P><P><EM>&gt; Mark and Jon offered to start working on a prototype for
<EM>&gt; TWAIN-on-SANE. I offered them help with constructing a GUI builder
<EM>&gt; based on our existing GTK frontends (probably xsane).
<P>The main problem is - I think - the definition of the inter-process-comunication
between the application and the sane-frontend.
<P>Did you discuss that, were there any suggestions?
<P><P><EM>&gt; Also, Mark and Jon said that the scanner vendors really like to be
<EM>&gt; able to customize the look of the scanner GUI.
<P>I think in the moment each scanner vendor does write it's own GUI.
So if they want to have a totally different look they are free to write
their own GUI.
<P><P><EM>&gt; Slightly fancier would be to have a simple language that
<EM>&gt; would control how and where each SANE option gets laid out in the
<EM>&gt; device dialog. Of course, a driver vendor could also feel free to
<EM>&gt; implement a GUI from scratch if they want full customization, but that
<EM>&gt; would be a fair amount of work. I think some level of scriptability
<EM>&gt; would provide a very good tradeoff between custom look and a uniform
<EM>&gt; user experience.
<P>It should be simple to change the gtk-style-settings in dependance of the backend.
(and to add a logo).
We also could add an info field (sane2.0) to the options that gives the backend the
chance to e.g. requests that a range is displayed as slider or text-entry-field, ...
but already this can make it hard for the frontend to create a good looking outfit.
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