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<TITLE>sane-devel: bug in saned...</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Jochen Eisinger (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="bug in saned...">
<H1>bug in saned...</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Jochen Eisinger (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Wed Jun 28 2000 - 13:39:34 PDT
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<P>I've send this eMail to sane-devel some days ago, but somehow, it never
appeared... so I'm trying again...
<P>-- jochen
<P><EM>&gt; orig mail:
<P>I've found a bug in SANED. When you're scanning and you want to cancel
the scan the net backend invokes SANE_NET_CANCEL. saned then calls
sane_cancel and returns SANE_STATUS_OK. Then net.c closes the data_fd
and saned continues with do_scan. If there is still image data in the
saned buffer, it tries to write to the data_fd and receives a SIGPIPE
and exits... and net.c crashes.
<P>I avoid this by
a) adding a field &quot;u_int docancel : 1;&quot; to struct Handle.
<P>b) In process_request I add to SANE_NET_CANCEL &quot;handle[h].docancel = 1;&quot;
<P>c) and at the and of do_scan where process_request is called I add &quot;if
(handle[h].docancel) break;&quot; and to the line handle[h].scanning=0; I add
<P>d) in start_scan I add at the end to the line handle[h].scanning = 1;
the line
<P>e) again in process_request I add to SANE_NET_START after the line
handle[h].scanning=0 the line &quot;handle[h].docancel=0&quot;.
<P><P>Now the saned doesn't try to write to the closed pipe and net.c doesn't
crash anymore.
<P>-- jochen
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