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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: snapscan vs. acer 310S</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Wolfgang Goeller (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: snapscan vs. acer 310S">
<H1>Re: snapscan vs. acer 310S</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Wolfgang Goeller (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sat Jun 10 2000 - 12:51:18 PDT
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Russ Burdick wrote:
<EM>&gt; ok, i've finally got a bit of time to play with my scanner again and i've
<EM>&gt; been doing some work with my Acer Prisma 310S and the latest snapscan
<EM>&gt; backend (snapscan-20000514.tar.gz) and sane-1.0.2.
<EM>&gt; from what i've gone through in the source it seem that this scanner has
<EM>&gt; the same id (and supposedly behavior) as the VUEGO310S. this brings me to
<EM>&gt; my first question for the list: is there anyone out there using a Vuego
<EM>&gt; 310S that has had success with any version of sane+snapscan? if the vuego
<EM>&gt; works and the acer doesnt, perhaps they're not the same inside and it'd be
<EM>&gt; worthwhile to start thinking about separating the two in the snapscan
<EM>&gt; code.
<P>You don't need to: If you visit the Vuego-Homepage you get to Acer!
<P><EM>&gt; the first two are color at different resolutions and the last three are
<EM>&gt; greyscale. the final image is of a slightly different area on my test
<EM>&gt; image since the top of the first one didnt seem all that interesting. this
<EM>&gt; is the one i find most interesting. it looks like the first 'block' is
<EM>&gt; clear, then the subsequent 'blocks' get more and more garbled. i should
<EM>&gt; also note that the resulting pnms (produced by xscanimage) 'appeared to be
<EM>&gt; truncated' according to xv, but the greyscale images were fine.
<P>Try to scan over the net - you will have the same distortion with the
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