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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Oh so close to getting an HP4200C working over</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Tim Bartley (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Oh so close to getting an HP4200C working over USB">
<H1>Re: Oh so close to getting an HP4200C working over USB</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Tim Bartley (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Fri Apr 28 2000 - 17:21:40 PDT
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Hi Peter,
<P>Thanks for you help. I can't believe I got the model number wrong I have
a an HP 5200 not an HP 4200 - I deliberately avoided the 4200 because it
sounded like it would be more problematic.
<P>I worked how to get it to work - I hadn't prefixed &quot;connect-device&quot; with
the word &quot;option&quot; keyword in the conf file - now everything is working
<P>The debug env var helped me see what was wrong.
<P>FYI, the output from the debug whe it was crashing was:
<P>[sanei_init_debug]: Setting debug level of hp to 128.
[hp] init called
[hp] get_devices called
[hp] hp_read_config: hp backend v0.82 starts reading config file
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line &lt;/dev/scanner&gt;
[hp] hp_read_config: attach /dev/scanner
[hp] hp_get_dev: New device /dev/scanner, connect-scsi, scsi-request=1
[hp] scsi_inquire: sending INQUIRE.
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