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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Microtek Scanmaker 630 S</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Harald Finster (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Microtek Scanmaker 630 S">
<H1>Re: Microtek Scanmaker 630 S</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Harald Finster (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sun Apr 16 2000 - 23:46:36 PDT
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Marcel Pol wrote:
<EM>&gt; On 14-Apr-00 Jay Hill wrote:
<EM>&gt; &gt; When I try and actually &quot;Acquire Preview&quot; or &quot;Scan,&quot; it says there is an
<EM>&gt; &gt; error, that it &quot;Failed to start scanner: Error during device I/O.&quot; The info
<EM>&gt; &gt; in the terminal window says:
<EM>&gt; &gt;
<EM>&gt; &gt; &quot; 0: f00005ffffffe91f 0000000024000000 ........ ....$...
<EM>&gt; &gt; 16: 2a00030000610060 0000000001000200 *....a.` ........
<EM>&gt; &gt; 32: 030004000500 ......
<EM>&gt; &gt; &quot;
<EM>&gt; I don't know why this happens, And I don't know anything about C.
<EM>&gt; This also happened with my Microtek Pagewiz, which used the Microtek(1) backend.
<EM>&gt; Later last evening it also happened when I used my Scanmaker as parport scanner.
<EM>&gt; I've cought the idea that this didn't happen often with Sane 1.0.1
<EM>&gt; If my memory serves me right I also got an i/o error, but that was after the
<EM>&gt; scan, so I could ignore it.
<P>The same problems occur with Microtek X6 (I reported about quite recently).
Currently I try to get the latest firmware-release ( &gt; 1.6 ) from Microtek,
because the problems mentioned seem to be solved with V1.6 (and higher)
I will report about results, as soon as I get the firmware from Microtek.
Harald Finster
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