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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: HP 6200C +se (6200Cse) (simple question about m</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="David Paschal (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: HP 6200C +se (6200Cse) (simple question about model number support)">
<H1>Re: HP 6200C +se (6200Cse) (simple question about model number support)</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> David Paschal (<A HREF=";200003210302.TAA00562@axel.local&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Mon Mar 20 2000 - 19:02:58 PST
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<LI><STRONG>In reply to:</STRONG> <A HREF="0214.html">Steve Udell: "HP 6200C +se (6200Cse) (simple question about model number support)"</A>
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Steve Udell &lt;<A HREF=";200003210302.TAA00562@axel.local&gt;"></A>&gt; wrote:
<EM>&gt; I am asking sence all the HPs I can find have like Cse (se) sx or such
<EM>&gt; versions of the standard (example) 6200C, and the SANE driver/back-end
<EM>&gt; say it supports the 6200C would it support the 6200Cse, or the ect...
<EM>&gt; Any clue on supporting the different &quot;versions&quot; of a standard line?
<EM>&gt; Or do I need to get the 6200C only version specificly?
<EM>&gt; Thanks
<P>Hi, Steve. Generally the &quot;se&quot; versus &quot;xi&quot; suffixes are used to differentiate
the same product sold through different channels (i.e. retail and commercial).
In the case of the ScanJet 6200C, the only difference is in the Windows-based
software bundled with the unit, which is irrelevant if you're not using your
device with Windows. :-) The SANE HP backend works regardless whether you
have the 6200C, 6200Cse, or 6200Cxi.
<P>Other HP products, such as certain OfficeJets, exhibit a functional difference
between models with or without an &quot;xi&quot; designation, such as different number
of fax pages they'll store or maximum number of pages they'll copy at one
time. Still, these differences are largely a matter of convenience rather
than software driver compatibility.
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<LI><STRONG>In reply to:</STRONG> <A HREF="0214.html">Steve Udell: "HP 6200C +se (6200Cse) (simple question about model number support)"</A>
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