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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: SCSI or USB</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="David Nelson (">
<H1>Re: SCSI or USB</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> David Nelson (<A HREF=";Pine.LNX.4.21.0003152253090.11477-100000@rogue.localdomain&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Wed Mar 15 2000 - 21:09:58 PST
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Hi Steve,
<P>If memory serves me, the SuSe USB backport is based on very old USB code.
You can retreive later backports from <A HREF=""></A>.
<P>Although several scanners, 40+, are recognized by the USB scanner driver,
*most-not all* HP's, Epson, Agfa and soon Acer are known to work via USB
and SANE. Some info/news can be gathered from
<A HREF=""></A>.
<P>At the soon to be released version of the driver (0.4.2) there seems to be
a performance issue and this is in the queue for me to investigate.
Otherwise, some stats that I got before things slowed down are:
<P>&nbsp;* Performance:
&nbsp;* System: Pentium 120, 80 MB RAM, OHCI, Linux 2.3.23, HP 4100C USB
&nbsp;* 300 dpi scan of the entire bed
&nbsp;* 24 Bit Color ~ 70 secs - 3.6 Mbit/sec
&nbsp;* 8 Bit Gray ~ 17 secs - 4.2 Mbit/sec
<P>Hmmm, I thought I had some performance numbers documented in the
scanner*.txt files comparing w98 and linux but I can't seem to find
those...sigh. Anyways, 8 bit scans performed equally well, linux
outperformed w98 on 24 bit scans, though.
<P>Pictures using an HP-4100 in conjunction with gimp and SANE using Linux
can be viewed at <A HREF=""></A>. Scans from an
HP-5200 were outstanding in comparison with the 4100 (as is the price for
the 5200 ;).
<P><P>On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, S.P.Sheriff wrote:
<P><EM>&gt; Hi everyone
<EM>&gt; Am trying desperately to come to terms with SANE, kernels and modules.
<EM>&gt; As I see it I have the choice between a SCSI scanner and a USB one for
<EM>&gt; Linux. The latter seem freely available whilst the former have to be
<EM>&gt; ordered through a specialist dealer (here in Spain at least). Does
<EM>&gt; SANE recognise both in the same way or is the way that they are set up
<EM>&gt; different? Apparently, my kernel (SuSE 6.3 from the box) has support
<EM>&gt; for USB backported from the 2.3 kernel. Does this mean that I can plug
<EM>&gt; in a supported USB scanner and have SANE recognise it as a device?
<EM>&gt; Any help however small much appreciated.
<EM>&gt; THanks from Steve at FeF, Spain.
<EM>&gt; --
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David /\/elson
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&quot;Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.&quot;
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