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<!-- received="Sun Feb 28 13:40:12 1999 PST" -->
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<!-- name="David Mosberger-Tang" -->
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<title>sane-devel: pre-test available</title>
<h1>pre-test available</h1>
<b>David Mosberger-Tang</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Sun, 28 Feb 1999 13:40:11 -0800</i>
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An alpha-quality pre-test of 1.01 is now available at:<br>
<a href=""></a><br>
I'm making this available mostly so other developers have a current<br>
code-base to work from. I think I merged in most patches that floated<br>
around but if I missed something, let me know. If you're a backend<br>
maintainer, please take a look at the ChangeLog file and make sure you<br>
sync up with the minor changes that I may have made---some of the<br>
backends had major name-space pollution problems so I had to add a<br>
number of "static declarations.<br>
PS: Yes, I looked at CVS but am not comfortable yet with the details,<br>
so I'll stick with tar balls until those issues are resolved.<br>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0237.html">Nick Lamb: "Scanimage -T backend tester [patch]"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0235.html">cl: "Umax Astra 610S freezes while scanning :-("</a>
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