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<!-- received="Wed Jan 27 23:14:38 1999 PST" -->
<!-- sent="Thu, 28 Jan 1999 01:13:15 -0600" -->
<!-- name="William McVey" -->
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<!-- subject="FreeBSD 3.0 CAM braindamage and an (unrelated?) permission problem" -->
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<title>sane-devel: FreeBSD 3.0 CAM braindamage and an (unrelated?) permission problem</title>
<h1>FreeBSD 3.0 CAM braindamage and an (unrelated?) permission problem</h1>
<b>William McVey</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Thu, 28 Jan 1999 01:13:15 -0600</i>
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[ the first paragraph is a warning/request for more documentation<br>
to FreeBSD users using the CAM subsystem. The second paragraph<br>
is a permission problem with SANE which I have yet to figure out. ]<br>
Ok... it just took me several hours of pounding my head against my<br>
monitor (and resorting to reading pieces of the CAM driver in the<br>
kernel sources), but I have just discovered that contrary to the<br>
recommendation of README in the source distribution of SANE, FreeBSD 3.0<br>
can not handle accessing the scanner via a symlink (not even<br>
hardlink) named /dev/scanner. The passthrough device depends on<br>
having the filename of the device opened begin with "pass". This<br>
caught me way by surprise. Anyway, I'd like someone with access<br>
to the SANE source to make a note of this FreeBSD braindamage in<br>
either PROBLEMS, README, or perhaps even docs/ The<br>
FreeBSD ports maintainer for this package should probably ensure<br>
this is documented in the install messages as well. The device<br>
opened to access the scanner (either by explicit commandline or by<br>
config file entry) must be the regular old pass through device<br>
(/usr/src/sys/cam/cam_{periph and xpt}.c performs strncmp against<br>
the opened device's name.)<br>
And perhaps related, but perhaps not, when using the SANE software,<br>
I'm only ever able to scan as root (blech). I created a group<br>
scanner, put my user account in it, made the scanner device grouped<br>
to the new scanner group and chmod 660 on the device. I've then<br>
logged completely out, then back in (via xdm). id(1) shows that<br>
I'm in group scanner; however, when I run xscanimage from my account,<br>
I'm presented only with pnm devices. When I run it as root, it<br>
also allows me to choose umax:/dev/pass4. My review of the cam<br>
subsystem didn't show anything that required root.... I was wondering<br>
if any other FreeBSD users had got it working as a non-root user.<br>
-- William<br>
P.S. Hats off to the SANE developers. This software definetly fills a <br>
big need the Unix/Linux community has had...<br>
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<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0236.html">Davide Achilli: "Re: AVA-1505AE and Microtec X6: freeze everything while scanning"</a>
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<li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0238.html">Cory Kempf: "Re: FreeBSD 3.0 CAM braindamage and an (unrelated?) permission problem"</a>
<li> <b>Reply:</b> <a href="0238.html">Cory Kempf: "Re: FreeBSD 3.0 CAM braindamage and an (unrelated?) permission problem"</a>
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