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<!-- received="Wed May 7 07:52:26 1997 MST" -->
<!-- sent="Wed, 7 May 1997 15:41:25 +0200 (MET DST)" -->
<!-- name="Sven Neumann" -->
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<!-- subject="More about Mustek CD II" -->
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<title>sane-devel: More about Mustek CD II</title>
<h1>More about Mustek CD II</h1>
<b>Sven Neumann</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Wed, 7 May 1997 15:41:25 +0200 (MET DST)</i>
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<li> <b>Reply:</b> <a href="0120.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "Re: More about Mustek CD II"</a>
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first of all: sorry, but not everything I wrote in my last email was<br>
correct. The tragic accident with the new mustek happened when using xscan<br>
from the package paragon.tgz (from sunsite). As it wasn't me who<br>
crashed his scanner but a friend of mine and we had a slight<br>
misunderstanding derived from the similar names (xscan vs. xscanimage). So<br>
the scanner is still broken, but that wasn't caused by the SANE backend. <br>
It is right that the scanner went too far and crashed beyond the scan area.<br>
When using preview from xscanimage the scanner moved about 2 mm, stopped and<br>
the preview showed a white page. <br>
As my scanner is still intact ;-) I am very interested in getting it to work<br>
under Linux. So I have a NCR SCSI-adapter until friday and will try to get<br>
as much information as I can about the scanner. Are there any suggestions<br>
what I can try to do??<br>
Here's our configuration so far:<br>
Scanner: Mustek Paragon CD II <br>
- scsi id: scanner<br>
- firmware: 2.03<br>
Kernel: Linux 2.0.29<br>
- patched SCSI_BIG_BUFF (?) in sg.h to 128*1024<br>
SCSI-Adapter: NCR 810 (built as module)<br>
Salut, Sven<br>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0120.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "Re: More about Mustek CD II"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0118.html">Michael K. Johnson: "Re: Mustek Paragon CD II"</a>
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<li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0120.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "Re: More about Mustek CD II"</a>
<li> <b>Reply:</b> <a href="0120.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "Re: More about Mustek CD II"</a>
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