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<!-- received="Sun Apr 20 09:47:16 1997 MST" -->
<!-- sent="Sun, 20 Apr 1997 09:13:16 -0700" -->
<!-- name="David Mosberger-Tang" -->
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<!-- subject="Re: Name collision (serious)" -->
<!-- id="199704201613.JAA27139@panda.mosberger" -->
<!-- inreplyto="Name collision (serious)" -->
<title>sane-devel: Re: Name collision (serious)</title>
<h1>Re: Name collision (serious)</h1>
<b>David Mosberger-Tang</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Sun, 20 Apr 1997 09:13:16 -0700</i>
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<i>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; On Sun, 20 Apr 1997 13:31:45 +0200 (MET DST), <a href=""></a> said:</i><br>
Michael&gt; If saned is a daemon, shouldn't it be installed in<br>
Michael&gt; {prefix}/sbin instead of {prefix}/bin?<br>
David&gt; I suppose that's somewhat platform-dependent, but given that<br>
David&gt; Linux is our main target, your suggestion sounds good to me.<br>
Andy&gt; Actually saned is an inetd-dependant type of net-daemon (or<br>
Andy&gt; did someone add standalone mode ?)<br>
Yes, I did. But mostly for debugging purposes: the standalone mode<br>
handles one connection and then quits so it's not really suitable for<br>
real-world use outside of inetd.<br>
Michael&gt; Will it cause problems if I install it there?<br>
Andy&gt; No - I always move it to /usr/sbin/in.saned.<br>
Anyhow, I changed the makefile to install it in $(prefix)/sbin.<br>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0058.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "sane-0.54 now available!"</a>
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