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2003-09-23 16:52:00 +00:00
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<h1><a name="s1">1 Preface</a></h1>
<p>The SANE standard is being developed by a group of free-software
developers. The process is open to the public and comments as well as
suggestions for improvements are welcome. Information on how to join
the SANE development process can be found in Chapter
<a href="doc018.html#s6">6</a>.
<p>The SANE standard is intended to streamline software development by
providing a standard application programming interface to access
raster scanner hardware. This should reduce the number of different
driver implementations, thereby reducing the need for reimplementing
similar code.
<p><h2><a href="doc003.html">1.1 About This Document</a></h2><p><hr>
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