# This is a GitHub workflow defining a set of jobs with a set of steps. # ref: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions # name: Test on: pull_request: paths-ignore: - "docs/**" - "**.md" - "**.rst" - ".github/workflows/*" - "!.github/workflows/test.yml" - ".pre-commit-config.yaml" push: paths-ignore: - "docs/**" - "**.md" - "**.rst" - ".github/workflows/*" - "!.github/workflows/test.yml" - ".pre-commit-config.yaml" branches-ignore: - "dependabot/**" - "pre-commit-ci-update-config" tags: - "**" schedule: # Run weekly test so we know if tests break for external reasons # https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#scheduled-events # # At 10:36 on Sunday (https://crontab.guru) - cron: '36 10 * * 0' workflow_dispatch: # Global environment variables env: GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: ci-user@github.local GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: CI User GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL: ci-user@github.local GIT_AUTHOR_NAME: CI User jobs: test: runs-on: ubuntu-${{ matrix.ubuntu_version }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: ubuntu_version: ["22.04"] python_version: ["3.9"] repo_type: - base - conda - dockerfile - external - julia - nix - pipfile - r - unit - venv include: # The actions/setup-python action with Python version 3.6 isn't # possible to use with the ubuntu-22.04 runner, so we use ubuntu-20.04 # for this test where Python 3.6 remain available. - ubuntu_version: "20.04" python_version: "3.6" repo_type: venv steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/setup-python@v5 with: python-version: "${{ matrix.python_version }}" - name: Install dependencies run: | pip install -r dev-requirements.txt pip freeze - name: Install repo2docker run: | python -m build --wheel . pip install dist/*.whl # add for mercurial tests pip install mercurial hg-evolve pip freeze - name: Run pytest run: | pytest --verbose --color=yes --durations=10 --cov=repo2docker tests/${{ matrix.repo_type }} - uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4