
560 wiersze
16 KiB

/* MP3H decoder functions */
#include "MP3H.h"
#include "SX1278FSK.h"
#include "rsc.h"
#include "Sonde.h"
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#define MP3H_DEBUG 1
#define MP3H_DBG(x) x
#define MP3H_DBG(x)
static struct st_mp3hstate {
uint32_t id1, id2;
uint8_t idok;
uint32_t gpsdate;
uint32_t gpsdatetime;
bool dateok;
} mp3hstate;
static byte data1[512];
static byte *dataptr=data1;
static uint8_t rxbitc;
static uint16_t rxbyte;
static int rxp=0;
static int haveNewFrame = 0;
//static int lastFrame = 0;
static int headerDetected = 0;
extern uint16_t MON[];
decoderSetupCfg mp3hSetupCfg = {
.bitrate = 2400,
.rx_cfg = 0x00,
.sync_cfg = 0x70,
.sync_len = 1,
.sync_data = (const uint8_t *)"\x66\x66",
.preamble_cfg = 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x1F
int MP3H::setup(float frequency, int /*type*/)
MP3H_DBG(Serial.println("Setup sx1278 for MP3H sonde"));;
if(sx1278.ON()!=0) {
MP3H_DBG(Serial.println("Setting SX1278 power on FAILED"));
return 1;
// setFSK: switches to FSK standby mode
if(sx1278.setFSK()!=0) {
MP3H_DBG(Serial.println("Setting FSK mode FAILED"));
return 1;
Serial.print("MP3H: setting RX frequency to ");
int res = sx1278.setFrequency(frequency);
// Test: maybe fix issue after spectrum display?
sx1278.writeRegister(REG_PLL_HOP, 0);
if(sx1278.setAFCBandwidth(sonde.config.mp3h.agcbw)!=0) {
MP3H_DBG(Serial.printf("Setting AFC bandwidth %d Hz FAILED", sonde.config.mp3h.agcbw));
return 1;
if(sx1278.setRxBandwidth(sonde.config.mp3h.rxbw)!=0) {
MP3H_DBG(Serial.printf("Setting RX bandwidth to %d Hz FAILED", sonde.config.mp3h.rxbw));
return 1;
//// Step 2: Real reception
if(DecoderBase::setup(mp3hSetupCfg, sonde.config.mp3h.agcbw, sonde.config.mp3h.rxbw)!=0) {
return 1;
#if 0
// Now all done in Decoderbase
// FSK standby mode, seems like otherweise baudrate cannot be changed?
if(sx1278.setBitrate(2400)!=0) {
MP3H_DBG(Serial.println("Setting bitrate 2400bit/s FAILED"));
return 1;
MP3H_DBG(Serial.printf("Exact bitrate is %f\n", sx1278.getBitrate()));
// Probably not necessary, as this was set before
if(sx1278.setAFCBandwidth(sonde.config.mp3h.agcbw)!=0) {
MP3H_DBG(Serial.printf("Setting AFC bandwidth %d Hz FAILED", sonde.config.mp3h.agcbw));
return 1;
if(sx1278.setRxBandwidth(sonde.config.mp3h.rxbw)!=0) {
MP3H_DBG(Serial.printf("Setting RX bandwidth to %d Hz FAILED", sonde.config.mp3h.rxbw));
return 1;
///// Enable auto-AFC, auto-AGC, RX Trigger by preamble
//if(sx1278.setRxConf(0x1E)!=0) {
// Disable auto-AFC, auto-AGC, RX Trigger by preamble
if(sx1278.setRxConf(0x00)!=0) {
MP3H_DBG(Serial.println("Setting RX Config FAILED"));
return 1;
// version 1, working with continuous RX
const char *SYNC="\x66\x66";
if(sx1278.setSyncConf(0x70, 1, (const uint8_t *)SYNC)!=0) {
MP3H_DBG(Serial.println("Setting SYNC Config FAILED"));
return 1;
// Preamble detection off (+ size 1 byte, maximum tolerance; should not matter for "off"?)
if(sx1278.setPreambleDetect(0x00 | 0x00 | 0x1F)!=0) {
MP3H_DBG(Serial.println("Setting PreambleDetect FAILED"));
return 1;
// Packet config 1: fixed len, no mancecer, no crc, no address filter
// Packet config 2: packet mode, no home ctrl, no beackn, msb(packetlen)=0)
if(sx1278.setPacketConfig(0x08, 0x40)!=0) {
MP3H_DBG(Serial.println("Setting Packet config FAILED"));
return 1;
// enable RX
sx1278.setPayloadLength(0); // infinite for now...
uint16_t afc = sx1278.getRawAFC();
sx1278.writeRegister(REG_OP_MODE, FSK_RX_MODE);
Serial.printf("after RX_MODE: AFC is %d\n", sx1278.getAFC());
memset((void *)&mp3hstate, 0, sizeof(mp3hstate));
MP3H_DBG(Serial.println("Setting SX1278 config for MP3H finished\n"); Serial.println());
return res;
MP3H::MP3H() {
#define MP3H_FRAMELEN 49
// offsets from zilog
// https://github.com/rs1729/RS/blob/master/demod/mod/mp3h1mod.c
#define OFS -3
#define pos_CNT1 (OFS+ 3) // 1 nibble (0x80..0x8F ?)
#define pos_TIME (OFS+ 4) // 3*1 byte
#define pos_GPSecefX (OFS+ 8) // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSecefY (OFS+12) // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSecefZ (OFS+16) // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSecefV (OFS+20) // 3*2 byte
#define pos_GPSnSats (OFS+26) // 1 byte (num Sats ?)
#define pos_PTU1 (OFS+35) // 4 byte
#define pos_PTU2 (OFS+39) // 4 byte
#define pos_CNT2 (OFS+43) // 1 byte (0x01..0x10 ?)
#define pos_CFG (OFS+44) // 2/4 byte
#define pos_CRC (OFS+48) // 2 byte
#define crc16poly 0xA001
static bool checkMP3CRC(uint8_t *data)
int start = pos_CNT1;
int len = 45;
uint16_t rem = 0xffff;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
rem ^= data[start+i];
for(int j=0; j<8; j++) {
if(rem&0x1) rem = (rem>>1) ^ crc16poly;
else rem = rem>>1;
uint16_t crcdat = data[pos_CRC] | (data[pos_CRC+1]<<8);
return rem == crcdat ? true : false;
void MP3H::printRaw(uint8_t *data, int len)
char buf[3];
int i;
for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
snprintf(buf, 3, "%02X ", data[i]);
#ifndef PI
#define PI (3.1415926535897932384626433832795)
#define RAD (PI/180)
#define DEG (180/PI)
static uint32_t u4(uint8_t *d)
return d[0] | (d[1]<<8) | (d[2]<<16) | (d[3]<<24);
#define i4(d) ((int32_t)u4(d))
static uint16_t u2(uint8_t *d)
return d[0] | (d[1]<<8);
#define i2(d) ((int16_t)u2(d))
// defined in RS41.cpp
extern void wgs84r(double x, double y, double z, double * lat, double * long0, double * heig);
extern double atang2(double x, double y);
void calcgps(uint8_t *buf) {
//SondeInfo *si = sonde.si();
SondeData *si =&(sonde.si()->d);
double wx = i4(buf+pos_GPSecefX) * 0.01;
double wy = i4(buf+pos_GPSecefY) * 0.01;
double wz = i4(buf+pos_GPSecefZ) * 0.01;
double vx = i2(buf+pos_GPSecefV) * 0.01;
double vy = i2(buf+pos_GPSecefV+2) * 0.01;
double vz = i2(buf+pos_GPSecefV+4) * 0.01;
if(wx==0 && wy==0 && wz==0) { if(si->validPos&0x7f) { si->validPos |= 0x80; } return; }
// wgs84r
double lat, lng, alt;
wgs84r(wx, wy, wz, &lat, &lng, &alt);
if(alt<-1000 || alt>80000) { if(si->validPos&0x7f) { si->validPos |= 0x80; } return; }
si->lat = (float)(lat*DEG);
si->lon = (float)(lng*DEG);
si->alt = alt;
// speeddir
double sinlat = sin(lat);
double coslat = cos(lat);
double sinlng = sin(lng);
double coslng = cos(lng);
double vn = -vx*sinlat*coslng - vy*sinlat*sinlng + vz*coslat;
double ve = -vx*sinlng + vy*coslng;
double clb = vx*coslat*coslng + vy*coslat*sinlng + vz*sinlat;
double dir = atang2(vn, ve)/RAD;
if(dir<0.0) dir+=360.0;
si->dir = dir;
si->vs = clb;
si->hs = sqrt(vn*vn + ve*ve);
si->sats = buf[pos_GPSnSats];
Serial.printf("Pos: %f %f alt %f dir %f vs %f hs %f sats %d\n", si->lat, si->lon, si->alt, si->dir, si->vs, si->hs, si->sats);
si->validPos = 0x7f;
static uint32_t getgpstime(uint8_t *buf) {
return buf[pos_TIME] * 60*60 + buf[pos_TIME+1] * 60 + buf[pos_TIME+2];
// unix time stamp from date and time info in frame.
static void getmp3htime(uint8_t *buf) {
//SondeInfo *si = sonde.si();
SondeData *si =&(sonde.si()->d);
// gpsdate from CFG frame 15 (0 if not yet received)
uint32_t gpsdate = mp3hstate.gpsdate;
uint32_t gpstime = getgpstime(buf);
int tt = 0;
if(gpsdate) {
uint16_t year = (gpsdate%100)+2000;
gpsdate /= 100;
uint8_t month = gpsdate%100;
gpsdate /= 100;
uint8_t day = gpsdate % 100;
// year-month-day to unix time
tt = (year-1970)*365 + (year-1969)/4; // days since 1970
if(month<=12) { tt += MON[month]; if((year%4)==0 && month>2) tt++; }
tt = (tt+day-1)*(60*60*24);
if(gpstime < mp3hstate.gpsdatetime) tt += 60*60*24; // time wrapped since last date tx
Serial.printf("date: %04d-%02d-%02d t%d ", year, month, day, gpstime);
tt += gpstime;
si->time = tt;
si->vframe = tt - 315964800;
Serial.printf(" mp3h TIMESTAMP: %d\n", tt);
static uint8_t hex(uint32_t n) {
n = n % 16;
return (n<10) ? (n+'0') : (n-10+'A');
static void resetmp3h() {
mp3hstate.id1 = mp3hstate.id2 = 0;
mp3hstate.idok = 0;
mp3hstate.gpsdate = 0;
mp3hstate.dateok = 0;
// ret: 1=frame ok; 2=frame with errors; 0=ignored frame (m10dop-alternativ)
int MP3H::decodeframeMP3H(uint8_t *data) {
printRaw(data, MP3H_FRAMELEN);
if(!checkMP3CRC(data)) {
// maybe add repairing frames later...
return 2;
// data is a frame with correct CRC
//SondeInfo *si = sonde.si();
SondeData *si =&(sonde.si()->d);
uint8_t cnt = data[pos_CNT1] & 0x0F;
uint32_t cfg = u4(data+pos_CFG);
if(cnt==15) {
// date
mp3hstate.gpsdate = cfg;
mp3hstate.gpsdatetime = getgpstime(data);
mp3hstate.dateok = true;
} else if(cnt==13) {
// id2
if(mp3hstate.id2 > 0 && mp3hstate.id2 != cfg) { resetmp3h(); }
mp3hstate.id2 = cfg;
mp3hstate.idok |= 2;
} else if(cnt==12) {
// id1
if(mp3hstate.id1 > 0 && mp3hstate.id1 != cfg) { resetmp3h(); }
mp3hstate.id1 = cfg;
mp3hstate.idok |= 1;
// get id
if((mp3hstate.idok&3) == 3) {
//si->type = STYPE_MP3H;
uint32_t n = mp3hstate.id1*100000 + mp3hstate.id2;
si->id[0] = 'M';
si->id[1] = 'R';
si->id[2] = 'Z';
si->id[3] = hex(n/0x100000);
si->id[4] = hex(n/0x10000);
si->id[5] = hex(n/0x1000);
si->id[6] = hex(n/0x100);
si->id[7] = hex(n/0x10);
si->id[8] = hex(n);
si->id[9] = 0;
snprintf(si->ser, 12, "%u-%u", mp3hstate.id1, mp3hstate.id2);
si->validID = true;
// position
// time
return 1;
#if 0
int repairstep = 16;
int repl = 0;
bool crcok;
// error correction, inspired by oe5dxl's sondeudp
do {
crcok = checkMP3Hcrc(M10_CRCPOS, data);
if(crcok || repairstep==0) break;
repl = 0;
for(int i=0; i<M10_CRCPOS; i++) {
if( ((sondeudp_VARSET[i/32]&(1<<(i%32))) == 0) && (fixcnt[i]>=repairstep) ) {
data[i] = fixbytes[i];
repairstep >>= 1;
} while(true);
if(crcok) {
for(int i=0; i<M10_CRCPOS; i++) {
if(fixbytes[i]==data[i] &&fixcnt[i]<255) fixcnt[i]++;
else { fixcnt[i]=0; fixbytes[i]=data[i]; }
Serial.println(crcok?"CRC OK":"CRC NOT OK");
Serial.printf(" repair: %d/%d\n", repl, repairstep);
if(data[1]==0x9F && data[2]==0x20) {
// Its a M10
// getid...
char ids[11];
ids[0] = 'M';
ids[1] = 'E';
ids[2] = hex(data[95]/16);
ids[3] = hex(data[95]);
ids[4] = hex(data[93]);
uint32_t id = data[96] + data[97]*256;
ids[5] = hex(id/4096);
ids[6] = hex(id/256);
ids[7] = hex(id/16);
ids[8] = hex(id);
ids[9] = 0;
strncpy(sonde.si()->id, ids, 10);
ids[0] = hex(data[95]/16);
ids[1] = dez((data[95]&0x0f)/10);
ids[2] = dez((data[95]&0x0f));
ids[3] = dez(data[93]);
ids[4] = dez(id>>13);
id &= 0x1fff;
ids[5] = dez(id/1000);
ids[6] = dez((id/100)%10);
ids[7] = dez((id/10)%10);
ids[8] = dez(id%10);
strncpy(sonde.si()->ser, ids, 10);
sonde.si()->validID = true;
Serial.printf("ID is %s [%02x %02x %d]\n", ids, data[95], data[93], id);
// ID printed on sonde is ...-.-abbbb, with a=id>>13, bbbb=id&0x1fff in decimal
// position data
sonde.si()->lat = getint32(data+14) * DEGMUL;
sonde.si()->lon = getint32(data+18) * DEGMUL;
sonde.si()->alt = getint32(data+22) * 0.001;
float ve = getint16(data+4)*VMUL;
float vn = getint16(data+6)*VMUL;
sonde.si()->vs = getint16(data+8) * VMUL;
sonde.si()->hs = sqrt(ve*ve+vn*vn);
float dir = atan2(vn, ve)*(1.0/RAD);
if(dir<0) dir+=360;
sonde.si()->dir = dir;
sonde.si()->validPos = 0x3f;
uint32_t gpstime = getint32(data+10);
uint16_t gpsweek = getint16(data+32);
// UTC is GPSTIME - 18s (24*60*60-18 = 86382)
// one week = 7*24*60*60 = 604800 seconds
// unix epoch starts jan 1st 1970 0:00
// gps time starts jan 6, 1980 0:00. thats 315964800 epoch seconds.
// subtracting 86400 yields 315878400UL
sonde.si()->time = (gpstime/1000) + 86382 + gpsweek*604800 + 315878400UL;
sonde.si()->validTime = true;
} else {
Serial.printf("data is %02x %02x %02x\n", data[0], data[1], data[2]);
return 0;
return crcok?1:2;
return 0;
static uint32_t rxdata;
static bool rxsearching=true;
// search for
// 0xBF3H (or inverse)
void MP3H::processMP3Hdata(uint8_t dt)
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
uint8_t d = (dt&0x80)?1:0;
dt <<= 1;
rxdata = (rxdata<<1) | d;
if( (rxbitc&1)==0 ) {
// "bit1"
rxbyte = (rxbyte<<1) | d;
} else {
// "bit2" ==> 01 or 10 => 1, otherweise => 0
// rxbyte = rxbyte ^ d;
// BF3H => 1011 1111 0011 0101 => 10011010 10101010 01011010 01100110 => 9AAA5A66 // 6555a599
if(rxsearching) {
if( rxdata == 0x9AAA5A66 || rxdata == 0x6555a599 ) {
rxsearching = false;
rxbitc = 0;
rxp = 0;
headerDetected = 1;
int rssi=sx1278.getRSSI();
int fei=sx1278.getFEI();
int afc=sx1278.getAFC();
Serial.print("SYNC!!! Test: RSSI="); Serial.print(rssi);
Serial.print(" FEI="); Serial.print(fei);
Serial.print(" AFC="); Serial.println(afc);
sonde.si()->rssi = rssi;
sonde.si()->afc = afc;
} else {
rxbitc = (rxbitc+1)%16; // 16;
if(rxbitc == 0) { // got 8 data bit
dataptr[rxp++] = rxbyte&0xff; // (rxbyte>>1)&0xff;
//if(rxp==2 && dataptr[0]==0x45 && dataptr[1]==0x20) { isM20 = true; }
if(rxp>=MP3H_FRAMELEN) {
rxsearching = true;
haveNewFrame = decodeframeMP3H(dataptr);
#define MAXFRAMES 6
int MP3H::receive() {
// we wait for at most 6 frames or until a new seq nr.
uint8_t nFrames = MAXFRAMES; // MP3H sends every frame 6x
static uint32_t lastFrame = 0;
uint8_t retval = RX_TIMEOUT;
unsigned long t0 = millis();
Serial.printf("MP3H::receive() start at %ld\n",t0);
while( millis() - t0 < 1100 + (retval!=RX_TIMEOUT)?1000:0 ) {
uint8_t value = sx1278.readRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS2);
if ( bitRead(value, 7) ) {
Serial.println("FIFO full");
if ( bitRead(value, 4) ) {
Serial.println("FIFO overflow");
if ( bitRead(value, 2) == 1 ) {
Serial.println("FIFO: ready()");
if(bitRead(value, 6) == 0) { // while FIFO not empty
byte data = sx1278.readRegister(REG_FIFO);
value = sx1278.readRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS2);
} else {
if(headerDetected) {
t0 = millis(); // restart timer... don't time out if header detected...
headerDetected = 0;
if(haveNewFrame) {
Serial.printf("MP3H::receive(): new frame complete after %ldms\n", millis()-t0);
printRaw(dataptr, MP3H_FRAMELEN);
// frame with CRC error: just skip and retry (unless we have waited for 6 frames alred)
if(haveNewFrame != 1) {
Serial.printf("hNF: %d (ERROR)\n", haveNewFrame);
retval = RX_ERROR;
} else if (sonde.si()->d.time == lastFrame) { // same frame number as seen before => skip
Serial.printf("Skipping frame with frame# %d\n", lastFrame);
// nothing, wait for next, "new" frame
} else { // good and new frame, return it.
Serial.println("Good frame");
haveNewFrame = 0;
lastFrame = sonde.si()->d.time;
return RX_OK;
haveNewFrame = 0;
#if 0
if(nFrames <= 0) {
// up to 6 old or erronous frames received => break out
Serial.printf("nFrames is %di, giving up\n", nFrames);
int32_t afc = sx1278.getAFC();
int16_t rssi = sx1278.getRSSI();
Serial.printf("receive: AFC is %d, RSSI is %.1f\n", afc, rssi/2.0);
Serial.printf("MP3H::receive() timed out\n");
return retval;
int MP3H::waitRXcomplete() {
return 0;
MP3H mp3h = MP3H();