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Executable File
Czysty Wina Historia

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

// Both available renderers are imported
import textRenderer from './core/textrenderer.js'
import canvasRenderer from './core/canvasrenderer.js'
import FPS from './core/fps.js'
import storage from './core/storage.js'
import RUNNER_VERSION from './core/version.js'
const renderers = {
'canvas' : canvasRenderer,
'text' : textRenderer
// Default settings for the program runner.
// They can be overwritten by the parameters of the runner
// or as a settings object exported by the program (in this order).
const defaultSettings = {
element : null, // target element for output
cols : 0, // number of columns, 0 is equivalent to 'auto'
rows : 0, // number of columns, 0 is equivalent to 'auto'
once : false, // if set to true the renderer will run only once
fps : 30, // fps capping
renderer : 'text', // can be 'canvas', anything else falls back to 'text'
allowSelect : false, // allows selection of the rendered element
restoreState : false, // will store the "state" object in local storage
// this is handy for live-coding situations
// CSS styles which can be passed to the container element via settings
const CSSStyles = [
// Program runner.
// Takes a program object (usually an imported module),
// and some optional settings (see above) as arguments.
// Finally, an optional userData object can be passed which will be available
// as last parameter in all the module functions.
// The program object should export at least a main(), pre() or post() function.
export function run(program, runSettings, userData = {}) {
// Everything is wrapped inside a promise;
// in case of errors in program it will reject without reaching the bottom.
// If the program reaches the bottom of the first frame the promise is resolved.
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
// Merge of user- and default settings
const settings = {...defaultSettings, ...runSettings, ...program.settings}
// State is stored in local storage and will loaded on program launch
// if settings.restoreState == true.
// The purpose of this is to live edit the code without resetting
// time and the frame counter.
const state = {
time : 0, // The time in ms
frame : 0, // The frame number (int)
cycle : 0 // An cycle count for debugging purposes
// Name of local storage key
const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_STATE = 'currentState'
if (settings.restoreState) {
storage.restore(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_STATE, state)
state.cycle++ // Keep track of the cycle count for debugging purposes
// If element is not provided create a default element based
// on the renderer settings.
// Then choose the renderer:
// If the parent element is a canvas the canvas renderer is selected,
// for any other type a text node (PRE or any othe text node)
// is expected and the text renderer is used.
// TODO: better / more generic renderer init
let renderer
if (!settings.element) {
renderer = renderers[settings.renderer] || renderers['text']
settings.element = document.createElement(renderer.preferredElementNodeName)
} else {
if (settings.renderer == 'canvas') {
if (settings.element.nodeName == 'CANVAS') {
renderer = renderers[settings.renderer]
} else {
console.warn("This renderer expects a canvas target element.")
} else {
if (settings.element.nodeName != 'CANVAS') {
renderer = renderers[settings.renderer]
} else {
console.warn("This renderer expects a text target element.")
// Apply CSS settings to element
for (const s of CSSStyles) {
if (settings[s])[s] = settings[s]
// Eventqueue
// Stores events and pops them at the end of the renderloop
// TODO: needed?
const eventQueue = []
// Input pointer updated by DOM events
const pointer = {
x : 0,
y : 0,
pressed : false,
px : 0,
py : 0,
ppressed : false,
settings.element.addEventListener('pointermove', e => {
const rect = settings.element.getBoundingClientRect()
pointer.x = e.clientX - rect.left
pointer.y = e.clientY -
settings.element.addEventListener('pointerdown', e => {
pointer.pressed = true
settings.element.addEventListener('pointerup', e => {
pointer.pressed = false
const touchHandler = e => {
const rect = settings.element.getBoundingClientRect()
pointer.x = e.touches[0].clientX - rect.left
pointer.y = e.touches[0].clientY -
settings.element.addEventListener('touchmove', touchHandler)
settings.element.addEventListener('touchstart', touchHandler)
settings.element.addEventListener('touchend', touchHandler)
// CSS fix = 'normal'
// Text selection may be annoing in case of interactive programs
if (!settings.allowSelect) disableSelect(settings.element)
// Method to load a font via the FontFace object.
// The load promise works 100% of the times.
// But a definition of the font via CSS is preferable and more flexible.
const CSSInfo = getCSSInfo(settings.element)
var font = new FontFace('Simple Console', 'url(/css/fonts/simple/SimpleConsole-Light.woff)', { style: 'normal', weight: 400 })
font.load().then(function(f) {
// Metrics needs to be calculated before boot
// Even with the "fonts.ready" the font may STILL not be loaded yet
// on Safari 13.x and also 14.0.
// A (shitty) workaround is to wait 3! rAF.
// Submitted:
document.fonts.ready.then((e) => {
// Run this three times...
let count = 3
;(function __run_thrice__() {
if (--count > 0) {
} else {
// = Math.ceil(metrics.lineHeightf) + 'px'
// console.log(`Using font faimily: ${ci.fontFamily} @ ${ci.fontSize}/${ci.lineHeight}`)
// console.log(`Metrics: cellWidth: ${metrics.cellWidth}, lineHeightf: ${metrics.lineHeightf}`)
// Finally Boot!
// Ideal mode:
// metrics = calcMetrics(settings.element)
// etc.
// requestAnimationFrame(loop)
// FPS object (keeps some state for precise FPS measure)
const fps = new FPS()
// A cell with no value at all is just a space
const EMPTY_CELL = ' '
// Default cell style inserted in case of undefined / null
const DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE = Object.freeze({
color : settings.color,
backgroundColor : settings.backgroundColor,
fontWeight : settings.fontWeight
// Buffer needed for the final DOM rendering,
// each array entry represents a cell.
const buffer = []
// Metrics object, calc once (below)
let metrics
function boot() {
metrics = calcMetrics(settings.element)
const context = getContext(state, settings, metrics, fps)
if (typeof program.boot == 'function') {
program.boot(context, buffer, userData)
// Time sample to calculate precise offset
let timeSample = 0
// Previous time step to increment state.time (with state.time initial offset)
let ptime = 0
const interval = 1000 / settings.fps
const timeOffset = state.time
// Used to track window resize
let cols, rows
// Main program loop
function loop(t) {
// Timing
const delta = t - timeSample
if (delta < interval) {
// Skip the frame
if (!settings.once) requestAnimationFrame(loop)
// Snapshot of context data
const context = getContext(state, settings, metrics, fps)
// FPS update
// Timing update
timeSample = t - delta % interval // adjust timeSample
state.time = t + timeOffset // increment time + initial offs
state.frame++ // increment frame counter, state) // store state
// Cursor update
const cursor = {
// The canvas might be slightly larger than the number
// of cols/rows, min is required!
x : Math.min(context.cols-1, pointer.x / metrics.cellWidth),
y : Math.min(context.rows-1, pointer.y / metrics.lineHeight),
pressed : pointer.pressed,
p : { // state of previous frame
x : pointer.px / metrics.cellWidth,
y : / metrics.lineHeight,
pressed : pointer.ppressed,
// Pointer: store previous state
pointer.px = pointer.x = pointer.y
pointer.ppressed = pointer.pressed
// 1. --------------------------------------------------------------
// In case of resize / init normalize the buffer
if (cols != context.cols || rows != context.rows) {
cols = context.cols
rows = context.rows
buffer.length = context.cols * context.rows
for (let i=0; i<buffer.length; i++) {
buffer[i] = {...DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE, char : EMPTY_CELL}
// 2. --------------------------------------------------------------
// Call pre(), if defined
if (typeof program.pre == 'function') {
program.pre(context, cursor, buffer, userData)
// 3. --------------------------------------------------------------
// Call main(), if defined
if (typeof program.main == 'function') {
for (let j=0; j<context.rows; j++) {
const offs = j * context.cols
for (let i=0; i<context.cols; i++) {
const idx = i + offs
// Override content:
// buffer[idx] = program.main({x:i, y:j, index:idx}, context, cursor, buffer, userData)
const out = program.main({x:i, y:j, index:idx}, context, cursor, buffer, userData)
if (typeof out == 'object' && out !== null) {
buffer[idx] = {...buffer[idx], ...out}
} else {
buffer[idx] = {...buffer[idx], char : out}
// Fix undefined / null / etc.
if (!Boolean(buffer[idx].char) && buffer[idx].char !== 0) {
buffer[idx].char = EMPTY_CELL
// 4. --------------------------------------------------------------
// Call post(), if defined
if (typeof == 'function') {, cursor, buffer, userData)
// 5. --------------------------------------------------------------
renderer.render(context, buffer, settings)
// 6. --------------------------------------------------------------
// Queued events
while (eventQueue.length > 0) {
const type = eventQueue.shift()
if (type && typeof program[type] == 'function') {
program[type](context, cursor, buffer)
// 7. --------------------------------------------------------------
// Loop (eventually)
if (!settings.once) requestAnimationFrame(loop)
// The end of the first frame is reached without errors
// the promise can be resolved.
// -- Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build / update the 'context' object (immutable)
// A bit of spaghetti... but the context object needs to be ready for
// the boot function and also to be updated at each frame.
function getContext(state, settings, metrics, fps) {
const rect = settings.element.getBoundingClientRect()
const cols = settings.cols || Math.floor(rect.width / metrics.cellWidth)
const rows = settings.rows || Math.floor(rect.height / metrics.lineHeight)
return Object.freeze({
frame : state.frame,
time : state.time,
width : rect.width,
height : rect.height,
// Runtime & debug data
runtime : Object.freeze({
cycle : state.cycle,
fps : fps.fps
// updatedRowNum
// Disables selection for an HTML element
function disableSelect(el) { = 'none' = 'none' // for Safari on mac and iOS = 'none' // for mobile FF
el.dataset.selectionEnabled = 'false'
// Enables selection for an HTML element
function enableSelect(el) { = 'auto' = 'auto' = 'auto'
el.dataset.selectionEnabled = 'true'
// Copies the content of an element to the clipboard
export function copyContent(el) {
// Store selection default
const selectionEnabled = !el.dataset.selectionEnabled == 'false'
// Enable selection if necessary
if (!selectionEnabled) enableSelect(el)
// Copy the text block
const range = document.createRange()
const sel = window.getSelection()
// Restore default, if necessary
if (!selectionEnabled) disableSelect(el)
// Calcs width (fract), height, aspect of a monospaced char
// assuming that the CSS font-family is a monospaced font.
// Returns a mutable object.
export function calcMetrics(el) {
const style = getComputedStyle(el)
// Extract info from the style: in case of a canvas element
// the style and font family should be set anyways.
const fontFamily = style.getPropertyValue('font-family')
const fontSize = parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue('font-size'))
// Cant rely on computed lineHeight since Safari 14.1
// See:
const lineHeight = parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue('line-height'))
let cellWidth
// If the output element is a canvas 'measureText()' is used
// else cellWidth is computed 'by hand' (should be the same, in any case)
if (el.nodeName == 'CANVAS') {
const ctx = el.getContext('2d')
ctx.font = fontSize + 'px ' + fontFamily
cellWidth = ctx.measureText(''.padEnd(50, 'X')).width / 50
} else {
const span = document.createElement('span')
span.innerHTML = ''.padEnd(50, 'X')
cellWidth = span.getBoundingClientRect().width / 50
const metrics = {
aspect : cellWidth / lineHeight,
// Semi-hackish way to allow an update of the metrics object.
// This may be useful in some situations, for example
// responsive layouts with baseline or font change.
// NOTE: Its not an immutable object anymore
_update : function() {
const tmp = calcMetrics(el)
for(var k in tmp) {
// NOTE: Object.assign wont work
if (typeof tmp[k] == 'number' || typeof tmp[k] == 'string') {
m[k] = tmp[k]
return metrics