package com.onthegomap.planetiler.custommap; import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.TestUtils.newLineString; import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.TestUtils.newPolygon; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.FeatureCollector; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.FeatureCollector.Feature; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.Profile; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.TestUtils; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.PlanetilerConfig; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.custommap.util.TestConfigurableUtils; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.SimpleFeature; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.SourceFeature; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats.Stats; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; class ConfiguredFeatureTest { private static final Function TEST_RESOURCE = TestConfigurableUtils::pathToTestResource; private static final Function SAMPLE_RESOURCE = TestConfigurableUtils::pathToSample; private static final Function TEST_INVALID_RESOURCE = TestConfigurableUtils::pathToTestInvalidResource; private static final Map waterTags = Map.of( "natural", "water", "water", "pond", "name", "Little Pond", "test_zoom_tag", "test_zoom_value" ); private static Map motorwayTags = Map.of( "highway", "motorway", "layer", "1", "bridge", "yes", "tunnel", "yes" ); private static Map trunkTags = Map.of( "highway", "trunk", "toll", "yes" ); private static Map primaryTags = Map.of( "highway", "primary", "lanes", "2" ); private static Map highwayAreaTags = Map.of( "area:highway", "motorway", "layer", "1", "bridge", "yes", "surface", "asphalt" ); private static Map inputMappingTags = Map.of( "s_type", "string_val", "l_type", "1", "b_type", "yes", "d_type", "yes", "intermittent", "yes", "bridge", "yes" ); private static FeatureCollector polygonFeatureCollector() { var config = PlanetilerConfig.defaults(); var factory = new FeatureCollector.Factory(config, Stats.inMemory()); return factory.get(SimpleFeature.create(TestUtils.newPolygon(0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0), new HashMap<>())); } private static FeatureCollector linestringFeatureCollector() { var config = PlanetilerConfig.defaults(); var factory = new FeatureCollector.Factory(config, Stats.inMemory()); return factory.get(SimpleFeature.create(TestUtils.newLineString(0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0), new HashMap<>())); } private static Profile loadConfig(Function pathFunction, String filename) throws IOException { var staticAttributeConfig = pathFunction.apply(filename); var schema = ConfiguredMapMain.loadConfig(staticAttributeConfig); return new ConfiguredProfile(schema); } private static void testFeature(Function pathFunction, String schemaFilename, SourceFeature sf, Supplier fcFactory, Consumer test, int expectedMatchCount) throws Exception { var profile = loadConfig(pathFunction, schemaFilename); var fc = fcFactory.get(); profile.processFeature(sf, fc); var length = new AtomicInteger(0); fc.forEach(f -> { test.accept(f); length.incrementAndGet(); }); assertEquals(expectedMatchCount, length.get(), "Wrong number of features generated"); } private static void testPolygon(Function pathFunction, String schemaFilename, Map tags, Consumer test, int expectedMatchCount) throws Exception { var sf = SimpleFeature.createFakeOsmFeature(newPolygon(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0), tags, "osm", null, 1, emptyList()); testFeature(pathFunction, schemaFilename, sf, ConfiguredFeatureTest::polygonFeatureCollector, test, expectedMatchCount); } private static void testLinestring(Function pathFunction, String schemaFilename, Map tags, Consumer test, int expectedMatchCount) throws Exception { var sf = SimpleFeature.createFakeOsmFeature(newLineString(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1), tags, "osm", null, 1, emptyList()); testFeature(pathFunction, schemaFilename, sf, ConfiguredFeatureTest::linestringFeatureCollector, test, expectedMatchCount); } @Test void testStaticAttributeTest() throws Exception { testPolygon(TEST_RESOURCE, "static_attribute.yml", waterTags, f -> { var attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(14); assertEquals("aTestConstantValue", attr.get("natural")); }, 1); } @Test void testTagValueAttributeTest() throws Exception { testPolygon(TEST_RESOURCE, "tag_attribute.yml", waterTags, f -> { var attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(14); assertEquals("water", attr.get("natural")); }, 1); } @Test void testTagIncludeAttributeTest() throws Exception { testPolygon(TEST_RESOURCE, "tag_include.yml", waterTags, f -> { var attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(14); assertEquals("ok", attr.get("test_include")); assertFalse(attr.containsKey("test_exclude")); }, 1); } @Test void testZoomAttributeTest() throws Exception { testPolygon(TEST_RESOURCE, "tag_include.yml", waterTags, f -> { var attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(14); assertEquals("test_zoom_value", attr.get("test_zoom_tag")); attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(11); assertNotEquals("test_zoom_value", attr.get("test_zoom_tag")); attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(9); assertNotEquals("test_zoom_value", attr.get("test_zoom_tag")); }, 1); } @Test void testTagHighwayLinestringTest() throws Exception { testLinestring(TEST_RESOURCE, "road_motorway.yml", motorwayTags, f -> { var attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(14); assertEquals("motorway", attr.get("highway")); }, 1); } @Test void testTagTypeConversionTest() throws Exception { testLinestring(TEST_RESOURCE, "road_motorway.yml", motorwayTags, f -> { var attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(14); assertTrue(attr.containsKey("layer"), "Produce attribute layer"); assertTrue(attr.containsKey("bridge"), "Produce attribute bridge"); assertTrue(attr.containsKey("tunnel"), "Produce attribute tunnel"); assertEquals(1L, attr.get("layer"), "Extract layer as LONG"); assertEquals(true, attr.get("bridge"), "Extract bridge as tagValue BOOLEAN"); assertEquals(true, attr.get("tunnel"), "Extract tunnel as constantValue BOOLEAN"); }, 1); } @Test void testZoomFilterAttributeTest() throws Exception { testLinestring(TEST_RESOURCE, "road_motorway.yml", motorwayTags, f -> { var attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(14); assertTrue(attr.containsKey("bridge"), "Produce attribute bridge at z14"); attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(10); assertFalse(attr.containsKey("bridge"), "Don't produce attribute bridge at z10"); }, 1); } @Test void testZoomFilterConditionalTest() throws Exception { testLinestring(TEST_RESOURCE, "zoom_filter.yml", motorwayTags, f -> { var attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(4); assertEquals("motorway", attr.get("highway"), "Produce attribute highway at z4"); }, 1); testLinestring(TEST_RESOURCE, "zoom_filter.yml", trunkTags, f -> { assertEquals(5, f.getMinZoom()); var attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(5); assertEquals("trunk", attr.get("highway"), "Produce highway=trunk at z5"); assertNull(attr.get("toll"), "Skip toll at z5"); attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(6); assertEquals("trunk", attr.get("highway"), "Produce highway=trunk at z6"); attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(8); assertEquals("yes", attr.get("toll"), "render toll at z8"); }, 1); testLinestring(TEST_RESOURCE, "zoom_filter.yml", primaryTags, f -> { var attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(6); assertNull(attr.get("highway"), "Skip highway=primary at z6"); assertNull(attr.get("lanes")); attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(7); assertEquals("primary", attr.get("highway"), "Produce highway=primary at z7"); assertNull(attr.get("lanes")); attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(12); assertEquals("primary", attr.get("highway"), "Produce highway=primary at z12"); assertEquals(2L, attr.get("lanes")); }, 1); } @Test void testAllValuesInKey() throws Exception { //Show that a key in includeWhen with no values matches all values testPolygon(SAMPLE_RESOURCE, "highway_areas.yml", highwayAreaTags, f -> { var attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(14); assertEquals(true, attr.get("bridge"), "Produce bridge attribute"); assertEquals("motorway", attr.get("highway"), "Produce highway area attribute"); assertEquals("asphalt", attr.get("surface"), "Produce surface attribute"); assertEquals(1L, attr.get("layer"), "Produce layer attribute"); }, 1); } @Test void testInputMapping() throws Exception { //Show that a key in includeWhen with no values matches all values testLinestring(TEST_RESOURCE, "data_type_attributes.yml", inputMappingTags, f -> { var attr = f.getAttrsAtZoom(14); assertEquals(true, attr.get("b_type"), "Produce boolean"); assertEquals("string_val", attr.get("s_type"), "Produce string"); assertEquals(1, attr.get("d_type"), "Produce direction"); assertEquals(1L, attr.get("l_type"), "Produce long"); assertEquals("yes", attr.get("intermittent"), "Produce raw attribute"); assertEquals(true, attr.get("is_intermittent"), "Produce and rename boolean"); assertEquals(true, attr.get("bridge"), "Produce boolean from full structure"); }, 1); } @Test void testGeometryTypeMismatch() throws Exception { //Validate that a schema that filters on lines does not match on a polygon feature var sf = SimpleFeature.createFakeOsmFeature(newPolygon(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0), motorwayTags, "osm", null, 1, emptyList()); testFeature(TEST_RESOURCE, "road_motorway.yml", sf, ConfiguredFeatureTest::linestringFeatureCollector, f -> { }, 0); } @Test void testSourceTypeMismatch() throws Exception { //Validate that a schema only matches on the specified data source var sf = SimpleFeature.createFakeOsmFeature(newLineString(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0), highwayAreaTags, "not_osm", null, 1, emptyList()); testFeature(SAMPLE_RESOURCE, "highway_areas.yml", sf, ConfiguredFeatureTest::linestringFeatureCollector, f -> { }, 0); } @Test void testInvalidSchemas() throws Exception { testInvalidSchema("bad_geometry_type.yml", "Profile defined with invalid geometry type"); testInvalidSchema("no_layers.yml", "Profile defined with no layers"); } private void testInvalidSchema(String filename, String message) { assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> loadConfig(TEST_INVALID_RESOURCE, filename), message); } }