package com.onthegomap.flatmap.geo; import com.onthegomap.flatmap.mbtiles.Mbtiles; import com.onthegomap.flatmap.util.Format; import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.CoordinateXY; /** * The coordinate of a slippy map tile. *

* In order to encode into a 32-bit integer, only zoom levels {@code <= 14} are supported since we need 4 bits for the * zoom-level, and 14 bits each for the x/y coordinates. *

* Tiles are ordered by z ascending, x ascending, y descending to match index ordering of {@link Mbtiles} sqlite * database. * * @param encoded the tile ID encoded as a 32-bit integer * @param x x coordinate of the tile where 0 is the western-most tile just to the east the international date line * and 2^z-1 is the eastern-most tile * @param y y coordinate of the tile where 0 is the northern-most tile and 2^z-1 is the southern-most tile * @param z zoom level ({@code <= 14}) */ @Immutable public record TileCoord(int encoded, int x, int y, int z) implements Comparable { // TODO: support higher than z14 // z15 could theoretically fit into a 32-bit integer but needs a different packing strategy // z16+ would need more space // also need to remove hardcoded z14 limits private static final int XY_MASK = (1 << 14) - 1; public TileCoord { assert z <= 14; } public static TileCoord ofXYZ(int x, int y, int z) { return new TileCoord(encode(x, y, z), x, y, z); } public static TileCoord decode(int encoded) { int z = (encoded >> 28) + 8; int x = (encoded >> 14) & XY_MASK; int y = ((1 << z) - 1) - ((encoded) & XY_MASK); return new TileCoord(encoded, x, y, z); } /** Returns the tile containing a latitude/longitude coordinate at a given zoom level. */ public static TileCoord aroundLngLat(double lng, double lat, int zoom) { double factor = 1 << zoom; double x = GeoUtils.getWorldX(lng) * factor; double y = GeoUtils.getWorldY(lat) * factor; return TileCoord.ofXYZ((int) Math.floor(x), (int) Math.floor(y), zoom); } private static int encode(int x, int y, int z) { int max = 1 << z; if (x >= max) { x %= max; } if (x < 0) { x += max; } if (y < 0) { y = 0; } if (y >= max) { y = max - 1; } // since most significant bit is treated as the sign bit, make: // z0-7 get encoded from 8 (0b1000) to 15 (0b1111) // z8-14 get encoded from 0 (0b0000) to 6 (0b0110) // so that encoded tile coordinates are ordered by zoom level if (z < 8) { z += 8; } else { z -= 8; } y = max - 1 - y; return (z << 28) | (x << 14) | y; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } TileCoord tileCoord = (TileCoord) o; return encoded == tileCoord.encoded; } @Override public int hashCode() { return encoded; } @Override public String toString() { return "{x=" + x + " y=" + y + " z=" + z + '}'; } @Override public int compareTo(TileCoord o) { return, o.encoded); } /** Returns the latitude/longitude of the northwest corner of this tile. */ public Coordinate getLatLon() { double worldWidthAtZoom = Math.pow(2, z); return new CoordinateXY( GeoUtils.getWorldLon(x / worldWidthAtZoom), GeoUtils.getWorldLat(y / worldWidthAtZoom) ); } /** Returns a URL that displays the openstreetmap data for this tile. */ public String getDebugUrl() { Coordinate coord = getLatLon(); return Format.osmDebugUrl(z, coord); } /** Returns the pixel coordinate on this tile of a given latitude/longitude (assuming 256x256 px tiles). */ public Coordinate lngLatToTileCoords(double lng, double lat) { double factor = 1 << z; double x = GeoUtils.getWorldX(lng) * factor; double y = GeoUtils.getWorldY(lat) * factor; return new CoordinateXY((x - Math.floor(x)) * 256, (y - Math.floor(y)) * 256); } }