package com.onthegomap.planetiler.basemap; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.Planetiler; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.basemap.generated.OpenMapTilesSchema; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.Arguments; import java.nio.file.Path; /** * Main entrypoint for generating a map using the basemap schema. */ public class BasemapMain { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { run(Arguments.fromArgsOrConfigFile(args)); } static void run(Arguments arguments) throws Exception { Path dataDir = Path.of("data"); Path sourcesDir = dataDir.resolve("sources"); // use --area=... argument, AREA=... env var or area=... in config to set the region of the world to use // will be ignored if osm_path or osm_url are set String area = arguments.getString( "area", "name of the extract to download if osm_url/osm_path not specified (i.e. 'monaco' 'rhode island' 'australia' or 'planet')", "monaco" ); Planetiler.create(arguments) .setDefaultLanguages(OpenMapTilesSchema.LANGUAGES) .fetchWikidataNameTranslations(sourcesDir.resolve("wikidata_names.json")) // defer creation of the profile because it depends on data from the runner .setProfile(BasemapProfile::new) // override any of these with arguments: --osm_path=... or --osm_url=... // or OSM_PATH=... OSM_URL=... environmental argument // or osm_path=... osm_url=... in a config file .addShapefileSource("EPSG:3857", BasemapProfile.LAKE_CENTERLINE_SOURCE, sourcesDir.resolve(""), // was previously using this old build from 2016: "") .addShapefileSource(BasemapProfile.WATER_POLYGON_SOURCE, sourcesDir.resolve(""), "") .addNaturalEarthSource(BasemapProfile.NATURAL_EARTH_SOURCE, sourcesDir.resolve(""), "") .addOsmSource(BasemapProfile.OSM_SOURCE, sourcesDir.resolve(area.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]+", "_") + ".osm.pbf"), "planet".equalsIgnoreCase(area) ? ("aws:latest") : ("geofabrik:" + area)) // override with --mbtiles=... argument or MBTILES=... env var or mbtiles=... in a config file .setOutput("mbtiles", dataDir.resolve("output.mbtiles")) .run(); } }