package com.onthegomap.planetiler.expression; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.WithTags; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Parse; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.UnaryOperator; /** * Destination data types for an attribute that link the type to functions that can parse the value from an input object */ public enum DataType implements BiFunction { GET_STRING("string", WithTags::getString, Objects::toString), GET_BOOLEAN("boolean", WithTags::getBoolean, Parse::bool), GET_DIRECTION("direction", WithTags::getDirection, Parse::direction), GET_LONG("long", WithTags::getLong, Parse::parseLongOrNull), GET_INT("integer", Parse::parseIntOrNull), GET_DOUBLE("double", Parse::parseDoubleOrNull), GET_TAG("get", WithTags::getTag, s -> s); private final BiFunction getter; private final String id; private final UnaryOperator parser; DataType(String id, BiFunction getter, UnaryOperator parser) { = id; this.getter = getter; this.parser = parser; } DataType(String id, UnaryOperator parser) { this(id, (d, k) -> parser.apply(d.getTag(k)), parser); } /** Returns the data type associated with {@code value}, or {@link #GET_TAG} as a fallback. */ public static DataType typeOf(Object value) { return switch (value) { case String ignored -> GET_STRING; case Integer ignored -> GET_INT; case Long ignored -> GET_LONG; case Double ignored -> GET_DOUBLE; case Boolean ignored -> GET_BOOLEAN; default -> GET_TAG; }; } /** Returns the data type associated with {@code id}, or {@link #GET_TAG} as a fallback. */ public static DataType from(String id) { for (var value : values()) { if ( { return value; } } return GET_TAG; } @Override public Object apply(WithTags withTags, String string) { return this.getter.apply(withTags, string); } public Object convertFrom(Object value) { return this.parser.apply(value); } public String id() { return id; } public UnaryOperator parser() { return parser; } }