package com.onthegomap.planetiler.custommap.validator; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue; import com.onthegomap.planetiler.custommap.configschema.SchemaConfig; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import; import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource; class SchemaValidatorTest { @TempDir Path tmpDir; record Result(SchemaValidator.Result output, String cliOutput) {} private Result validate(String schema, String spec) throws IOException { var result = SchemaValidator.validate( SchemaConfig.load(schema), SchemaSpecification.load(spec) ); for (var example : result.results()) { if (example.issues().isFailure()) { assertNotNull(example.issues().get()); } } // also exercise the cli writer and return what it would have printed to stdout var cliOutput = validateCli(Files.writeString(tmpDir.resolve("schema"), schema + "\nexamples: " + Files.writeString(tmpDir.resolve("spec.yml"), spec))); // also test the case where the examples are embedded in the schema itself assertEquals( cliOutput, validateCli(Files.writeString(tmpDir.resolve("schema"), schema + "\n" + spec)) ); // also test where examples points to a relative path (written in previous step) assertEquals( cliOutput, validateCli(Files.writeString(tmpDir.resolve("schema"), schema + "\nexamples: spec.yml")) ); return new Result(result, cliOutput); } private String validateCli(Path path) { try ( var baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); var printStream = new PrintStream(baos, true, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) ) { SchemaValidator.validateFromCli( path, printStream ); return baos.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } } String waterSchema = """ sources: osm: type: osm url: geofabrik:rhode-island layers: - id: water features: - source: osm geometry: polygon include_when: natural: water attributes: - key: natural """; private Result validateWater(String layer, String geometry, String tags, String allowExtraTags) throws IOException { return validate( waterSchema, """ examples: - name: test output input: source: osm geometry: polygon tags: natural: water output: layer: %s geometry: %s %s tags: %s """.formatted(layer, geometry, allowExtraTags == null ? "" : allowExtraTags, tags == null ? "" : tags.indent(6).strip()) ); } @ParameterizedTest @CsvSource(value = { "true,water,polygon,natural: water,", "true,water,polygon,,", "true,water,polygon,'natural: water\nother: null',", "false,water,polygon,natural: null,", "false,water2,polygon,natural: water,", "false,water,line,natural: water,", "false,water,line,natural: water,", "false,water,polygon,natural: water2,", "false,water,polygon,'natural: water\nother: value',", "true,water,polygon,natural: water,allow_extra_tags: true", "true,water,polygon,natural: water,allow_extra_tags: false", "true,water,polygon,,allow_extra_tags: true", "false,water,polygon,,allow_extra_tags: false", }) void testValidateWaterPolygon(boolean shouldBeOk, String layer, String geometry, String tags, String allowExtraTags) throws IOException { var results = validateWater(layer, geometry, tags, allowExtraTags); assertEquals(1, results.output.results().size()); assertEquals("test output", results.output.results().get(0).example().name()); if (shouldBeOk) { assertTrue(results.output.ok(), results.toString()); assertFalse(results.cliOutput.contains("FAIL"), "contained FAIL but should not have: " + results.cliOutput); } else { assertFalse(results.output.ok(), "Expected an issue, but there were none"); assertTrue(results.cliOutput.contains("FAIL"), "did not contain FAIL but should have: " + results.cliOutput); } } @Test void testValidationFailsWrongNumberOfFeatures() throws IOException { var results = validate( waterSchema, """ examples: - name: test output input: source: osm geometry: polygon tags: natural: water output: """ ); assertFalse(results.output.ok(), results.toString()); results = validate( waterSchema, """ examples: - name: test output input: source: osm geometry: polygon tags: natural: water output: - layer: water geometry: polygon tags: natural: water - layer: water2 geometry: polygon tags: natural: water2 """ ); assertFalse(results.output.ok(), results.toString()); } @Test void testValidationWiresInArguments() throws IOException { var results = validate( """ sources: osm: type: osm url: geofabrik:rhode-island args: key: default_value layers: - id: water features: - source: osm geometry: polygon include_when: natural: water attributes: - key: from_arg arg_value: key - key: threads value: '${ args.threads + 1 }' """, """ examples: - name: test output input: source: osm geometry: polygon tags: natural: water output: layer: water tags: from_arg: default_value threads: %s """.formatted(1 + Math.max(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), 2)) ); assertTrue(results.output.ok(), results.toString()); } }