
755 wiersze
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package com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.osm;
2021-04-10 09:25:42 +00:00
import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.MemoryEstimator.estimateSize;
import static com.onthegomap.planetiler.worker.Worker.joinFutures;
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
2021-06-18 11:21:43 +00:00
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntObjectHashMap;
2021-05-13 10:25:06 +00:00
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongArrayList;
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongHashSet;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongObjectHashMap;
2021-06-18 11:21:43 +00:00
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.ObjectIntHashMap;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.FeatureCollector;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.Profile;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.FeatureGroup;
2022-03-01 13:43:19 +00:00
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.Hppc;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.LongLongMap;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.LongLongMultimap;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.SortableFeature;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.PlanetilerConfig;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeoUtils;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeometryException;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.SourceFeature;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.render.FeatureRenderer;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats.Counter;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats.ProcessInfo;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats.ProgressLoggers;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats.Stats;
2022-02-23 10:25:32 +00:00
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Format;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.MemoryEstimator;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.worker.Distributor;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.worker.WeightedHandoffQueue;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.worker.WorkQueue;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.worker.WorkerPipeline;
2021-04-10 09:25:42 +00:00
2021-04-12 10:59:34 +00:00
2021-05-30 11:42:06 +00:00
import java.util.ArrayList;
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
import java.util.List;
2021-06-06 12:00:04 +00:00
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
2021-06-23 01:46:42 +00:00
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
2021-05-30 11:42:06 +00:00
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.CoordinateList;
2021-05-13 10:25:06 +00:00
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.CoordinateSequence;
2021-05-30 11:42:06 +00:00
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.CoordinateXY;
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry;
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.MultiPolygon;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon;
2021-05-30 11:42:06 +00:00
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.impl.CoordinateArraySequence;
2021-05-13 10:25:06 +00:00
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.impl.PackedCoordinateSequence;
2021-05-30 11:42:06 +00:00
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
2021-04-10 09:25:42 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
* Utility that constructs {@link SourceFeature SourceFeatures} from the raw nodes, ways, and relations contained in an
* {@link OsmInputFile}.
2021-08-14 09:55:00 +00:00
public class OsmReader implements Closeable, MemoryEstimator.HasEstimate {
2021-04-10 09:25:42 +00:00
2021-08-14 09:55:00 +00:00
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OsmReader.class);
2022-02-23 10:25:32 +00:00
private static final Format FORMAT = Format.defaultInstance();
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
private static final int ROLE_BITS = 16;
private static final int MAX_ROLES = (1 << ROLE_BITS) - 10;
private static final int ROLE_SHIFT = 64 - ROLE_BITS;
private static final int ROLE_MASK = (1 << ROLE_BITS) - 1;
private static final long NOT_ROLE_MASK = (1L << ROLE_SHIFT) - 1L;
private final OsmBlockSource osmBlockSource;
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
private final Stats stats;
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
private final LongLongMap nodeLocationDb;
private final Counter.Readable PASS1_BLOCKS = Counter.newSingleThreadCounter();
2021-05-01 20:08:20 +00:00
private final Profile profile;
2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
private final String name;
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
private final AtomicLong relationInfoSizes = new AtomicLong(0);
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
// need a few large objects to process ways in relations, should be small enough to keep in memory
// for routes (750k rels 40m ways) and boundaries (650k rels, 8m ways)
// need to store route info to use later when processing ways
// <~500mb
2022-03-01 13:43:19 +00:00
private LongObjectHashMap<OsmRelationInfo> relationInfo = Hppc.newLongObjectHashMap();
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
// ~800mb, ~1.6GB when sorting
2021-05-04 11:07:16 +00:00
private LongLongMultimap wayToRelations = LongLongMultimap.newSparseUnorderedMultimap();
private final Object wayToRelationsLock = new Object();
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
// for multipolygons need to store way info (20m ways, 800m nodes) to use when processing relations (4.5m)
// ~300mb
private LongHashSet waysInMultipolygon = new LongHashSet();
private final Object waysInMultipolygonLock = new Object();
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
// ~7GB
2021-05-04 11:07:16 +00:00
private LongLongMultimap multipolygonWayGeometries = LongLongMultimap.newDensedOrderedMultimap();
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
// keep track of data needed to encode/decode role strings into a long
private final ObjectIntHashMap<String> roleIds = new ObjectIntHashMap<>();
private final IntObjectHashMap<String> roleIdsReverse = new IntObjectHashMap<>();
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
private final AtomicLong roleSizes = new AtomicLong(0);
private final OsmPhaser pass1Phaser = new OsmPhaser(0);
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
* Constructs a new {@code OsmReader} from an {@code osmSourceProvider} that will use {@code nodeLocationDb} as a
* temporary store for node locations.
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
* @param name ID for this reader to use in stats and logs
* @param osmSourceProvider the file to read raw nodes, ways, and relations from
* @param nodeLocationDb store that will temporarily hold node locations (encoded as a long) between passes to
* reconstruct way geometries
* @param profile logic that defines what map features to emit for each source feature
* @param stats to keep track of counters and timings
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
public OsmReader(String name, Supplier<OsmBlockSource> osmSourceProvider, LongLongMap nodeLocationDb, Profile profile,
2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
Stats stats) { = name;
this.osmBlockSource = osmSourceProvider.get();
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
this.nodeLocationDb = nodeLocationDb;
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
this.stats = stats;
2021-05-01 20:08:20 +00:00
this.profile = profile;
2021-06-05 12:02:51 +00:00
stats.monitorInMemoryObject("osm_relations", this);
2021-06-06 12:00:04 +00:00
stats.counter("osm_pass1_elements_processed", "type", () -> Map.of(
"blocks", PASS1_BLOCKS,
"nodes", pass1Phaser::nodes,
"ways", pass1Phaser::ways,
"relations", pass1Phaser::relations
2021-06-06 12:00:04 +00:00
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
* Pre-processes all OSM elements before {@link #pass2(FeatureGroup, PlanetilerConfig)} is used to emit map features.
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
* <p>
* Stores node locations for pass2 to use to reconstruct way geometries.
* <p>
* Also stores the result of {@link Profile#preprocessOsmRelation(OsmElement.Relation)} so that pass2 can know the
* relevant relations that a way belongs to.
* @param config user-provided arguments to control the number of threads, and log interval
public void pass1(PlanetilerConfig config) {
2021-08-10 10:55:30 +00:00
var timer = stats.startStage("osm_pass1");
var pipeline = WorkerPipeline.start("osm_pass1", stats);
CompletableFuture<?> done;
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
var loggers = ProgressLoggers.create()
.addRateCounter("nodes", pass1Phaser::nodes, true)
2021-10-20 01:57:47 +00:00
.addRateCounter("ways", pass1Phaser::ways, true)
.addRateCounter("rels", pass1Phaser::relations, true)
.addRateCounter("blocks", PASS1_BLOCKS)
2021-08-10 10:55:30 +00:00
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
2021-05-04 12:02:22 +00:00
.addInMemoryObject("hppc", this)
if (nodeLocationDb instanceof LongLongMap.ParallelWrites) {
// If the node location writer supports parallel writes, then parse, process, and write node locations from worker threads
int parseThreads = Math.max(1, config.threads() - 1);
var parallelPipeline = pipeline
.fromGenerator("read", osmBlockSource::forEachBlock)
.addBuffer("pbf_blocks", parseThreads * 2)
.sinkTo("process", parseThreads, this::processPass1Blocks);
done = parallelPipeline.done();
} else {
// If the node location writer requires sequential writes, then the reader hands off the block to workers
// and a handle that the result will go on to the single-threaded writer, and the writer emits new nodes when
// they are ready
int parseThreads = Math.max(1, config.threads() - 2);
int pendingBlocks = parseThreads * 2;
// Each worker will hand off finished elements to the single process thread. A Future<List<OsmElement>> would result
// in too much memory usage/GC so use a WeightedHandoffQueue instead which will fill up with lightweight objects
// like nodes without any tags, but limit the number of pending heavy entities like relations
int handoffQueueBatches = Math.max(
(int) (100d * ProcessInfo.getMaxMemoryBytes() / 20_000_000_000d)
record BlockWithResult(OsmBlockSource.Block block, WeightedHandoffQueue<OsmElement> result) {}
var parsedBatches = new WorkQueue<WeightedHandoffQueue<OsmElement>>("elements", pendingBlocks, 1, stats);
var readBranch = pipeline
.<BlockWithResult>fromGenerator("read", next -> {
osmBlockSource.forEachBlock((block) -> {
WeightedHandoffQueue<OsmElement> result = new WeightedHandoffQueue<>(handoffQueueBatches, 10_000);
next.accept(new BlockWithResult(block, result));
.addBuffer("pbf_blocks", pendingBlocks)
.sinkToConsumer("parse", parseThreads, block -> {
for (var element : block.block.decodeElements()) {
if (element instanceof OsmElement.Node node) {
// pre-compute encoded location in worker threads since it is fairly expensive and should be done in parallel
block.result.accept(element, element.cost());
var processBranch = pipeline
.sinkTo("process", 1, this::processPass1Blocks);
done = joinFutures(readBranch.done(), processBranch.done());
loggers.awaitAndLog(done, config.logInterval());
LOGGER.debug("Processed " + FORMAT.integer(PASS1_BLOCKS.get()) + " blocks:");
2021-06-08 00:55:23 +00:00
2021-04-10 09:25:42 +00:00
void processPass1Blocks(Iterable<? extends Iterable<? extends OsmElement>> blocks) {
// may be called by multiple threads so need to synchronize access to any shared data structures
try (
var nodeWriter = nodeLocationDb.newWriter();
var phases = pass1Phaser.forWorker()
.whenWorkerFinishes(OsmPhaser.Phase.NODES, nodeWriter::close)
) {
for (var block : blocks) {
for (OsmElement element : block) {
if ( < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative OSM element IDs not supported: " + element);
if (element instanceof OsmElement.Node node) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error preprocessing OSM node " +, e);
// TODO allow limiting node storage to only ones that profile cares about
nodeWriter.put(, node.encodedLocation());
} else if (element instanceof OsmElement.Way way) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error preprocessing OSM way " +, e);
} else if (element instanceof OsmElement.Relation relation) {
try {
List<OsmRelationInfo> infos = profile.preprocessOsmRelation(relation);
if (infos != null) {
synchronized (wayToRelationsLock) {
for (OsmRelationInfo info : infos) {
relationInfo.put(, info);
for (var member : relation.members()) {
var type = member.type();
// TODO handle nodes in relations and super-relations
if (type == OsmElement.Type.WAY) {
wayToRelations.put(member.ref(), encodeRelationMembership(member.role(),;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error preprocessing OSM relation " +, e);
2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
// TODO allow limiting multipolygon storage to only ones that profile cares about
if (isMultipolygon(relation)) {
synchronized (waysInMultipolygonLock) {
for (var member : relation.members()) {
if (member.type() == OsmElement.Type.WAY) {
2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
private static boolean isMultipolygon(OsmElement.Relation relation) {
return relation.hasTag("type", "multipolygon", "boundary", "land_area");
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
* Constructs geometries from OSM elements and emits map features as defined by the {@link Profile}.
* @param writer consumer that will store finished features
* @param config user-provided arguments to control the number of threads, and log interval
public void pass2(FeatureGroup writer, PlanetilerConfig config) {
2021-08-10 10:55:30 +00:00
var timer = stats.startStage("osm_pass2");
2021-10-20 01:57:47 +00:00
int threads = config.threads();
int processThreads = Math.max(threads < 4 ? threads : (threads - 1), 1);
Counter.MultiThreadCounter blocksProcessed = Counter.newMultiThreadCounter();
// track relation count separately because they get enqueued onto the distributor near the end
Counter.MultiThreadCounter relationsProcessed = Counter.newMultiThreadCounter();
OsmPhaser pass2Phaser = new OsmPhaser(processThreads);
2021-06-06 12:00:04 +00:00
stats.counter("osm_pass2_elements_processed", "type", () -> Map.of(
"blocks", blocksProcessed::get,
"nodes", pass2Phaser::nodes,
"ways", pass2Phaser::ways,
"relations", relationsProcessed
2021-06-06 12:00:04 +00:00
// Use a Distributor to keep all worker threads busy when processing the final blocks of relations by offloading
// items to threads that are done reading blocks
Distributor<OsmElement.Relation> relationDistributor = Distributor.createWithCapacity(1_000);
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
2021-08-05 11:09:52 +00:00
var pipeline = WorkerPipeline.start("osm_pass2", stats)
.fromGenerator("read", osmBlockSource::forEachBlock)
.addBuffer("pbf_blocks", 100)
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
.<SortableFeature>addWorker("process", processThreads, (prev, next) -> {
// avoid contention trying to get the thread-local counters by getting them once when thread starts
Counter blocks = blocksProcessed.counterForThread();
Counter rels = relationsProcessed.counterForThread();
2021-06-06 12:00:04 +00:00
var phaser = pass2Phaser.forWorker();
2021-06-06 12:00:04 +00:00
var featureCollectors = new FeatureCollector.Factory(config, stats);
final NodeLocationProvider nodeLocations = newNodeLocationProvider();
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
FeatureRenderer renderer = createFeatureRenderer(writer, config, next);
var relationHandler = relationDistributor.forThread(relation -> {
var feature = processRelationPass2(relation, nodeLocations);
2021-04-12 11:14:05 +00:00
if (feature != null) {
render(featureCollectors, renderer, relation, feature);
for (var block : prev) {
for (var element : block.decodeElements()) {
SourceFeature feature = null;
if (element instanceof OsmElement.Node node) {
feature = processNodePass2(node);
} else if (element instanceof OsmElement.Way way) {
feature = processWayPass2(way, nodeLocations);
} else if (element instanceof OsmElement.Relation relation) {
// render features specified by profile and hand them off to next step that will
// write them intermediate storage
if (feature != null) {
render(featureCollectors, renderer, element, feature);
2021-04-12 11:14:05 +00:00
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
// do work for other threads that are still processing blocks of relations
2021-04-12 11:14:05 +00:00
}).addBuffer("feature_queue", 50_000, 1_000)
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
// FeatureGroup writes need to be single-threaded
.sinkToConsumer("write", 1, writer);
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
var logger = ProgressLoggers.create()
.addRatePercentCounter("nodes", pass1Phaser.nodes(), pass2Phaser::nodes, true)
2021-10-20 01:57:47 +00:00
.addRatePercentCounter("ways", pass1Phaser.ways(), pass2Phaser::ways, true)
.addRatePercentCounter("rels", pass1Phaser.relations(), relationsProcessed, true)
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
.addRateCounter("features", writer::numFeaturesWritten)
.addRatePercentCounter("blocks", PASS1_BLOCKS.get(), blocksProcessed, false)
2021-08-10 10:55:30 +00:00
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
2021-05-04 12:02:22 +00:00
.addInMemoryObject("hppc", this)
2021-08-10 10:55:30 +00:00
2021-08-05 11:09:52 +00:00
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
2021-08-05 11:09:52 +00:00
pipeline.awaitAndLog(logger, config.logInterval());
2021-06-23 01:46:42 +00:00
LOGGER.debug("Processed " + FORMAT.integer(blocksProcessed.get()) + " blocks:");
2022-02-23 10:25:32 +00:00
try {
new FeatureCollector.Factory(config, stats),
createFeatureRenderer(writer, config, writer));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error calling profile.finish", e);
2021-04-10 09:25:42 +00:00
private void render(FeatureCollector.Factory featureCollectors, FeatureRenderer renderer, OsmElement element,
SourceFeature feature) {
FeatureCollector features = featureCollectors.get(feature);
try {
profile.processFeature(feature, features);
for (FeatureCollector.Feature renderable : features) {
} catch (Exception e) {
String type = element.getClass().getSimpleName();
LOGGER.error("Error processing OSM " + type + " " +, e);
private FeatureRenderer createFeatureRenderer(FeatureGroup writer, PlanetilerConfig config,
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
Consumer<SortableFeature> next) {
2021-06-23 01:46:42 +00:00
var encoder = writer.newRenderedFeatureEncoder();
return new FeatureRenderer(
rendered -> next.accept(encoder.apply(rendered)),
SourceFeature processNodePass2(OsmElement.Node node) {
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
// nodes are simple because they already contain their location
return new NodeSourceFeature(node);
2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
SourceFeature processWayPass2(OsmElement.Way way, NodeLocationProvider nodeLocations) {
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
// ways contain an ordered list of node IDs, so we need to join that with node locations
// from pass1 to reconstruct the geometry.
LongArrayList nodes = way.nodes();
if (waysInMultipolygon.contains( {
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
// if this is part of a multipolygon, store the node IDs for this way ID so that when
// we get to the multipolygon we can go from way IDs -> node IDs -> node locations.
synchronized (this) { // multiple threads may update this concurrently
multipolygonWayGeometries.putAll(, nodes);
2021-05-30 11:42:06 +00:00
2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
boolean closed = nodes.size() > 1 && nodes.get(0) == nodes.get(nodes.size() - 1);
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
// area tag used to differentiate between whether a closed way should be treated as a polygon or linestring
String area = way.getString("area");
List<RelationMember<OsmRelationInfo>> rels = getRelationMembershipForWay(;
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
return new WaySourceFeature(way, closed, area, nodeLocations, rels);
2021-06-24 09:16:30 +00:00
SourceFeature processRelationPass2(OsmElement.Relation rel, NodeLocationProvider nodeLocations) {
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
// Relation info gets used during way processing, except multipolygons which we have to process after we've
// stored all the node IDs for each way.
if (isMultipolygon(rel)) {
List<RelationMember<OsmRelationInfo>> parentRelations = getRelationMembershipForWay(;
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
return new MultipolygonSourceFeature(rel, nodeLocations, parentRelations);
} else {
return null;
private List<RelationMember<OsmRelationInfo>> getRelationMembershipForWay(long wayId) {
LongArrayList relationIds = wayToRelations.get(wayId);
List<RelationMember<OsmRelationInfo>> rels = null;
2021-05-31 10:21:53 +00:00
if (!relationIds.isEmpty()) {
rels = new ArrayList<>(relationIds.size());
for (int r = 0; r < relationIds.size(); r++) {
2021-06-18 11:21:43 +00:00
long encoded = relationIds.get(r);
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
// encoded ID uses the upper few bits of the long to encode the role
RelationMembership parsed = decodeRelationMembership(encoded);
OsmRelationInfo rel = relationInfo.get(parsed.relationId);
2021-05-31 10:21:53 +00:00
if (rel != null) {
2021-06-18 11:21:43 +00:00
rels.add(new RelationMember<>(parsed.role, rel));
2021-05-31 10:21:53 +00:00
2021-06-24 09:16:30 +00:00
return rels;
2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
2021-05-04 12:02:22 +00:00
public long estimateMemoryUsageBytes() {
long size = 0;
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
size += estimateSize(waysInMultipolygon);
size += estimateSize(multipolygonWayGeometries);
size += estimateSize(wayToRelations);
2022-03-01 13:43:19 +00:00
size += estimateSize(relationInfo);
size += estimateSize(roleIdsReverse);
size += estimateSize(roleIds);
2021-06-18 11:21:43 +00:00
size += roleSizes.get();
2021-05-04 12:02:22 +00:00
size += relationInfoSizes.get();
return size;
2021-04-10 09:25:42 +00:00
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
2021-04-12 10:59:34 +00:00
public void close() throws IOException {
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
multipolygonWayGeometries = null;
wayToRelations = null;
waysInMultipolygon = null;
relationInfo = null;
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
2021-06-18 11:21:43 +00:00
2021-04-10 09:25:42 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
NodeLocationProvider newNodeLocationProvider() {
return new NodeDbLocationProvider();
2021-06-18 11:21:43 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
public interface NodeLocationProvider {
2021-06-18 11:21:43 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
default CoordinateSequence getWayGeometry(LongArrayList nodeIds) {
CoordinateList coordList = new CoordinateList();
for (var cursor : nodeIds) {
2021-06-18 11:21:43 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
return new CoordinateArraySequence(coordList.toCoordinateArray());
2021-06-18 11:21:43 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
Coordinate getCoordinate(long id);
2021-04-10 09:25:42 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
* Member of a relation extracted from OSM input data.
* @param <T> type of the user-defined class storing information about the relation
* @param role "role" of the relation member
* @param relation user-provided data about the relation from pass1
public record RelationMember<T extends OsmRelationInfo> (String role, T relation) {}
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
/** Raw relation membership data that gets encoded/decoded into a long. */
private record RelationMembership(String role, long relationId) {}
/** Returns the role and relation ID packed into a long. */
private RelationMembership decodeRelationMembership(long encoded) {
int role = (int) ((encoded >>> ROLE_SHIFT) & ROLE_MASK);
return new RelationMembership(roleIdsReverse.get(role), encoded & NOT_ROLE_MASK);
2021-06-18 11:21:43 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
/** Packs a string role and relation into a compact long for storage. */
private long encodeRelationMembership(String role, long relationId) {
int roleId = roleIds.getOrDefault(role, -1);
if (roleId == -1) {
roleId = roleIds.size() + 1;
roleIds.put(role, roleId);
roleIdsReverse.put(roleId, role);
if (roleId > MAX_ROLES) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Too many roles to encode: " + role);
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
return relationId | ((long) roleId << ROLE_SHIFT);
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
* A source feature generated from OSM elements. Inferring the geometry can be expensive, so each sublass is
* constructed with the inputs necessary to create the geometry, but the geometry is constructed lazily on read.
private abstract class OsmFeature extends SourceFeature {
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2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
private final boolean polygon;
private final boolean line;
private final boolean point;
private Geometry latLonGeom;
private Geometry worldGeom;
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public OsmFeature(OsmElement elem, boolean point, boolean line, boolean polygon,
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List<RelationMember<OsmRelationInfo>> relationInfo) {
super(elem.tags(), name, null, relationInfo,;
2021-05-25 10:05:41 +00:00
this.point = point;
this.line = line;
this.polygon = polygon;
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2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
public Geometry latLonGeometry() throws GeometryException {
return latLonGeom != null ? latLonGeom : (latLonGeom = GeoUtils.worldToLatLonCoords(worldGeometry()));
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2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
public Geometry worldGeometry() throws GeometryException {
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return worldGeom != null ? worldGeom : (worldGeom = computeWorldGeometry());
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2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
protected abstract Geometry computeWorldGeometry() throws GeometryException;
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public boolean isPoint() {
return point;
public boolean canBeLine() {
return line;
public boolean canBePolygon() {
return polygon;
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2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
/** A {@link Point} created from an OSM node. */
private class NodeSourceFeature extends OsmFeature {
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
private final long encodedLocation;
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NodeSourceFeature(OsmElement.Node node) {
2021-05-31 10:21:53 +00:00
super(node, true, false, false, null);
this.encodedLocation = node.encodedLocation();
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protected Geometry computeWorldGeometry() {
2021-05-16 10:42:57 +00:00
return GeoUtils.point(
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2021-05-13 10:25:06 +00:00
public boolean isPoint() {
return true;
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2021-05-30 12:02:38 +00:00
public String toString() {
2021-06-07 11:46:03 +00:00
return "OsmNode[" + id() + ']';
2021-05-30 12:02:38 +00:00
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
/** Returns {@code true} if a way can be interpreted as a line. */
public static boolean canBeLine(boolean closed, String area, int points) {
return (!closed || !"yes".equals(area)) && points >= 2;
/** Returns {@code true} if a way can be interpreted as a polygon. */
public static boolean canBePolygon(boolean closed, String area, int points) {
return (closed && !"no".equals(area)) && points >= 4;
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
* A {@link LineString} or {@link Polygon} created from an OSM way.
* <p>
* Unclosed rings are always interpreted as linestrings. Closed rings can be interpreted as either a polygon or a
* linestring unless {@code area=yes} tag prevents them from being a linestring or {@code area=no} tag prevents them
* from being a polygon.
private class WaySourceFeature extends OsmFeature {
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2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
private final NodeLocationProvider nodeLocations;
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private final LongArrayList nodeIds;
public WaySourceFeature(OsmElement.Way way, boolean closed, String area, NodeLocationProvider nodeLocations,
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List<RelationMember<OsmRelationInfo>> relationInfo) {
2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
super(way, false,
OsmReader.canBeLine(closed, area, way.nodes().size()),
OsmReader.canBePolygon(closed, area, way.nodes().size()),
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2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
this.nodeIds = way.nodes();
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this.nodeLocations = nodeLocations;
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2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
protected Geometry computeLine() throws GeometryException {
try {
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
CoordinateSequence coords = nodeLocations.getWayGeometry(nodeIds);
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return GeoUtils.JTS_FACTORY.createLineString(coords);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
2021-06-07 11:46:03 +00:00
throw new GeometryException("osm_invalid_line", "Error building line for way " + id() + ": " + e);
2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
protected Geometry computePolygon() throws GeometryException {
try {
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
CoordinateSequence coords = nodeLocations.getWayGeometry(nodeIds);
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return GeoUtils.JTS_FACTORY.createPolygon(coords);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
2021-06-07 11:46:03 +00:00
throw new GeometryException("osm_invalid_polygon", "Error building polygon for way " + id() + ": " + e);
2021-05-28 10:08:13 +00:00
protected Geometry computeWorldGeometry() throws GeometryException {
return canBePolygon() ? polygon() : line();
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2021-05-30 12:02:38 +00:00
public String toString() {
2021-06-07 11:46:03 +00:00
return "OsmWay[" + id() + ']';
2021-05-30 12:02:38 +00:00
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
* A {@link MultiPolygon} created from an OSM relation where {@code type=multipolygon}.
* <p>
* Delegates complex reconstruction work to {@link OsmMultipolygon}.
private class MultipolygonSourceFeature extends OsmFeature {
2021-04-12 10:05:32 +00:00
private final OsmElement.Relation relation;
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private final NodeLocationProvider nodeLocations;
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public MultipolygonSourceFeature(OsmElement.Relation relation, NodeLocationProvider nodeLocations,
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List<RelationMember<OsmRelationInfo>> parentRelations) {
2021-06-24 09:16:30 +00:00
super(relation, false, false, true, parentRelations);
2021-05-30 11:42:06 +00:00
this.relation = relation;
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this.nodeLocations = nodeLocations;
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2021-05-13 10:25:06 +00:00
2021-05-30 11:42:06 +00:00
protected Geometry computeWorldGeometry() throws GeometryException {
List<LongArrayList> rings = new ArrayList<>(relation.members().size());
for (OsmElement.Relation.Member member : relation.members()) {
String role = member.role();
LongArrayList poly = multipolygonWayGeometries.get(member.ref());
if (member.type() == OsmElement.Type.WAY) {
2021-05-30 12:14:07 +00:00
if (poly != null && !poly.isEmpty()) {
} else if (relation.hasTag("type", "multipolygon")) {
// boundary and land_area relations might not be complete for extracts, but multipolygons should be
"Missing " + role + " OsmWay[" + member.ref() + "] for " + relation.getTag("type") + " " + this);
2021-05-30 12:14:07 +00:00
2021-05-30 11:42:06 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
return, nodeLocations, id());
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2021-05-30 12:02:38 +00:00
public String toString() {
2021-06-07 11:46:03 +00:00
return "OsmRelation[" + id() + ']';
2021-05-30 12:02:38 +00:00
2021-05-13 10:25:06 +00:00
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
* A thin layer on top of {@link LongLongMap} that decodes node locations stored as {@code long} values.
private class NodeDbLocationProvider implements NodeLocationProvider {
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2021-05-30 11:42:06 +00:00
public Coordinate getCoordinate(long id) {
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
long encoded = nodeLocationDb.get(id);
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if (encoded == LongLongMap.MISSING_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing location for node: " + id);
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2021-07-22 09:20:23 +00:00
return new CoordinateXY(GeoUtils.decodeWorldX(encoded), GeoUtils.decodeWorldY(encoded));
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2021-05-13 10:25:06 +00:00
public CoordinateSequence getWayGeometry(LongArrayList nodeIds) {
int num = nodeIds.size();
CoordinateSequence seq = new PackedCoordinateSequence.Double(nodeIds.size(), 2, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
2021-09-10 00:46:20 +00:00
long encoded = nodeLocationDb.get(nodeIds.get(i));
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if (encoded == LongLongMap.MISSING_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing location for node: " + nodeIds.get(i));
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2021-07-22 09:20:23 +00:00
seq.setOrdinate(i, 0, GeoUtils.decodeWorldX(encoded));
seq.setOrdinate(i, 1, GeoUtils.decodeWorldY(encoded));
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return seq;
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2021-04-10 09:25:42 +00:00