fix: Updated Dockerfile. Referenced in #1826 (#1828)

Alex 2020-07-06 21:52:13 -05:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic f1606706c4
commit 780db2be22
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ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
1 zmienionych plików z 7 dodań i 14 usunięć

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@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
# Using Alpine to keep the images smaller
FROM alpine:latest
# Change to using the official NodeJS Alpine container
FROM node:alpine
# Pushing all files into image
ADD . /app
COPY . /app
# Install updates and NodeJS+Dependencies
RUN apk add --update --no-cache --virtual build-dependencies git python build-base clang \
# Install updates and NodeJS+Dependencies
&& apk add --update --no-cache nodejs npm \
# Install yarn
&& npm i yarn -g \
# Install Pinafore
&& yarn --production --pure-lockfile \
&& yarn build \
&& yarn cache clean \
&& rm -rf ./src \
# Cleanup
&& apk del build-dependencies
RUN yarn --production --pure-lockfile && \
yarn build && \
yarn cache clean && \
rm -rf ./src ./docs ./tests ./bin
# Expose port 4002