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An offline image gallery that displays a random image from your SD card
and updates on a timer.
Copy images to the root of your SD card by plugging it into a computer.
If you want to use your own images they must be the screen dimensions
(or smaller) and saved as *non-progressive* jpgs.
Make sure to uncomment the correct size for your display!
# from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_INKY_FRAME as DISPLAY # 5.7"
# from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_INKY_FRAME_4 as DISPLAY # 4.0"
from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_INKY_FRAME_7 as DISPLAY # 7.3"
from machine import Pin, SPI
import jpegdec
import sdcard
import os
import inky_frame
import random
# how often to change image (in minutes)
# set up the display
graphics = PicoGraphics(DISPLAY)
# set up the SD card
sd_spi = SPI(0, sck=Pin(18, Pin.OUT), mosi=Pin(19, Pin.OUT), miso=Pin(16, Pin.OUT))
sd = sdcard.SDCard(sd_spi, Pin(22))
os.mount(sd, "/sd")
# Create a new JPEG decoder for our PicoGraphics
j = jpegdec.JPEG(graphics)
def display_image(filename):
# Open the JPEG file
# Decode the JPEG
j.decode(0, 0, jpegdec.JPEG_SCALE_FULL)
# Display the result
# Get a list of files that are in the directory
files = os.listdir("/sd")
# remove files from the list that aren't .jpgs or .jpegs
files = [f for f in files if f.endswith(".jpg") or f.endswith(".jpeg")]
while True:
# pick a random file
file = files[random.randrange(len(files))]
# Open the file
print(f"Displaying /sd/{file}")
display_image("/sd/" + file)
# Sleep or wait for a bit
print(f"Sleeping for {UPDATE_INTERVAL} minutes")