''' carbon_intensity.py This example is for the Pico W with GFX Pack. Displays near realtime information about the different types of electricity generation for a given UK postcode area. Uses the backlight and a bar graph to show the current mix of generation sources, and updates itself periodically or when button E is pressed. Find out more about the Carbon Intensity API here: https://carbon-intensity.github.io/api-definitions/#carbon-intensity-api-v2-0-0 ''' import time import uasyncio import urequests import WIFI_CONFIG from gfx_pack import GfxPack, SWITCH_E from network_manager import NetworkManager gp = GfxPack() display = gp.display # Replace S9 below with the first part of your postcode e.g. OX1, NG7, LS12 CARBON_INTENSITY_URL = "https://api.carbonintensity.org.uk/regional/postcode/S9" # Time in seconds between automatic updates... CARBON_INTENSITY_UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 60 DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT = display.get_bounds() sys_status = "STATUS" # Utility function to clear the screen. def clear_screen(): display.set_pen(0) display.clear() display.set_pen(15) # Utility function to clear a rectangular area of the screen. # Used to update the progress bar. def clear_rect(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, height): display.set_pen(0) display.line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, height) display.set_pen(15) display.update() # Utility function to set the backlight to a given rgbw colour. def set_backlight(r, g, b, w): gp.set_backlight(r, g, b, w) # Utility function to display text centred on the screen. def display_centered(text_to_display, y_pos, scale): width = display.measure_text(text_to_display, scale) x_pos = (DISPLAY_WIDTH - width) // 2 display.text(text_to_display, x_pos, y_pos, DISPLAY_WIDTH, scale) return x_pos # Read values from the API and update the display. def refresh_intensity_display(): BAR_MIN_X = 50 BAR_MAX_X = 120 BAR_HEIGHT = 4 clear_screen() set_backlight(0, 0, 0, 80) display_centered("UPDATING...", 25, 2) display.update() response_doc = urequests.get(CARBON_INTENSITY_URL).json() # Get the region name region_name = response_doc["data"][0]["shortname"] # Get the intensity index (very low, low, moderate, high, very high) intensity_index = response_doc["data"][0]["data"][0]["intensity"]["index"] # Pick out values from the generation mix data... # We want solar, wind, gas, nuclear, then other is 100% minus the total of those. solar_pct = 0 wind_pct = 0 nuclear_pct = 0 gas_pct = 0 for g in response_doc["data"][0]["data"][0]["generationmix"]: if g["fuel"] == "solar": solar_pct = g["perc"] elif g["fuel"] == "wind": wind_pct = g["perc"] elif g["fuel"] == "gas": gas_pct = g["perc"] elif g["fuel"] == "nuclear": nuclear_pct = g["perc"] # Forms of generation that are not solar, wind, gas, nuclear... others_pct = 100 - solar_pct - wind_pct - nuclear_pct - gas_pct # Figure out the bar lengths. one_percent_length = (BAR_MAX_X - BAR_MIN_X) / 100 solar_width = round(one_percent_length * solar_pct) wind_width = round(one_percent_length * wind_pct) nuclear_width = round(one_percent_length * nuclear_pct) gas_width = round(one_percent_length * gas_pct) others_width = round(one_percent_length * others_pct) # Sort so that the longest bar is first. sorted_generators = sorted([ (solar_width, "SOLAR"), (wind_width, "WIND"), (nuclear_width, "NUCLEAR"), (gas_width, "GAS"), (others_width, "OTHERS") ], reverse=True) clear_screen() # Set backlight according to carbon intensity... if intensity_index == "very low": set_backlight(0, 64, 0, 0) elif intensity_index == "low": set_backlight(128, 64, 0, 0) elif intensity_index == "moderate": set_backlight(128, 16, 0, 0) elif intensity_index == "high" or intensity_index == "very high": set_backlight(128, 0, 0, 0) # Centre the region name on screen. display_centered(region_name, 2, 1) # Draw the graph. v_pos = 10 for g in sorted_generators: display.text(g[1], 5, v_pos, DISPLAY_WIDTH, 1) display.line(BAR_MIN_X, v_pos + 3, BAR_MIN_X + g[0], v_pos + 3, BAR_HEIGHT) v_pos += 10 display.text("E: Update", 80, 50, DISPLAY_WIDTH, 1) display.update() # Utility function used when connecting to wifi. def display_status(): display.set_pen(0) # Set pen to white display.clear() display.set_pen(15) display.text(sys_status, 0, 0, DISPLAY_WIDTH, 1) display.update() # Utility function used when connecting to wifi. def status_handler(mode, status, ip): global sys_status print(mode, status, ip) sys_status = 'Mode: {0} Connected: {1} IP: {2}'.format(mode, status, ip) display_status() display.update() print('Connecting to wifi...') if status is not None: if status: print('Wifi connection successful!') else: print('Wifi connection failed!') try: # Attempt to connect to the wifi. network_manager = NetworkManager(WIFI_CONFIG.COUNTRY, status_handler=status_handler) uasyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete( network_manager.client(WIFI_CONFIG.SSID, WIFI_CONFIG.PSK)) # Update the display, then count down to the next update drawing a # countdown bar periodically. Update immediately if button E pressed. refresh_intensity_display() last_updated = time.ticks_ms() ticks_before = last_updated bar_width = DISPLAY_WIDTH BAR_UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 1000 while True: time.sleep(0.01) if gp.switch_pressed(SWITCH_E): # Update immediately. refresh_intensity_display() last_updated = time.ticks_ms() bar_width = DISPLAY_WIDTH ticks_now = time.ticks_ms() if time.ticks_diff(ticks_now, ticks_before) > BAR_UPDATE_FREQUENCY: bar_width = bar_width - (DISPLAY_WIDTH // CARBON_INTENSITY_UPDATE_FREQUENCY) ticks_before = time.ticks_ms() if time.ticks_diff(ticks_now, last_updated) > CARBON_INTENSITY_UPDATE_FREQUENCY * 1000: # It is time for a scheduled update. refresh_intensity_display() last_updated = time.ticks_ms() bar_width = DISPLAY_WIDTH # Update the countdown to next update bar at the bottom # of the screen. clear_rect(0, 61, DISPLAY_WIDTH, 61, 2) display.line(0, 61, bar_width, 61, 2) display.update() except Exception as e: # Failed to connect to wifi - check credentials in WIFI_CONFIG.py print(f'Wifi connection failed! {e}')