#include #include "pico/stdlib.h" #include "encoder.hpp" /* An example of how to read a mechanical rotary encoder, only when a change has occurred. */ using namespace encoder; // Create an encoder on the 3 ADC pins, using PIO 0 and State Machine 0 const uint PIN_A = 26; // The A channel pin const uint PIN_B = 28; // The B channel pin const uint PIN_C = 27; // The common pin Encoder enc(pio0, 0, {PIN_A, PIN_B}, PIN_C); int main() { stdio_init_all(); // Sleep 8 seconds to give enough time to connect up a terminal sleep_ms(8000); // Uncomment the below line to reverse the counting direction // enc.direction(REVERSED_DIR); // Initialise the encoder enc.init(); // Print out the initial count, step, and turn (they should all be zero) printf("Count = %ld, ", enc.count()); printf("Step = %d, ", enc.step()); printf("Turn = %d\n", enc.turn()); // Loop forever while(true) { if(enc.delta() != 0) { // Print out the new count, step, and turn printf("Count = %ld, ", enc.count()); printf("Step = %d, ", enc.step()); printf("Turn = %d\n", enc.turn()); } } }