import gc import time from machine import Pin from motor import Motor, pico_motor_shim, SLOW_DECAY # , FAST_DECAY from pimoroni import Button """ A fun example of how to change a motor's frequency to have it play a song. Press "A" to start or stop the song. """ # This handy dictionary converts notes into frequencies TONES = { "B0": 31, "C1": 33, "CS1": 35, "D1": 37, "DS1": 39, "E1": 41, "F1": 44, "FS1": 46, "G1": 49, "GS1": 52, "A1": 55, "AS1": 58, "B1": 62, "C2": 65, "CS2": 69, "D2": 73, "DS2": 78, "E2": 82, "F2": 87, "FS2": 93, "G2": 98, "GS2": 104, "A2": 110, "AS2": 117, "B2": 123, "C3": 131, "CS3": 139, "D3": 147, "DS3": 156, "E3": 165, "F3": 175, "FS3": 185, "G3": 196, "GS3": 208, "A3": 220, "AS3": 233, "B3": 247, "C4": 262, "CS4": 277, "D4": 294, "DS4": 311, "E4": 330, "F4": 349, "FS4": 370, "G4": 392, "GS4": 415, "A4": 440, "AS4": 466, "B4": 494, "C5": 523, "CS5": 554, "D5": 587, "DS5": 622, "E5": 659, "F5": 698, "FS5": 740, "G5": 784, "GS5": 831, "A5": 880, "AS5": 932, "B5": 988, "C6": 1047, "CS6": 1109, "D6": 1175, "DS6": 1245, "E6": 1319, "F6": 1397, "FS6": 1480, "G6": 1568, "GS6": 1661, "A6": 1760, "AS6": 1865, "B6": 1976, "C7": 2093, "CS7": 2217, "D7": 2349, "DS7": 2489, "E7": 2637, "F7": 2794, "FS7": 2960, "G7": 3136, "GS7": 3322, "A7": 3520, "AS7": 3729, "B7": 3951, "C8": 4186, "CS8": 4435, "D8": 4699, "DS8": 4978 } # Put the notes for your song in here! SONG = ("F6", "F6", "E6", "F6", "F5", "P", "F5", "P", "C6", "AS5", "A5", "C6", "F6", "P", "F6", "P", "G6", "FS6", "G6", "G5", "P", "G5", "P", "G6", "F6", "E6", "D6", "C6", "P", "C6", "P", "D6", "E6", "F6", "E6", "D6", "C6", "D6", "C6", "AS5", "A5", "AS5", "A5", "G5", "F5", "G5", "F5", "E5", "D5", "C5", "D5", "E5", "F5", "G5", "AS5", "A5", "G5", "A5", "F5", "P", "F5") NOTE_DURATION = 0.150 # The time (in seconds) to play each note for. Change this to make the song play faster or slower STATIONARY_TOGGLE_US = 2000 # The time (in microseconds) between each direction switch of the motor when using STATIONARY_PLAYBACK STATIONARY_PLAYBACK = False # Whether to play the song with or without the motors spinning DECAY_MODE = SLOW_DECAY # The motor decay mode to use, either FAST_DECAY (0) or SLOW_DECAY (1). Affects the song's quality # Free up hardware resources ahead of creating new Motors # (avoids occasional issues where the song just stops playing) gc.collect() # Create two motor objects with a given decay mode motor_1 = Motor(pico_motor_shim.MOTOR_1, mode=DECAY_MODE) motor_2 = Motor(pico_motor_shim.MOTOR_2, mode=DECAY_MODE) # Create a pin for the Pico's onboard LED led = Pin(25, Pin.OUT) led.value(False) # Create the user button button_a = Button(pico_motor_shim.BUTTON_A, repeat_time=0) # Variable for recording if the button has been toggled # Starting as True makes the song play automatically button_toggle = True # Function to check if the button has been toggled def check_button_toggle(): global button_toggle if button_toggle = not button_toggle return button_toggle while True: # Has the button been toggled? if check_button_toggle(): # Turn the Pico's LED on to show that the song has started led.value(True) # Play the song for i in range(len(SONG)): if check_button_toggle(): if SONG[i] == "P": # This is a "pause" note, so stop the motors motor_1.stop() motor_2.stop() time.sleep(NOTE_DURATION) else: # Get the frequency of the note and set the motors to it freq = TONES[SONG[i]] motor_1.frequency(freq) motor_2.frequency(freq) if STATIONARY_PLAYBACK: # Set the motors to 50% duty cycle to play the note, but alternate # the direction so that the motor does not actually spin t = 0 while t < NOTE_DURATION * 1000000: motor_1.duty(0.5) motor_2.duty(0.5) time.sleep_us(STATIONARY_TOGGLE_US) t += STATIONARY_TOGGLE_US motor_1.duty(-0.5) motor_2.duty(-0.5) time.sleep_us(STATIONARY_TOGGLE_US) t += STATIONARY_TOGGLE_US else: # Set the motors to 50% duty cycle to play the note whilst spinning motor_1.duty(0.5) motor_2.duty(0.5) time.sleep(NOTE_DURATION) else: # The button was toggled again, so stop playing the song break button_toggle = False # The song has finished, so turn off the Pico's LED and disable the motors led.value(False) motor_1.disable() motor_2.disable() time.sleep(0.01)