import gc import WIFI_CONFIG from network_manager import NetworkManager import uasyncio import ujson from urllib import urequest # from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_INKY_FRAME as DISPLAY # 5.7" # from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_INKY_FRAME_4 as DISPLAY # 4.0" from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_INKY_FRAME_7 as DISPLAY # 7.3" from machine import Pin from pimoroni_i2c import PimoroniI2C from pcf85063a import PCF85063A import time I2C_SDA_PIN = 4 I2C_SCL_PIN = 5 HOLD_VSYS_EN_PIN = 2 # set up and enable vsys hold so we don't go to sleep hold_vsys_en_pin = Pin(HOLD_VSYS_EN_PIN, Pin.OUT) hold_vsys_en_pin.value(True) # intialise the pcf85063a real time clock chip i2c = PimoroniI2C(I2C_SDA_PIN, I2C_SCL_PIN, 100000) rtc = PCF85063A(i2c) # Length of time between updates in Seconds. # Frequent updates will reduce battery life! UPDATE_INTERVAL = 60 * 1 # API URL URL = "" def status_handler(mode, status, ip): print(mode, status, ip) network_manager = NetworkManager(WIFI_CONFIG.COUNTRY, status_handler=status_handler) gc.collect() graphics = PicoGraphics(DISPLAY) WIDTH, HEIGHT = graphics.get_bounds() gc.collect() def display_quote(text, ox, oy, scale, wordwrap): # Processing text is memory intensive # so we'll do it one char at a time as we draw to the screen line_height = 8 * scale html = False html_tag = "" word = "" space_width = graphics.measure_text(" ", scale=scale) x = ox y = oy for char in text: if char in "[]": continue if char == "<": html = True html_tag = "" continue if char == ">": html = False continue if html: if char in "/ ": continue html_tag += char continue if char in (" ", "\n") or html_tag == "br": w = graphics.measure_text(word, scale=scale) if x + w > wordwrap or char == "\n" or html_tag == "br": x = ox y += line_height graphics.text(word, x, y, scale=scale) word = "" html_tag = "" x += w + space_width continue word += char # Last word w = graphics.measure_text(word, scale=scale) if x + w > wordwrap: x = ox y += line_height graphics.text(word, x, y, scale=scale) rtc.enable_timer_interrupt(True) while True: # Connect to WiFi uasyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(network_manager.client(WIFI_CONFIG.SSID, WIFI_CONFIG.PSK)) # Clear the screen graphics.set_pen(1) graphics.clear() graphics.set_pen(0) # Grab the data socket = urequest.urlopen(URL) j = ujson.load(socket) socket.close() text = [j['activity'], j['type'], j['participants']] # Page lines! graphics.set_pen(3) graphics.line(0, 65, WIDTH, 65) for i in range(2, 13): graphics.line(0, i * 35, WIDTH, i * 35) # Page margin graphics.set_pen(4) graphics.line(50, 0, 50, HEIGHT) graphics.set_pen(0) # Main text graphics.set_font("cursive") graphics.set_pen(4) graphics.set_font("cursive") graphics.text("Activity Idea", 55, 30, WIDTH - 20, 2) graphics.set_pen(0) graphics.set_font("bitmap8") display_quote(text[0], 55, 170, 5, WIDTH - 20) graphics.set_pen(2) graphics.text("Activity Type: " + text[1], 55, HEIGHT - 45, WIDTH - 20, 2) graphics.text("Participants: " + str(text[2]), 400, HEIGHT - 45, WIDTH - 20, 2) graphics.update() # Time to have a little nap until the next update rtc.set_timer(UPDATE_INTERVAL) hold_vsys_en_pin.init(Pin.IN) time.sleep(UPDATE_INTERVAL)