# Roadmap This was the original roadmap, filed here in 2019-11-21 for future reference: - [ ] Prebuilt Raspbian image with everything baked in - [ ] `chroot`/namespace isolation (tentative) - [ ] Relay commands to other nodes - [ ] Proxy deployments to other nodes (build on one box, deploy to many) - [ ] Support Clojure/Java deployments through `boot` or `lein` - [ ] Sample Go app - [ ] Support Go deployments (in progress) - [ ] nginx SSL optimization/cypher suites, own certificates - [ ] Review deployment messages - [ ] WIP: Review docs/CLI command documentation (short descriptions done, need `help ` and better descriptions) - [ ] Lua/WSAPI support - [x] Support for Java Apps with maven/gradle (in progress through jwsgi, by @matrixjnr) - [x] Django and Wisp examples (by @chr15m) - [x] Project logo (by @chr15m) - [x] Various release/deployment improvements (by @chr15m) - [x] Support Node deployments (by @chr15m) - [x] Let's Encrypt support (by @chr15m) - [x] Allow setting `nginx` IP bindings in `ENV` file (`NGINX_IPV4_ADDRESS` and `NGINX_IPV6_ADDRESS`) - [x] Cleanups to remove 2.7 syntax internally - [x] Change to Python 3 runtime as default, with `PYTHON_VERSION = 2` as fallback - [x] Run in Python 3 only - [x] (experimental) REPL in `feature/repl` - [x] Python 3 support through `PYTHON_VERSION = 3` - [x] static URL mapping to arbitrary paths (hat tip to @carlosefr for `nginx` tuning) - [x] remote CLI (requires `ssh -t`) - [x] saner uWSGI logging - [x] `gevent` activated when `UWSGI_GEVENT = ` - [x] enable CloudFlare ACL when `NGINX_CLOUDFLARE_ACL = True` - [x] Autodetect SPDY/HTTPv2 support and activate it - [x] Basic nginx SSL config with self-signed certificates and UNIX domain socket connection - [x] nginx support - creates an nginx config file if `NGINX_SERVER_NAME` is defined - [x] Testing with pre-packaged [uWSGI][uwsgi] versions on Debian Jessie (yes, it was painful) - [x] Support barebones binary deployments - [x] Complete installation instructions (see `INSTALL.md`, which also has a draft of Go installation steps) - [x] Installation helper/SSH key setup - [x] Worker scaling - [x] Remote CLI commands for changing/viewing applied/live settings - [x] Remote tailing of all logfiles for a single application - [x] HTTP port selection (and per-app environment variables) - [x] Sample Python app - [X] `Procfile` support (`wsgi` and `worker` processes for now, `web` processes being tested) - [x] Basic CLI commands to manage apps - [x] `virtualenv` isolation - [x] Support Python deployments - [x] Repo creation upon first push - [x] Basic understanding of [how `dokku` works](http://off-the-stack.moorman.nu/2013-11-23-how-dokku-works.html) [click]: http://click.pocoo.org [pi]: http://www.raspberrypi.org [dokku]: https://github.com/dokku/dokku [raspi-cluster]: https://github.com/rcarmo/raspi-cluster [cygwin]: http://www.cygwin.com [uwsgi]: https://github.com/unbit/uwsgi [wsl]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Subsystem_for_Linux