
130 wiersze
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2017-06-30 23:18:15 +00:00
#typedef struct {
# uint16_t year;
# uint8_t month;
# uint8_t day;
# uint8_t hour;
# uint8_t minute;
# uint8_t second;
# uint16_t millisecond;
#} ptime_t;
#typedef struct {
# uint32_t id; // Serial ID
# ptime_t time; // GPS time
# // GPS
# bool gps_lock; // True = on last try GPS has been locked
# int32_t gps_lat; // Latitude in *10^7
# int32_t gps_lon; // Longitude in *10^7
# int32_t gps_alt; // Altitude in meter
# uint8_t gps_sats; // Satellites used for solution
# uint8_t gps_ttff; // Time to first fix in seconds
# // Voltage and current measurement
# uint16_t adc_vsol; // Current solar voltage in mV
# uint16_t adc_vbat; // Current battery voltage in mV
# uint16_t adc_vusb; // Current USB voltage in mV
# int16_t adc_pbat; // Average battery current (since last track point)
# int16_t adc_isol; // Current solar shot current
# // BME280 (on board)
# uint32_t air_press; // Airpressure in Pa*10 (in 0.1Pa)
# uint16_t air_hum; // Rel. humidity in %*10 (in 0.1%)
# int16_t air_temp; // Temperature in degC*100 (in 0.01C)
#} trackPoint_t;
class TrackPoint:
def __init__(self, d): = ord(d[0]) + ord(d[1])*0x100 + ord(d[2])*0x10000 + ord(d[3])*0x1000000
self.year = ord(d[4]) + ord(d[5])*0x100
self.month = ord(d[6]) = ord(d[7])
self.hour = ord(d[8])
self.minute = ord(d[9])
self.second = ord(d[10])
self.millisecond = ord(d[11]) + ord(d[12])*0x100
# 13 always 0
self.gps_lock = ord(d[14])
# 15 always 0
self.gps_lat = (ord(d[16]) + ord(d[17])*0x100 + ord(d[18])*0x10000 + ord(d[19])*0x1000000) / 10000000.0
self.gps_lon = (ord(d[20]) + ord(d[21])*0x100 + ord(d[22])*0x10000 + ord(d[23])*0x1000000) / 10000000.0
self.gps_alt = ord(d[24]) + ord(d[25])*0x100 + ord(d[26])*0x10000 + ord(d[27])*0x1000000
self.gps_sats = ord(d[28])
self.gps_ttff = ord(d[29])
self.vsol = ord(d[30]) + ord(d[31])*0x100
self.vbat = ord(d[32]) + ord(d[33])*0x100
self.vusb = ord(d[34]) + ord(d[35])*0x100
self.pbat = ord(d[36]) + ord(d[37])*0x100
self.isol = ord(d[38]) + ord(d[39])*0x100
self.air_press = ord(d[40]) + ord(d[41])*0x100 + ord(d[42])*0x10000 + ord(d[43])*0x1000000
self.air_hum = ord(d[44]) + ord(d[45])*0x100
self.air_temp = ord(d[46]) + ord(d[47])*0x100
if self.gps_lat > 0x7FFFFFFF: self.gps_lat -= 0x100000000
if self.gps_lon > 0x7FFFFFFF: self.gps_lon -= 0x100000000
if self.pbat > 0x7FFF: self.pbat -= 0x10000
if self.air_temp > 0x7FFF: self.air_temp -= 0x10000
self.air_temp /= 100.0
self.hex = '0x'
for i in range(len(d)):
self.hex += ('0' if ord(d[i])<16 else '') + hex(ord(d[i]))[2:]
with open('log.bin', 'rb') as f:
while True:
d =
if len(d) != 48:
tp = TrackPoint(d)
if != 0xFFFFFFFF:
"%d,%d-%02d-%02d,%02d:%02d:%02d:%04d,%d,%.5f,%.5f,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%.2f" %