set title "leandvb: Sensitivity vs samples-per-symbol (sps) and demodulation options set xrange [2:25] set xtics 1 set xlabel "Eb/N0 (dB)" set logscale y set yrange [1e-6:1e-1] set ylabel "VBER (BER before RS decoding)" set format y "%.1tE%T" set grid #set term wxt size 800,480 #set term qt size 800,480 set term gif medium size 1280,768 set output "leandvb_bench_results.gif" set object rectangle from 0,1e-7 to 4.5,2e-4 behind fillcolor rgbcolor "black" fillstyle solid 0.1 noborder set label "DVB-S\nerror performance\nrequirements\n(vber 2e-4 at 4.5 dB)" at 2.8,1.1e-5 center rotate by 90 plot "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "1.2sps-hs." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "1.2sps-hs (HamTV on Raspberry Pi 2)" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "2.4sps-hs." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "2.4sps-hs" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "4.2sps-hs." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "4.2sps-hs" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "1.2sps." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "1.2sps (HamTV on tablet)" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "4.2sps." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "4.2sps" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "4.2sps-rrc." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "4.2sps-rrc" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "1.2sps-viterbi." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "1.2sps-viterbi (HamTV on desktop)" , \ 0.5*erfc(sqrt(10**(x/10))) with lines title "Uncoded QPSK" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "1.2sps-viterbi-rrc." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "1.2sps-viterbi-rrc" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "2.4sps-viterbi-rrc." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "2.4sps-viterbi-rrc" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "4sps-viterbi-rrc." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "4sps-viterbi-rrc" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "4.2sps-viterbi-rrc." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "4.2sps-viterbi-rrc" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "8.2sps." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "8.2sps" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "8sps-viterbi-rrc." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "8sps-viterbi-rrc" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "32sps-viterbi-rrc." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "32sps-viterbi-rrc" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "test." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "test" , \ "leandvb_bench_results.txt" index "satmodem4200-60sps." using 4:($8+$9)/2:8:9 with yerrorlines title "satmodem4200-60sps" , \ 2e-4 with lines title "Quasi-error-free threshold" set term qt size 2048, 1024 replot