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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ocitysmap, city map and street index generator from OpenStreetMap data
# Copyright (C) 2010 David Decotigny
# Copyright (C) 2010 Frédéric Lehobey
# Copyright (C) 2010 Pierre Mauduit
# Copyright (C) 2010 David Mentré
# Copyright (C) 2010 Maxime Petazzoni
# Copyright (C) 2010 Thomas Petazzoni
# Copyright (C) 2010 Gaël Utard
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import math
import shapely.wkt
import xml.sax
import mapnik
assert mapnik.mapnik_version() >= 300000, \
"Mapnik module version %s is too old, see ocitysmap's INSTALL " \
"for more details." % mapnik.mapnik_version_string()
import logging
LOG = logging.getLogger('ocitysmap')
EARTH_RADIUS = 6370986 # meters
def dd2dms(value):
abs_value = abs(value)
degrees = int(abs_value)
frac = abs_value - degrees
minutes = int(frac * 60)
seconds = (frac * 3600) % 60
return (degrees, minutes, seconds)
# new Proj library versions (e.g. v9 on Debian 12)
_proj_wgs84 = mapnik.Projection("epsg:4326")
_proj_google = mapnik.Projection("epsg:3857")
# old Proj libraray versions (e.g. v7 on Debian 11)
_proj_wgs84 = mapnik.Projection("+init=epsg:4326")
_proj_google = mapnik.Projection( "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 " \
"+lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m " \
"+nadgrids=@null +no_defs +over")
def get_proj_transformation():
return mapnik.ProjTransform(_proj_wgs84, _proj_google)
class Point:
def __init__(self, lat, long_):
self._lat, self._long = float(lat), float(long_)
def parse_wkt(wkt):
long_,lat = wkt[6:-1].split()
return Point(lat, long_)
def get_latlong(self):
return self._lat, self._long
def as_wkt(self, with_point_statement=True):
contents = '%f %f' % (self._long, self._lat)
if with_point_statement:
return "POINT(%s)" % contents
return contents
def __str__(self):
return 'Point(lat=%f, long_=%f)' % (self._lat, self._long)
class BoundingBox:
The BoundingBox class defines a geographic rectangle area specified by the
coordinates of its top left and bottom right corners, in latitude and
longitude (4326 projection).
def __init__(self, lat1, long1, lat2, long2):
(self._lat1, self._long1) = float(lat1), float(long1)
(self._lat2, self._long2) = float(lat2), float(long2)
# make sure lat1/long1 is the upper left, and the others the btm right
if (self._lat1 < self._lat2):
self._lat1, self._lat2 = self._lat2, self._lat1
if (self._long1 > self._long2):
self._long1, self._long2 = self._long2, self._long1
def parse_wkt(wkt):
"""Returns a BoundingBox object created from the coordinates of a
polygon given in WKT format."""
geom_envelope = shapely.wkt.loads(wkt).bounds
except Exception as rx:
raise ValueError("Invalid input WKT: %s" % ex)
return BoundingBox(geom_envelope[1], geom_envelope[0],
geom_envelope[3], geom_envelope[2])
def parse_latlon_strtuple(points):
"""Returns a BoundingBox object from a tuple of strings
[("lat1,lon1"), ("lat2,lon2")]"""
(lat1, long1) = points[0].split(',')
(lat2, long2) = points[1].split(',')
return BoundingBox(lat1, long1, lat2, long2)
def get_left(self):
return self._long1
def get_right(self):
return self._long2
def get_top(self):
return self._lat1
def get_bottom(self):
return self._lat2
def get_top_left(self):
return (self._lat1, self._long1)
def get_bottom_right(self):
return (self._lat2, self._long2)
def create_expanded(self, dlat, dlong):
""" Extend bounding box
Return a new bbox extended by the given values
on all sides. Not that values are added to all
sides, so the total width actually expands by
2*dlat vertically and 2*dlong horizontally.
dlat : float
Number of degrees to add vertically
dlon : float
Number of degrees to add horizontally
New extended bounding box
return BoundingBox(self._lat1 + dlat, self._long1 - dlong,
self._lat2 - dlat, self._long2 + dlong)
def create_padded(self, factor):
delta_lat = factor * abs(self._lat1 - self._lat2)
delta_long = factor * abs(self._long1 - self._long2)
return self.create_expanded(delta_lat, delta_long)
def merge(self, bbox):
"""Merge with other bounding box
Create a new bounding box that contains both this and
the other bounding box completely.
bbox : BoundingBox
The other bouding box to merge this one with.
self._lat1 = max(self._lat1, bbox._lat1)
self._lat2 = min(self._lat2, bbox._lat2)
self._long1 = min(self._long1, bbox._long1)
self._long2 = max(self._long2, bbox._long2)
def _ptstr(point):
return '%.4f,%.4f' % (point[0], point[1])
def __str__(self):
return 'BoundingBox(%s %s)' \
% (BoundingBox._ptstr(self.get_top_left()),
def as_wkt(self, with_polygon_statement=True):
xmax, ymin = self.get_top_left()
xmin, ymax = self.get_bottom_right()
s_coords = ("%f %f, %f %f, %f %f, %f %f, %f %f"
% (ymin, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, xmax,
ymax, xmin, ymin, xmin))
if with_polygon_statement:
return "POLYGON((%s))" % s_coords
return s_coords
def as_text(self):
txt = ""
(deg, min, sec) = dd2dms(self._lat1)
if deg >= 0:
chr = 'N'
chr = 'S'
deg = -deg
txt += "%d°%02d'%02d\"%s, " % (deg, min, sec, chr)
(deg, min, sec) = dd2dms(self._long1)
if deg >= 0:
chr = 'E'
chr = 'W'
deg = -deg
txt += "%d°%02d'%02d\"%s<br/>" % (deg, min, sec, chr)
(deg, min, sec) = dd2dms(self._lat2)
if deg >= 0:
chr = 'N'
chr = 'S'
deg = -deg
txt += "%d°%02d'%02d\"%s, " % (deg, min, sec, chr)
(deg, min, sec) = dd2dms(self._long2)
if deg >= 0:
chr = 'E'
chr = 'W'
deg = -deg
txt += "%d°%02d'%02d\"%s" % (deg, min, sec, chr)
return txt
def spheric_sizes(self):
"""Metric distances at the bounding box top latitude.
list of float
Returns the tuple (metric_size_lat, metric_size_long)
delta_lat = abs(self._lat1 - self._lat2)
delta_long = abs(self._long1 - self._long2)
radius_lat = EARTH_RADIUS * math.cos(math.radians(self._lat1))
return (EARTH_RADIUS * math.radians(delta_lat),
radius_lat * math.radians(delta_long))
def get_pixel_size_for_zoom_factor(self, zoom):
"""Bbox size in pixels for given zoom factor
Return the size in pixels (tuple height,width) needed to
render the bounding box at the given zoom factor.
zoom : int
Numeric map tile zoom factor
int, int
Required pixel height and width
delta_long = abs(self._long1 - self._long2)
# 2^zoom tiles (1 tile = 256 pix) for the whole earth
pix_x = delta_long * (2 ** (zoom + 8)) / 360
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercator_projection
yplan = lambda lat: math.log(math.tan(math.pi/4.0 +
# OSM maps are drawn between -85 deg and + 85, the whole amplitude
# is 256*2^(zoom)
pix_y = (yplan(self._lat1) - yplan(self._lat2)) \
* (2 ** (zoom + 7)) / yplan(85)
return (int(math.ceil(pix_y)), int(math.ceil(pix_x)))
def to_mercator(self):
""" Bbox coordinates in spherical mercator
Converts the bounding box coordinates from WGS84 lat/lon (EPSG:4326)
to spherical mercator (EPSG:3857, formerly also EPGS:900913)
list of float
Mercator coordinates for bottom left, bottom right, top left, top right
envelope = mapnik.Box2d(self.get_top_left()[1],
_proj = get_proj_transformation()
bottom_left = _proj.forward(mapnik.Coord(envelope.minx, envelope.miny))
top_right = _proj.forward(mapnik.Coord(envelope.maxx, envelope.maxy))
top_left = mapnik.Coord(bottom_left.x, top_right.y)
bottom_right = mapnik.Coord(top_right.x, bottom_left.y)
return (bottom_right, bottom_left, top_left, top_right)
def as_json_bounds(self):
"""Bbox bounds in JSON format
Returns this bounding box as an array of arrays that can be
serialized as JSON.
list of list of float
First list entry is list of lat and lon of upper left bbox corner,
second entry contains lat/lon of lower right bbox corner.
return [[self._lat1, self._long1],
[self._lat2, self._long2]]
if __name__ == "__main__":
wkt = 'POINT(2.0333 48.7062132250362)'
pt = Point.parse_wkt(wkt)
print(wkt, pt, pt.as_wkt())
bbox = BoundingBox(52,8,53,9)